ルカによる福音書9章57-62節「イエス様に従う為には」 “The Cost of Following Jesus”
坂本九さんがこの世界的にヒットした歌『上を向いて歩こう』を歌ったのも此の頃です。所でオリンピックの水泳の切符が手に入り、代々木の立派なオリンピックプールに行くことができ、そこで驚いたのは、水泳の選手がとても若いことでした。皆さんの中で、背泳の金メダル候補の田中聡子さんを覚えている方いますか? 彼女はその前のオリンピックでメダルをとりそこなった、しかし、今度こそは金メダルをと意気込んでいたのです。しかし、決勝戦の背泳ぎのイベントはそこにいたすべての人をあっとさせました。というのはまた15歳になったばかりのアメリカの少女が世界新記録で金メダルを取ったからです。この女性はCathy Ferguson という人で皆さんの中でこの人を知っている人もいるはずです。Cathy さんは長いことこの教会のメンバーでした。彼女のご主人はGreg Penten さんという10年ほど前まで、この教会で、聖歌隊の指揮をしていた人です。当時ここの日本語礼拝の牧師であった高塚先生から紹介されて、今でも付き合いがあります。
ところで1964年という年は本当に日本にとって国のイメージ・チェンジの年であったと思います。この年に日本は世界中のうち造船産業のトップになり、自動車もトヨタ、ダットサンが世界中に輸出されるようになったのです。エレクトロニクスも真空管からトランジスターの時代になり、Sony, Panasonic, Hitachi, そしてカメラもCanon, Nikonと世界に賞賛されるようになったのです。オリンピックが日本にとって多くの世界への発展の道を提供してくれたのは確かです。
皆さんの中で、Olga Korbut というOlympic 金メダリストを 覚えていますか? この人は1972年にソビエトの女性 体操の個人と団体の金メダルを取った人です。そして1976にはNadia Comaneci が perfect 10 という初めての点数を獲得したのです。
1984 年のオリンピックでは、アメリカのMary Rattonが始めての All around individual Gold Medalを受け取りました。そして1996年、Magnificent Seven と呼ばれたアメリカ女子体操選手の独りであるKerri Strug がみごとな跳馬で、英語で言うVault exerciseを成し遂げたのです。しかしその裏には大きな痛みがあったのです。というのは、Kerriが一回目の馬跳びををした時、着地で右足を捻挫したのです。普通だったら走るどころか、歩くのも無理、しかし、2回目の跳馬をしなければ、点数がもらえない、団体の金メダルも取れなくなるだろう。彼女はコーチのBella Karoplyi,に言いました。「私は二回目の馬跳びをします」。痛い足をまるで痛みがない様に全速力で走り、宙回転で体をツイストをし、片足で着地したのです。会場のすべての人が立ち上がり、拍手をしたのです。Bella Karolyi はもとルーマニアのKomaneci のコーチでしたが、共産国から自由を求めてアメリカに亡命し、アメリカでの女子体操に、奥さんと共に貢献してきました。彼の元で娘をオリンピックの選手になれるように教育してくださいと申し出た両親たちに言いました。
そしてこの競技が個人のことであるより、団体、仲間と意気投合してやってゆくなかで、初めて出来る事をわきまえてください」と。金メダルを取るということは大きな犠牲の中で始めてできるというのです。ところで今年のオリンピックは体操 は男子は日本が金メダル、アメリカは女子が金メダルでした。
アメリカの活躍したGabby Douglas さんはすべての科目で活躍し、個人の金メダルを取りました。 Douglas さんはアメリカの女性体操が優勝することを信じていたと語りました。彼女の名前Douglasのアルファベットを置き換えるとUSA-GOLDになるからです。おもしろいですね。
“The cost of following Jesus”
Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.
It has been almost 2 weeks since the Olympic games are over and I am missing the excitement of the Olympic games. I wonder if anyone remembers some of the names of the Japanese Olympic athletes in the past. Men’s gymnast Kouki Endo, women’s volleyball team player Nichibo-Kaizuka, Marathon runner Yukihiyo Tsuburaya.Back in 1964, I had an opportunity to observethe swimming competition in the Tokyo Olympic games when I was 12 years old. Some of you remember the back stroke swimmer Satoko Tanaka who was the Japanese hopeful to become the gold medalist.
I knew Americans and Australians were taking much about the gold medals already. But the Japanese were hoping that Satoko Tanaka will get the gold medal on the backstroke competition. There was a young freckled face of the 16 year old American girl who was also competing in this event. She was an American girl from California who had just turned 16 years old a few months ago.
And the race is about to start.
Get ready……then the siren went up. 8 of the swimmers started in unison, and in less than 25 meters, it became the race between this young American swimmer Cathy Ferguson and the French swimmer Karon. Tanaka did not even get the medal and we were all disappointed. Cathy Ferguson established the world record and she was the youngest swimmer of the whole competition. At the medal ceremony, Cathy Ferguson cried like a baby overwhelmed for joy of representing her country the United States of the America with this honor.
