使徒言行録:9:1-6 ヨハネ21:1-19
与えられている福音書、復活のイエスがペテロたちに3回目に現れているところ。 一回目は、復活の日の夕方、なぜか鍵のかかっている部屋に登場。 そして、二回目は、その一週間後、一回目はその場にいなかったトマスもいる11人の弟子全員の前に現れる。三回目はというと、、、一回目に、弟子たちに罪を赦す権限を与えられながら、弟子たちはいったいなにをしていたのか。 弟子たちの伝道活動はまだはじまっていない。 ガリラヤ湖に戻って、また漁師をはじめていた。本当は、人間を獲る漁師になるのではなかったのか? 一番弟子だったペトロが言いだして、他に6人の弟子たちが魚獲りに追従した。やはり昔の職業に戻ったほうがよいだろうと思った。でも魚は獲れたのだろうか? 最初の晩は、ぼうず。。これは聖書の表現ではないが、日本人でつりをしたことがある人はよく使う表現。 とくに、百人一首でぼうずめくりをして遊んだことのある人々にはピンとくると思う。 要は、魚が一匹もとれないこと。。 しかし、そこにイエスが顕れる。でも、弟子たちは、またまたそれが誰だかわからない。 イエスは、言われた「船の右側に網を打てば獲れる。」するとどうだろう。 たくさん魚が獲れるではないか。。。 そして弟子の一人が、「あっ、主イエス様だ。。。」と叫ぶ。弟子の筆頭者、ペトロは、「またやっちゃった。」 イエス様がそこにいてくださるのに、イエス様のことを忘れて、自分勝手な行動をしちゃった。 そして、まずは、イエス様から隠れる。 その後、イエス様とじっくり話す機会があることが書かれている。
十二弟子の核である、ペトロという人は、いうなれば、おっちょこちょい、はやとちり、よく考えない、めだちたがりや、そういう面がたくさん聖書には書かれている。 しかし、イエスは、神は、ペトロを使って、教会、キリストの体を創られ始めた。 カトリック教会では、ペトロを初代教皇としている。
一方、キリスト教会にとって、偉大な初代異邦人伝道、世界宣教者パウロの話もしたい。 新約聖書は27の書から成っているが、その約半分は14の手紙がパウロによって書かれたとされている。 それくらい、大きな影響がある。
このパウロという人は、そもそもイエスの十二使徒の中には、含まれていない。 それもそのはず、パウロはユダヤ人だったが、エルサレムとかガリラヤ湖周辺、あるいはナザレなど、イスラエルで育ったわけではない。
今のトルコの中南部の町に生まれ育った。 ユダヤ人であり、もともとユダヤ教の信奉者。ユダヤ教のなかでも最大のグループ、ファリサイ派に所属し、それはそれは、ユダヤ教本流の信者。なので、キリスト教を迫害していた。
使徒言行録などに書かれている内容からして、キリスト信奉者を石投げの刑で殺すようなこともしていたと思われる。 しかし、そのパウロが、(若いころはサウルと呼ばれていた)さらなるキリスト者迫害のため、ダマスコという町に向かう途中、復活の主に、遭遇する。
遭遇するといっても、イエス・キリストの姿にあったわけではなく、強い光を受ける。そして、天の声を聞く。 それは、あきらかに、弟子たちがイエスの姿を見て、手のひらの傷や、わき腹の傷を確認したのとは異なる出会いがパウロには訪れた。その時、パウロは目が見えなくなってしまう経験をする。 その体験をするまでのパウロという人を記述するなら、ユダヤ、ファリサイ派の考え方を正義としてそれに従わない考えを真っ向から否定する強い考え方、暴力的、危険人物というような言葉が浮かんでくる。しかし、そのような者をイエス・キリストは用いて、偉大な伝道者とされた。 それまでの考え方を180度、方向転換して、キリストに従う者、使徒の一人として、世界伝道、といっても地中海北東沿岸伝道へと派遣し、新約聖書の半分ほどもギリシャ語で記述する者とされた。
そのような方々の中に、復活の主イエス・キリストは間違いなく働いておられ、いつか私たち自身が、主イエス・キリストの存在に気がつく。 私の個人的な体験からすれば、やはり、キリスト教会において、聖餐式をしている時というのは、今まで何度も経験しているが、聖霊の働きのなかで涙が出てきてしまう。 或は、私は、ある方が亡くなる姿のなかに、あるいは、長崎で原爆で崩された浦上天主堂のマリア像の写真だったが、それを見たときに、キリストを見る思いがある。
皆さんお一人お一人、イエス・キリストがそれぞれ異なる接し方をしている。 どのような接し方であろうが、それがペトロ型であろうがパウロ型であろうが、イエス・キリストの御言葉に耳を傾け、受け入れ、キリストを信頼し、そして、イエスキリストから遣わせられる人生を歩まれますように。アーメン。
Peter and Paul April 14, 2013
Acts 9:1-6 John 21:1-19
May Grace and Peace be with you in the name of our risen Lord, Jesus Christ!
