ヨハネによる福音書6章24-35節「信仰の働き」 “The Work of Faith”
皆さんの内、夏休みに家族、日本からのお客さんを連れて、Las Vegas、或はGrand Canyon に行かれたことのある方がいらっしゃると思います。それが春、または秋なら良いのですが、夏の半ばに行って、あんな熱い所には二度と行きたくないと思われた方もいるでしょう。Las Vegas の8月の昼間の平均温度は華氏で108度といわれています。
しかしアメリカの中で一番暑い所はこのCalifornia のDeath Valley と言れる砂漠地帯です。1913年の7月10日に、ここでアメリカの一番暑い日を記録、温度は華氏の134度でした。このDeath Valleyは名前のとおり、過去に何百人もの人が、水を持たなく道を間違えてさまよい命を落としたところです。また、このDeath Valley は、第二次世界大戦が始まったすぐ後、日系アメリカ人が、強制的に連れて行かれたキャンプの一つであるManzanar からそんなに遠くはありません。ということは、4年にわたる強制キャンプの生活は信じることもできないきついものだったのです。
キリスト教で言われる救いはすべての人に約束されているのです。天地を創造された神様が、長い人間の歴史、それも、ユダヤ人の歴史を通して私たちに示してくださっているのです。聖書はとても大きな本で、短編小説のように一日で読めるようなものではありません。しかし天地を創造された神様は、私たち人間を神様のイメージをもって造り、お互いが、愛し合って生活できるような精神を私たち一人ひとりに与えてくださったのです。聖書は一言で言えば、神様の私たちにくださった Love Letterなのです。
英語で言うなら、Salvation is free gift, handed over to us by God with no strings attached. 私たちは無条件で神様から救いの約束をいただいているのです。どうも無条件でという言葉の裏に何かあるのではないかと思われているようですが、救いの約束は自分の意志で、できるものではありません。神様に頼る、神様を信頼することのよって初めて私たちに与えられていることを知るのです。私のフィラデルフィア時代の友達であるハイソン牧師がこのことを何年か前、次の話の譬えで語ってくれました。それを紹介しましょう。
あるクルーズ・シップが、一週間にわたる太平洋の航海を終えて、霧に包まれたSan Francisco Bayに入ってきました。デッキに出ていた人たちは期待していたGolden Gate も、アルカトラズも何も見えません。それなのに、このクルーズ・シップはなんと全速力で走っているのです。これを心配したクルーズのお客さんたちは、一等航海士に言いました。「何も見えないところでスピードもおとさず、事故を招くようなことを何故するのですか?」一等航海士はこれに答えて「船はキャプテンの指図で安全に航海しています。心配することはありません。キャプテンのいるデックは船の一番高い所で、そこからはすべてが見えるのです」と。同じように、神様は、高い所から私たちの霧の包まれたような人生を見つめていてくださっているのです。神様は私たちを愛する神様です。私たちの人生に祝福を与えてくださる神様が、私たちのパイロットであると信じ、神様に従う人生を共に助け合って生きてゆきましょう。アーメン。
John 6:24-35 The Work of Faith
May God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ give you grace and peace. Amen.
You may remember the following story I shared with you a couple of years ago. It’s a story of a traveler who came to the dry well in the midst of the desert.
You have probably heard that the hottest temperature recorded in the United States is Death Valley in the summer that is about 150 miles North East from us. Many of you experienced hot weather of Las Vegas or Phoenix on your summer vacation, but the small city of Furnace Creek in Death Valley recorded 134 degree temperature on July 10th 1913. No wonder people get heat stroke by just visiting Death Valley for just a few hours.
By the way, one of the Japanese internment camps during the World War II is called “Manzanar” and this was also located not so far from Death Valley. I cannot imagine the suffering these Japanese Americans experienced in this kind of extreme weather.
The following story is what I used a couple years ago in my preaching. Some of you may remember. This is a story of a man who arrived at the well alone in the midst of the desert. He traveled several days in the desert and was exhausted and super thirsty. He was ready to fill his canteen, but wait there is a note attached how to handle of the pump. The note read, “I have buried a bottle of water to prime the pump. Don’t drink any of it. Pour in half of it to wet the leather. Wait for a while and then pour in the rest. Then pump. The well has never gone dry, but the pump must be primed to bring the water up. Have faith and believe. When you are through drawing water, fill the bottle and bury it in the sand for the next person who will pass that way.”
What would you do? This story possesses an interesting question for all of us. Would you believe and trust in that written message by the water pump, or would you only worry about your own thirst and drink from the water bottle knowing that the water will give you enough strength to go on? What would you do?
Now in the same way think about the words in the Bible. They are our words of salvation in the desert of life. They are our source of life, life for eternity. Do you believe in them, or do you want to try your own way?
Our lesson this morning concerns faith. Someone in the crowd asked Jesus, “What must we do to be doing the works of God. Then Jesus goes on and says, “I am the bread of life; he who comes to me shall not hunger, he who believes in me shall never thirst.”
Faith can be defined as an obedient attitude to the will of God. Trusting and believing that the promises God has made for us through Jesus Christ is true.Sometimes you and I get our work all mixed up. We think our work is salvation and so we try our hardest to save ourselves instead of trusting in God and being obedient to his will. It is as if we drank that bottle of water beside the pump instead of using it to prime the pump. We would have been trusting in ourselves, our own resources for living instead of trusting and believing in God and his promises.esus tells us in this passage that salvation is a gift that is the Bread of Life.
It is a gift, a present, something that is handed over to us with no strings attached. Something that God through his Son wants us to have, salvation. Notice Jesus doesn’t say anything about us working for this gift, or earning this gift, or achieving this gift for ourselves, but Jesus says he will give it to us, it is ours, a free gift.
This is very important for us to know that salvation is a free gift from God. Sometimes we want to try to earn that gift of salvation. Listen to the words of Jesus: “But through Christ,” God makes us ready for him. God is doing the work, God is doing the action, and God is giving us salvation through the body and blood of Christ.Our work as Jesus says is to believe in him. Our work is to have in Jesus Christ who will give us salvation.
We don’t need to worry about our salvation. We don’t need to try and obtain it for ourselves. Our work is to believe that this promise of salvation is true for us. It is God who is steering the ship of life. It is God who is in control of our salvation; it is God who will welcome us home to him when our pilgrimage on earth is ended. Jesus wants us to believe that our salvation is secure in the hands of God.
It is like the ship which was returning from an oversee voyage entering the San Francisco Bay. A heavy fog enveloped the ship on all sides, completely concealing the shores and all objects from the view of the passengers.
To much of their amazement, the ship continued at full speed. They became frightened and felt that the speed was extremely reckless on the part of the captain.Finally, one of the passengers expressed concerns to the first mate of the ship, demanding that the ship be slowed down. The mate listened. The first mate listened, and then replied with a smile: “O don’t be afraid, the passengers need not be uneasy in the least. The fog extends up only a short way above the water and the captain is at the masthead, and that is up above the fog and it is he who is directing the ship.”
In the same kind of way, Jesus is asking us to believe and trust in God as the captain of our ship directing us above all the foggy situations of life that we cannot understand. God is directing our ship of life because as captain God loves us and wants us to have a life that is abundant with all of his blessings. Amen.