September 4th, 2012

聖霊降臨後第14主日聖餐礼拝説教「伝統と愛の行為、どちらが大切?”Which is More Important, Tradition or the Act of Love?”岸野豊牧師

牧師説教, by admin1.


「伝統と愛の行為、どちらが大切?」  “Which is More Important, Tadition or the Act of Love?”






私たちクリスチャンは、神様の戒めを守ることを強調しますが、それらの戒律についていけない時があるのを知っています。戒律についてゆけない、戒律を守ることができない私たちが、真心から神様、この私の罪をお許しくださいと祈る時、神様であるイエス様は私たちを赦してくださるのです。戒律を守ることは大切ですが、所詮私たちは神様からこれを守りなさいと言われて、それに従わないことが多いのです。 それを罪を犯したとも言いますが、私たち、イエス様に従うものにとって一番大切なことは、私たちが自分でした間違いを神様に告白する時、神様は必ずどんな、私たちの起こした間違い、罪をも赦してくださります。

さて皆さんの中で、今、これから私の歌う歌を知っている人、ああ、聞いたことがあるという人がいる思います。聞いてみてください。Sunrise Sunset という, “Fiddler on the Roof”というMusical からの歌です。

Is this the little girl I carried?  Is this the little boy at play?

I don’t remember growing older. When did they?

When did she get to be a beauty?  When did he grow to be so tall?

Wasn’t it yesterday when they were small?

Sunrise Sunset, Sunrise Sunset swiftly flow by the days

One season following another, Laden with happiness and tears.

屋根の上のバイオリン弾き」英語では、 Fiddler on the Roof”というミュジカルを見たことある、聞いたことがある方がいると思います。、これは、伝統と愛の行為のどちらが大切かについての物語です。この小説は1964年に映画になり世界中で賞賛されました。少しあらすじの内容をお話しましょう。



「親が娘たちの結婚相手を見っけるのはユダヤ人の習慣。このTradition を変えるのは人生の間違え。親が子供の、特に娘の結婚相手を決めるべき。親が、子供の将来を考えて、幸福に暮らせるように、貧乏で苦労しないように、それがユダア人たちの習慣、そのTraditionをかえてはいけないんだ」とTevyeは映画の中で、何回も、何回も叫ぶのです。しかし3人の娘たちはみな自分の納得した男たちにTevye の祝福なくして嫁いで行ったのです。TevyeもTevyeの奥さんも娘たちを本当に愛していたのは本当です。しかし心がかたくなっていたTevye はいつまでたっても娘たちと義理の息子たちを祝福することができなかったのです。彼は何回も何回も続けて言います。Tradition, tradition, traditionが私たちユダヤ人の守る一番大切なこと。私たちの伝統を守らずにどうして神様は私たちユダヤ人を愛してくれようか」と。そして泣きながら言います。「なんでわたしたちの目の前でTradition が崩れていくんだろう」と。

劇中で次第にエスカレートしていくロシア共産党のユダヤ人迫害は、終盤でユダヤ人の国外追放が始まり、テヴィエたちは着の身着のまま住み慣れた村から追放されるまでになるのです。そこでアメリカという自由な国に移住する事を決めました。そこで最後に住み慣れた家を離れようとした、その時、兵隊と結婚していった娘が、Tevye とお母さんに最後の別れの挨拶に来たのです。頑固なお父さん、伝統、伝統、なんでも伝統にもとずかないものを阻害してきたお父さん,しかしもう生きてこの娘に会うことができないだろうと思っていたTevye とお母さんのところまで、さよならという切ない、しかし愛のこもった思いで見送りに来てくれた。そこでTevyeは男泣きするのです。


今日の説教に何回も繰り返してTraditon, 伝統という言葉を使っていますが、伝統そのものは悪い言葉ではありません。伝統が良くない言葉なら、クリスマスに毎年Christmas tree を飾るのも良くないのですか? 誕生日を祝うのもいけないのですか。しかし、伝統が宗教の中で一番大切なことではない、宗教の中で一番大切なことは、神様の私たちへの愛、そして愛を受けた私たちが、神様の教え、行動を他人に対しての愛として、私たち自身が、神様、イエス様の愛の行いのできる弟子となることです。





14th Sunday after Pentecost    Sept. 2, 2012Mark: 7:1-8,14-15,21-23

“Which is More Important、 Tradition or the Ac of Love”


May God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ give you grace and peace.  Amen.

I love musical Movies.  The Sound of music is still my favorite.  The Phantom of the opera, The Wizard of Oz, Grease, Cats, The South Pacific.

My favorite musical Movie is the Sound of Music with Julie Andrews and Christopher Plummer. But I equally love the movie called “The Fiddler on the Roof”.

