April 25th, 2013

2013年4月28日復活後第5主日聖餐礼拝説教「新しい掟」”A New Commendment” E. Carl Zimmermann牧師

牧師説教, by admin1.

“ A New Commandment” 「新しい掟」 ヨハネ福音書13:31-35 Rev. E. Carl Zimmermann









ルーテル神学校の学生達は勿論文字通り震え上がりました。しかし彼らがそこで見た事は、ハイチの人達が、「愛」という絆によって、この悲惨な状態がこれ以上大混乱に陥る事がないようにとお互いに支えあいながら守った有様でした。近辺にいた生徒は、そこに集った人達が賛美している声を聞いたそうです。その人達は、自分たちが助かった事を神様に感謝し讃美していたのです。ルーテル神学校の学生達はきっと怖くてこれからどうなるのか解らなかった事でしょう、でも土地の人達が彼らにこう言ったのです:「あなた達は私達の家族ですよ。私達がお世話します、お互いに助け合って行きましょう。」 これも言い方こそ違いますが「互いに愛し合いなさい」という事なのです。


                           芙美 Liang要約

“A New Commandment” -Sermon for April 28, 2013 John 13: 31-35

It varies with what translation you use, of course, but on average the Bible is made up of 774,746 words and to my surprise the word “LOVE” appears only 646 times. “LOVE” is so much at the center of our Christian faith, I thought the word would be used more often. There are many different kinds of love referred to in the scriptures.
There’s the love that friends have for one another and then there is romantic love. The ultimate kind of love is the love that Christ has for us. It’s a forgiving, compassionate and unconditional love that exceeds both our expectations and understanding.

This theme of LOVE is at the foundation of today’s Gospel. Jesus said: “I give you a new commandment-That you love one another.”

Now, I don’t think anyone would argue with that! Most of us understand how true love can affect our day-to-day lives and have a positive impact on our relationships with others.So let’s take a closer look at this command from Jesus, but first we must set the stage. Do you remember what Jesus said immediately before giving this commandment to love one another?

He said: “Little children, I am with you only a little longer. ”I think tat’s one of the saddest verses in the entire Bible. Soon, the disciples will lose their guide, leader, mentor and friend. The one who touched so many hearts and transformed so many lives will soon be gone and to many he will be nothing more than a distant memory.

Everything appears to be unraveling. Nothing seems to be working. The curtain appears to be falling on a great three year adventure and St. John reports that things are getting messy. It’s the night before our Lord’s death. Jesus and his companions have gathered in the Upper Room to celebrate the Passover. Their stomachs are full. Their feet still damp from being washed. After Jesus whispered something in his ear Judas left in a huff-mumbling under his breath. In the coming hours there would be betrayals and denials. In the morning would be a trumped up trial. In the afternoon, a wooden cross.
The stage was set. There was no turning back. No change in the script. The end was at hand! “Friends,” Jesus said “soon I will be gone and you cannot come with me.”

We have known sad, heart-breaking moments like that.
“I have to go. You can’t come with me” is what the soldier says to his four year daughter as he boards the plane for Afghanistan.

“It’s time for me to go” says the terminally ill wife to her grieving husband. “I’ll be gone for a while” says the addict to his boss as he prepares to spend the next six months in rehab.

Jesus is about to leave the disciples and they don’t know what to do.
There is no time to ask questions. No time for them to soak in all of the Master’s wisdom and knowledge. Everything is coming apart, so Jesus begins his farewell speech.

In the next four chapters he gives the disciples everything they will need to hold it together, but the most important thing is revealed at the very beginning. “I give you a new commandment,” Jesus said. “You shall love one another.”

Like the disciples, we also live in a world that seems to be coming apart at the seams. Boston-school shootings-human trafficking-an anemic economy-lay offs-hot tempers-cold marriages-name calling and finger pointing.

And yet, just when everything appears to be spiraling out of control Jesus steps in and insists that LOVE is the only thread that will keep the human race together.

In January, 2010 some students from Luther Seminary were on a mission trip in Haiti. Despite their poor economy, the students were surprised by the love most Haitians had for each other.
They reported that when people drive down a street and see someone they know it was not uncommon for them to stop the car; get out and give that person a hug. No wonder it takes an hour to drive just half a mile! Then on January 12, a massive 7.0 earthquake struck and 52 major aftershocks followed. The quake did extensive structural damage but the human toll was even greater. Over 3 million people were adversely affected and an estimated 220,000 lost their lives.

The students from Luther were shaken-both literally and figuratively but they discovered that it was this common bond of love that kept the island from exploding into chaos. In different neighborhoods the students heard groups of people singing. They were praising God that they had survived and that things had not been worse. Understanding that the Luther students were afraid and uncertain one of their local guides gathered them and said: “You are our family now. We will care for you. We will care for one another.”

That’s another way of saying: “You shall love one another.”

If we’re going to make it, we will have to make it together. We will have to learn how to care for each other and how to love each other.
We will have to take both seriously because they are not suggestions…..They are commands!

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