Now, in this sanctuary, there are people who were baptized many years ago and have been regularly keeping the Christian Faith. There are also people baptized many years ago but they do not attend church every week.
Or, there are people who have recently come to know the Christian Faith, specifically attending Resurrection Lutheran Church, but still do not know God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit well. However, they have started being together with brothers and sisters of Jesus Christ and fellowshipping. Welcome and wherever you are on your journey, I can say that you came to the right place.
The Gospel Text today, is the scene when Jesus appeared in front of Peter and the other disciples for the third time. The first one was on the day of resurrection, in the late afternoon, to 10 disciples, since Thomas was not there, in the locked room. And the second one was, a week later, when Thomas was present.
The exact timing of Jesus’ third appearance is uncertain, but it is most likely a few weeks after the resurrection. Although the disciples were given authority to forgive sins, they had not started Jesus’ mission… they still did not know what to do. Some of them went back to Lake Galilee and resumed their lives as fishermen again.
Well, those who returned to catching fish should have remained “fishers of men”, shouldn’t they? Peter, the head disciple, said “I will catch fish” and five others followed him. Even though they met the Resurrected Jesus twice, it was comfortable and natural to return to Galilee and fish again since that was their former profession before they started to follow Jesus. However, did they catch fish?
The first night, they did not catch any. Among them Jesus appeared, but the disciples did not realize who he was. He said, “Throw your net to the right side of your boat.” Then they caught plenty of fish. One of the disciples said, “Jesus, the Lord”
Peter understood what was going on within himself, “I did the same again…it is shame.” “Even though Jesus is around us, I forgot that and forgot what Jesus said.” And Peter hid himself from Jesus at first. Then later, Peter had the opportunity to meet with and talk with Jesus and engage in a much deeper conversation…
Peter was a kind of a careless person, making a hasty judgment, a disciple who wanted to lead the other disciples (and be head disciple) to gain recognition. However, Jesus, the Lord, our God still uses a flawed person, such as Peter, to proclaim his Good News. The Roman Catholic Church proclaims that Peter is the first Pope.
On the other hand, there is another very important ancient figure…the great missionary and global evangelist, Paul who was called Saul before his conversion. He is the author of half of the 27 books of the New Testament. 14 letters of the 27 books were written by Paul or his followers. He was a very influential man to the founding fathers of the ancient, first century Christian Church.
He started writing letters to ancient congregations before the four Gospels, Mark, Matthew, Luke, and John, were written.
Paul was not a member of the 12 disciples. Paul was not living in Israel, but he was born in a city in Asian Minor, now called Turkey. Although he was born to a Jewish family and his native language was probably Hebrew, he also spoke and wrote in Greek; he was bilingual.
He was a devout Jew. He was a Pharisee, a kind of fundamental Jew. Therefore, he was persecuting Christians. According to what was written in Acts, he was probably killing Christians by throwing stones. When he was traveling to Damascus to persecute more Christians, a light from heaven flashed around him…then he listened to a voice from heaven. That voice said “I am Jesus whom you are persecuting.” This encounter was very different from the other 11 disciples that met with Jesus and witnessed his wounds on both hands and his side. Even though I describe this incident as Paul meeting Jesus, the reality was that the heavenly light blinded him …he could only hear Jesus’ voice.
Before he experienced this incident, he opposed Christianity because he thought (like other Pharisees did) Jesus and his disciples were a threat to the Jewish establishment. Ironically, Saul was selfish, violent, and a true security risk.
However, Jesus chose this security risk, and made him a great evangelist. He was changed 180 degrees, and became a follower of Jesus Christ, and was sent on a global mission, although at that time he began in the north-eastern part of Mediterranean Sea…God also used Paul as a writer of New Testament.
Peter, a careless person, and Saul, a security risk, both flawed men met the resurrected Jesus Christ in different ways and became founding fathers of the apostolic church. What do these stories mean to us?
In this age, there are people who are born to a Christian family and grow up in a Christian environment, although we do not necessarily call these people, careless people, like Peter. Also, there are people who are born to Buddhist or Nippon Shinto families. They don’t have any relationship with Jesus and are not even against Christianity. We do not call people born into other faiths security risks, like Paul was before his conversion. Who are you? Who were you? Who is each one of you? What do you think? Do you think you are like Peter or Paul?
Either way, in both situations, Jesus Christ, the risen Lord, is working among you and walking with you. And you met with Jesus and noticed Jesus, or will meet with Jesus if you think you have not met him yet. In my personal experience, I see Jesus every week at the time of Holy Communion. Sometimes, tears fall down my cheeks. Or I felt Jesus’ presence, even though it was a picture of a statute, like when I saw a broken Mary statue at the Urakami Tenshudo in Nagasaki.
To each one of you, I am sure Jesus is revealed, whether or not you have yet noticed. In whatever ways the risen Lord reveals himself to you, my prayer is that each one of you listens to the Word of God, accepts it, trusts Him, and is sent into the world in order to share the love and grace of Jesus Christ. Amen.