私たちの父である神と主イエス・キリストからの恵みと平安が、あなた方にあるように。 アーメン
私たちの中で、この季節は夜が長くて昼が短いと、少しもの悲しいと思う方がいるはずです。では、皆さんにバローというアラスカの一番北端にある町に行ったと想像してください。この町はアメリカの最北端にある町で、人口は4257人、そのほとんどが、エスキモーです。一年の平均温度はー19度C, 平均風速は34kmです。
今日は顕現節の初めの日曜日です。皆さんは顕現節という言葉を毎年聞いているのですが、それはどういう意味か御存じでしょうか? 顕現とは何かが本体を表すという意味です。ですから、アラスカのバローで暗黒の日々が65日続いた後に太陽がそこで待っていた人たちに出てくるその姿です。
また最近悲しい事件がコネチカット州のNewtown という町で2週間ほど前に起ったのを皆さん覚えているはずです。一人の青年が、ピストル、機関銃を持ってSandy Hook Elementary School に入って来て20人の生徒と6人の先生を射殺したのです。なぜ無邪気な子供たち、またその子供たちをかばうように、自分の命を落とした先生たち。
さて今日の説教の最後に、もう一度、バロー、アラスカの人たちのところに帰ってみましょう。そこに今、太陽の光は見出せませんが、5月の10日には地球は反対に傾き、その時から、8月の2日まで太陽が24時間輝くようになるのです。同じことは、私たちの心の奥深くにある魂についても同じく言うことができるのです。イエス様の恵みと 憐れみを私たちの心に持つことができる私たちは、私たち自身が神様の光を放つことができるようになるのです。どんなに暗い思いに駆られる時、あなたに対してのイエス様の光は消えることがないことを覚えていてください。
Day of Epiphany (From Darkness to Light)
May God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christi give you grace and peace. Amen.
Many people complain about how dark it is this time of the year. But imagine living in the little town called Barrow, Alaska. It is located on the farthest northern tip of the state of Alaska, above the Arctic Circle. If you think it’s dark in the morning this time of the year, you have not seen anything. In Barrow Alaska, Sun sets in the afternoon on November 18th, and it doesn’t rise again until January 24th. Can you imagine the total darkness for 65 days?
But the sun does rise for a moment on January 24th, the whole town comes out to celebrate, because finally, there is light again.
It seems that the prophet Isaiah was speaking to the people of Barrow, Alaska, when he writes in verse one of our Old Testament lesson for this morning; “Arise, shine, for your light has come!”
What God’s word talks about there is a different kind of light, and a different kind of darkness. And when this special light that God speak about begins to shine though that ugly darkness, the results are much more spectacular and joyful than anything you could experience in northern Alaska.
Today is the first day of the official beginning of the Epiphany season of the church calendar. What does the word “epiphany” mean? An “Epiphany” is when something reveals itself, or shows itself. For example, in Barrow, Alaska, after 65days of darkness, the sun finally revels its glory for everyone to see. That’s an epiphany.
For the next two months, we will be in the Epiphany season, and the main purpose of Epiphany is to reveal to us the glory of our Savior Jesus Christ.
Our world has been still struggling many dark things. The Americans and our allied countries sent thousands of armed personals to countries such as Afghanistan, Pakistan and Iraq for over 8 years to try to find peaceful solution of the regional conflicts, but the majority of people still cannot see if anything good come out of this struggle. What are we try to accomplish? Or should we get out all together from the mess we created?
You can sum up the festival of Epiphany with one phrase, and that one phrase is the theme for our sermon this morning: From Darkness to light. “Arise,” God says to you, “Shine, for your light has come, and the glory of the Lord rises upon you.”
The Bible pictures you and me the rest of the world as a group of people living in darkness, people who have been waiting and waiting and waiting for the sun to rise; “See,” God says, “darkness covers the earth and thick darkness is over the peoples.”
God pictures our world as a very dark place. Spiritually dark. You can see evidence of spiritual darkness by looking around you – just over 2 weeks ago an armed young man entered into the Sandy Hook elementary school in Newtown in Connecticut killing 26 of them including 20 children. Why these innocent boys and girls had to go through this act of senselessness.
I know the constitution of the United States from very early on adapted to have the rights to own fire armaments. I understand over 30% of American household keep some kind of fire armaments. Coming the country, where the citizen outside of military and police personals cannot own or possess the fire arms, I cannot understand possibilities of violence in the United States, when a mad person miss use such weapon to the innocent people.
Yes, “thick darkness is over the peoples, but the birth of the Lord, Jesus Christ is described in the Bible as the rising of the sun on a very dark place. The sun rises, and the darkness disappears. When Jesus rises in your life, he shines his forgiveness and grace into your life, and the darkness in your soul disappears.
Their land of spiritual darkness because they wanted to see and worship the Christ. They made the long trip to Jerusalem, and they were probably surprised to see that this city was just as spiritually dark as the land they had come from.
But finally they found the Messiah. Isaiah talks about the wise men. “Nations will come to your light, and kings to the brightness of your dawn”.
Many people call Epiphany the “Gentile Christmas,” because one of the main themes of the Epiphany season is that Christ is a light, not just for a select group of people like the Jews, but for all the people, all over the world.
One of the important promise that our Savior has given to us this is…..”No matter how dark the world becomes, the light of Jesus Christ will never stop shining for you.
Going back to the people in Barrow, Alaska, while t is true that right now, the sun never rises there. But in six month from now, the earth will tilt a different way, and then, in Barrow, Alaska, the sun will never set. From May 10th until August 2nd, for almost three months, the sun will not stop shining in Barrow.
And so it is with your soul. Once the grace and mercy and forgiveness of Jesus Christ rises in your life, it will never stop shining. No matter how dark the world gets around you, Christ’s love will always shine your life.
Listen again. “Arise, shine, for your light has come. And the glory of the Lord rises upon you.” Amen.