The 1964 Tokyo Olympics was a turning point for Japanese to show that the country was climbing up on the stage of the world power with the products to show. There were electronics, cameras, automobiles, supertankers, and companies like Panasonic, Toshiba, Toyota, Datsun, Nikon, Canon, Sony, Panasonic who were recognized as the companies to produce the world’s top level electronics and machineries.
I believe the Japanese people had sense of a pride, commitment and responsibility to become the major producer of the goods that people were expecting.
A famous singer, Kyu Sakamoto sung the biggest hit of the century “Uewomuoite Arukou”. This song called “Sukiyaki” became the number one hit song in the States in the mid 60’s. Can you believe that? The Japanese song became number one song in the United States. I truly believe 1960’s was the turning point of the Post war Japan. Japan came into the world scene to be recognized as an immerging country.
Going back to Cathy Ferguson, she was a member of this congregation, Lutheran Church of Resurrection for many years. Her husband Greg was the choir director, and their two of their three daughters are still members of this congregation. Cathy and Greg became good friends of Nancy and I many years ago and we visit each other a few times a year.
I love the Olympics games. Besides swimming, I enjoyed the competition of women gymnastic. In 1972 Russia’s Olga Korbut a teen ager stole the hearts of many people. In 1976 Nadia Comaneci, a Romanian teenager presented the first perfect points for the excise she performed. In 1984, America’s hope Mary Ratton received America’s first individual gold medal for the women’s gymnasts.
Then 1996, at the Atlanta Olympic, it was the “magnificent Seven” and Kerri Strug’s gusty vault exercise that ensured the gold medal for United States women’s gymnastics. The world watched as a young gymnast Kerri Strug severely sprained her leg on the first vault exercise. Her performance was essential to a United States victory. It looks like the U.S. would forfeit. Then Kerrie insisted on doing her final vault.
She raced toward the spring board and tossed her tiny body into the air. She held her footing for the judges then lifted her leg in excruciating pain. Her coach, Bella Karolyi, carried her from the platform.
The year when Karri Strug was born, this Romanian, Bella Karolyi, the coach of women’s gymnastics defected to the United States in search of freedom. He offered then teaching skills to the gymnasts of this country.
Karolyi explained to each parent that their daughters must sacrifice personal comfort and accept a lifestyle of intense physical discipline. Each child made a covenant to persevere in spite of physical pain. Kerrie Strug merely fulfilled the promises she had faithfully made to her coach at ten years old.
That may be great for gymnastics, football, or soccer. That kind of discipline may work indeed, but can you imagine Jesus setting such a rigorous discipline for his followers?
In our today’s Gospel, Jesus lays down the costs of discipleship. He wouldn’t make a very popular parish preacher. He makes it very plain that if we accept his way,It will be difficult, it will be costly, and it will be demanding.
Three people thought about being His disciples in today’s Gospel.
The first wannabe disciple said, “I will follow you wherever you go.” Jesus replied, “Foxes have holes, and birds of the air have nests, but the Son of Man has nowhere to lay his head.”
If you follow me – the kingdom of God is your home. Are you ready to give up the security of a home and a nice bed for the insecurity of being a disciple?
The second fella receives even harsher treatment. This fella wants to bury his father. That seems like a good reason. But Jesus says, “Let the dead bury their own dead, but as for you, go and proclaim the kingdom of God.” The kingdom of God takes precedence over other responsibility. That would surely upset a lot of schedules. There is no easy way around this calling.
The third disciple wannabe says, “Let me say good bye to those at home.” Jesus says, “No one who puts his hands to the plow and s back is fit for the kingdom of God.” Jesus says, “leave the past behind. Following me means new life. I even come before family.”
Those are pretty harsh words. Jesus says that discipleship requires an uncompromising commitment. Jesus never said, “Follow me, but only when it’s convenient.”
He didn’t say, “Follow me, after you have taken care of your own agenda.” He didn’t say, “Follow me; it will be a simple trip.”
Jesus doesn’t make discipleship easy. He makes discipleship difficult. A few years ago, I saw on the way to visit a Lutheran Church in Ramona a big Billboard that said, “Love your enemies. I said it and I mean it” signed “Jesus.”
Discipleship costs all that we have, all that we love, and all that we are. I am not sure if I can follow Jesus by my own will power or my effort alone. In our society the words we hear often are, “me”, “myself”, and “mine”. I have to admit that I am not fit to respond to the call of discipleship by Jesus.Jesus knows about that. But despite my human weakness he is asking me to live this life of the higher calling to follow his way with the help of his Spirit. It’s a journey we are asked to take, to live and care for our brothers and sisters who are in need of our love and caring.The early Christians were called, “The people of the way.” It is still true. It is a way of living the life, of commitment and of challenge.Whatever we do, as athletes or as Christians we have been asked to perform the work entrusted by someone who is called teacher, coach, or God.
There is an English hymn called “O Jesus, I have promised”. This hymn tells about our commitment to live as followers of Jesus. The fourth verse of this hymn writes, “O Jesus, you have promised to all who follow you that where you are in glory your servant shall be too. And Jesus, I have promised to serve you to the end, oh, give me grace to follow, my master and my friend. Amen.