August 4th, 2013

2013年8月4日聖霊降臨後第10聖餐礼拝説教「誰もがする事」”Amlost All Of Us Do It” Carl Zimmermann牧師

牧師説教, by admin1.

「誰もがすること」 E. Carl Zimmermann 牧師



数年前のニュースウィーク(News Week) の調査報告によると、80%の人が「祈りには癒しの力がある」と信じ、また75%の人が「祈りは困難な時に良い結果をもたらす」と信じているそうです。もうひとつ面白い事は:多くの『無信仰者』も災害にあった時や病気の時にはお祈りをすると言う事実です。


彼女が書いている事は、私の祈る態度にもかなり当てはまっているかのように思います。私には決められた祈りの時間はなく、祈りの日記帳も付けていないし、特別な祈りの会にも属していません。祈る時はもぞもぞ言ったり,的確な言葉を探しているうちにどもったりします。印象に残る祈りのできない自分ですから、時々作家のアン・ラモント(Ann Lamont) の助言に従います:「私たちに必要な二つの祈りは:『神様助けてください。:神に感謝します。』です。」












イエスは私達に言われます。どんな状況にあろうとも、どんな難題に直面しようとも、どんな困難な時も、もし私達がただひたすら「お父様私を助けて下さい、助けて下さい、助けて下さい」と祈れば、神様は必ず側に来られ、私達が必要とする勇気と信仰を与えてくださいます! アーメン。
要約:民 Day
Message: “Almost All Of Us Do It!”
A recent survey by Brandeis University indicated that 90% of Americans, in one form or another, pray each and every day. A large percentage confessed that they needed some direction and guidance from God “just to get through.”
75% of the prayers were for family and friends and while the survey showed that people pray for some major things like health and their jobs, many also pray for “little things” like finding a good parking spot close to a store entrance.

As to the power of prayer, a 2006 study from the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center, found that those who both worshipped and prayed on a weekly basis added three years to their lives!

Some years ago, Newsweek Magazine reported that 80% of people believe in the healing power of prayer while 75% think that prayer can make a positive difference during difficult times.

One more interesting finding: A high percentage who claim to have “no faith” pray during times of illness or national crisis.
Many, I suppose, would expect pastors to have a solid prayer life, but listen to what author and pastor Barbara Brown Taylor wrote:
“I am not very good at prayer. I don’t do it enough or well enough. The words I speak in prayer never seem to come out right.”

That’s a pretty good description of my prayer life. I don’t have a set time every day when I pray and I don’t keep a prayer journal nor do I belong to a prayer group. When I pray I often mumble and stumble trying to find most appropriate or inspirational words.

Lacking the ability to pray in a way that would inspire others, I often follow the advice of author Anne Lamont who said:
“There are only two prayers you need: ‘Help me Lord and Thank you God.’

So, with that as an introduction let’s pray:
“Living God, help us in our time of faith and doubt. Allow us to embrace with open hearts the power of your presence so that our lives might be spirit fed and spirit led. Thank you God. Amen”

For a few minutes I’d like to look at a few well known verses from scripture. “One day Jesus was praying in a certain place. When he finished, one of the disciples said ‘Master, teach us to pray just as John taught his disciples.’

“Teach us to pray” – In other words, tell us what to say. Put on our lips the words that will glorify and please God.

We are a people who love words. We love the written, the spoken and the sung word. We use words to communicate. By the way, did you know that women speak about 20,000 words a day and men only about 13,000!

And we know the power of words. Words can injure and hurt but they can also comfort and calm.

Other than during sleep, can you imagine going 2 to 3 hours without speaking or listening or reading any words?

Think how pleasant it would be if some Sunday, instead of Pastor Hitoshi or me talking away for 15 minutes, we just sat in total silence!

Don’t get me wrong! I love words, especially words that stir and inspire me. A book I often turn to is a collection of history’s greatest and most memorable speeches. Think how the great orators of the past and present have warned, encouraged, challenged and motivated us. The words of John Kennedy and Martin Luther King continue to touch our hearts.

So, words have an unusual impact upon us and obviously Jesus was a master at using words to proclaim the promise of the Kingdom. With words he blessed the lowly; chastised the hypocrites; soothed the weary and confronted the cold-hearted.

And, of course, he also used words to pray and notice how he did it.
One verse from scripture reads: “In the morning, long before dawn, Jesus got up and left the house and went off to a lonely place to pray.”
In the Gospels, the word “pray” occurs 34 times. 12 times it refers to Jesus going off by himself to spend time with his heavenly Father.
He preferred to pray in quiet places alone and he warned people about praying in a way that would draw attention to themselves. The ones who stood on bust street corners spouting long winded, rambling, pompous prayers annoyed the daylights out of Jesus.

We are not always told what Jesus prayed for or the words he used, but I imagine that once you boiled them down they were nothing more than “Help me Father, Help me Father, Help me Father.”

Nothing puffed up or eloquent. He simply asked God for guidance, wisdom, courage and faith.
And perhaps we can learn a lesson from that, because when everything is said and done what we want and what we need is for God to help us get through the demands and difficulties of life.

The other day I was reading about a young soldier who was critically wounded in Afghanistan. His arms and his legs were blown off when he accidentally stepped on a hidden land mine.
During the first weeks after the incident he prayed that he would die. He could not imagine a worthwhile life with any of his limbs. In fact, he had no idea how he was ever going to survive. As the weeks past and he became more and more adjusted to his situation he stopped praying to die and prayed that God would give him the courage and the strength to meet every new challenge with a thankful and joyful heart. Life has not been easy for that young man but now he visits other wounded Vets and encourages them to greet each new day with a sense of hope and optimism.

None of us here are without our arms and legs. But each of us knows that there’s something missing in our lives. Perhaps you feel empty inside. Perhaps you miss the comfort of a close relationship with a spouse or friend. Maybe you miss the feeling of accomplishment. Each of us has something missing.

Jesus reminds us, that no matter what our situation…No matter what we are going through…No matter how difficult or dark life seems to be….If we will simply pray “Help me Father, Help me Father, Help me Father” God will come and give us all the courage and faith we will ever, ever need!  Amen.

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