As I was contemplating about the message for today’s sermon based on the Gospel lesson from Mark 7:1-23, I could not help, but think about the word “Tradition”.  The Jewish people kept tradition in their lives and that is precisely  the movie “The Fiddler on the  roof” is all about. 

The Fiddler on the roof is a classic story about a Jewish family, just before the great revolution in Russia, just about the time of the turn of the century.

And when you see the movie, it does several things for you.  But one thing the movie does is to give you the feeling of the love of tradition.  The Jews, especially the Orthodox Jews, have a sense of history.  They love their Passover, their festivals, their rituals.  The Jews of all the people on earth are some of the most traditional loving people I know.

“Fiddler on the Roof” is a story about Tevye, the old, bumbling patriarch , who was a poor farmer, his wife Golda, the resilient Jewish mother and their lovely 5 daughters, but especially the three older ones whom needed to be married.  The Plot of “The Fiddlers on the Roof” is the matchmaking of these three daughters. The story highlights the matchmaker who meets with the mother and father and matches their three older daughters to prospective husbands.  But the three older daughters want to choose their own husbands and not use the matchmaker. That means the tradition is changing. Those old traditions are beginning to crumble. 

Well, it happened one day that the parents, Tevye and Golda, had arrangements for their oldest daughter Tzietel, to marry the richest man in town.  The parents thought that this was a perfect match for their daughter.  But meanwhile their daughter didn’t think so, and she fell in love with a poor Jewish tailor.  In fact he was so poor he didn’t have enough money to buy a sewing machine.  

And finally one day, this young couple, very much in love, built up their courage and came to Tevye to ask if they could marry each other.  “What? You can’t do that!  That violates our tradition.  The father has a right to choose your husband.  Who are you to fall in love?  That’s my responsibility!  I know what’s good for you!  From the beginning of time, mothers and fathers have always chosen mates for their children!”

But then, like so many fathers, he gave in.  He granted permission for his daughter to marry that poor Jewish tailor.  He blessed his daughter, grumbling.  “Tradition, tradition, things are starting to change.”

Then came the second daughter, and it was the same story all over again.  She didn’t use the matchmaker.  She went off to marry a soldier who was in Siberia.

Then came the third daughter, and it was the same story all over again.  Not only did she not use the match maker, but worse yet, in fact the worst thing that ever could happen to a Jewish family, was that she fell in love with a non-Jew, with a Gentile.  With a Bolshevik soldier.  And to marry a non-Jew, a gentile, that was the unforgiving sin.

Now, when this young couple came to Tevye and announced their intentions, Tevye could bend no further.  He refused to give his daughter in marriage; he refused to bless her, he kicked her out of the house; he declared her as dead; her name was never to be mentioned again in his home, and so his deeply loved daughter was lost.  His daughter was now dead to Tevye.

Much later, at the very end of the story, the revolution was starting in Russia, and the Jews including Tevye and Golda with two youngest girls were fleeing to America.  This historic Jewish family was being fractured, never to see each other again.

And then comes the last scene, the most touching scene of the whole movie. The whole family said good-bye to each other, and suddenly the daughter who married to her Bolshevik husband, coming from nowhere, and standing outside the family gate, to say the last goodbye to her father.  And perhaps, just perhaps, to be blessed by him.  Perhaps, just perhaps, to be at peace with
the man she so deeply loved.

Tevye was caught.  What should he do?  He had vowed that his daughter was dead, that he would never speak with her again, now he was caught.  And he needed to say good-bye to that daughter.  And finally, in despair, Tevye turned his back on his daughter.  He turned away from her, and he bent over in brokenness and in grief.  No blessing.  No peace.  And the story ends tragically.

“Fiddler on the roof” is a story about a good man, Tevye, whose traditions were more important to him than the commandment to love and forgive as God loves and forgives.  It was a story of a good man who followed the traditional interpretation of what he thought the Bible said, “Jews are not to marry Gentiles” and this was ultimately more important to him than the commandment of God to love mercy and forgive.

The theme song from “Fiddler on the roof” is Tradition, that’s what the story of Tevye was all about, and that’s what today’s gospel story is all about.  The Pharisees made a priority of tradition over love. 
That tradition is more important than the commandment of love. 

Let me tell you one more time.  The Pharisees in the gospel today were more committed to their religious traditions than carrying out the fundamental commandment of the God of love, mercy and justice in our troubled world. And that’s what the Gospel story for today is all about.

What I am trying to say today is true for all of us.  Jesus Christ still loves us in all our sinfulness, and in all our selfishness, and all our busyness.  Jesus will never withdraw his love from us because of our selfishness, but I do think that Jesus was profoundly right when he suggested that the people of God sometimes love their religious traditions more than doing the commandments of God, more than the commandments of love, mercy, and justice.  

Have you seen the movie “Fiddler on the Roof?  If not, I would highly recommend it for you.   Amen.








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