神の行い:束縛から解放 ルカ 13:10-17
自分はなにかに束縛されてしまっていると思うことあるだろうか? 歴史的な事実として、イスラエルの民はエジプトで奴隷となっていたが、それがひとつの大きな聖書に書かれた束縛のイメージだ。
あるいは、何かが欲しくてしょうがなくなり、高級ブランド品とか、高級車とかに束縛されてしまう。こういう話がある。猿を捕まえるための道具で、箱がある。箱には穴が開いていて、中には、さるの欲しそうな食べ物がひもでぶら下がっている。猿がその箱のところに来て、これはしめたと思い、中の食べ物をつかむ。 ところが、それを取り出そうにも、しっかりひもにくくりつけられてぶら下がっているから、簡単には取り出せない。離してしまえば良いのに、欲しくてしょうがないので、つかんだままその場にいる。そうしている間に、猿は箱の近くで捕らえられてしまう。
いくつかの束縛のタイプを話したが、今日の福音書に入っていきたい。この話、束縛されてしまっているのは、だれだろうか。もちろん、18年間、病の霊に苦しみ、腰の曲がってしまっていた女性。しかし、その女性だけではないと思う。 だれが、束縛されているだろう。 イエスの行いを見て憤慨して横柄なことを言い出した会堂長はどうだろうか? 会堂長はユダヤ教の規定に、がんじがらめになっていた。 当時ユダヤ教のしきたりでは、安息日には会堂に集まって詩編を歌い、リーダの話しを聞いた。また第二(月)日と第五(木)日では、聖書(トーラ)を読み、律法について学ぶ日として、人々は集まっていた。 聖書には、実に多くの安息日の規定がある。ユダヤ教のしきたりでは、安息日には基本的に何もせずに、シナゴーグ(会堂)に出向くだけ。現代でも、オーソドックスなユダヤ教の方々は、土曜日に車に乗らずに、シナゴーグには歩いていく。また歩くにしても、歩いてよい距離の上限は決まっていたりする。 会堂長は、18年も腰がまがったままでいた女性が癒されたのに、イエスが安息日に癒したため、自分の理解していた安息日の規定と彼の知識に従って、人々に向かって「安息日は癒してもらう日ではない。他の6日の間に来るように。」と述べる。
この21世紀を生きる現代にあって、いろいろなことに縛られてしまっている私たち、その結果一番大切なことを忘れてしまい、私たちを創造してくださった神との関係をおろそかにして生活している現代人に、聖書に描かれたイエスの行為と言葉は大きな意味を持っている。 様々なことに縛られてしまう私たちは、規定でがんじがらめになってしまっていた会堂長に、はっと、本当の神の愛を見せた上、会堂長の行き過ぎた安息日の解釈にイエスの投げかけた言葉には、私たちも多いに学ぶ面がある。
私たちの生活で、イエスというお方である神以外に、さまざまな神々を自分で作ってしまうところがある。 お客様は神様ですと南春夫さんは言われた。芸人にとっても、どんなビジネスをするにも、もちろん、お客様は大切だ。しかし、本当の神ではない。家族はもちろん大切で、子供に自分の最高の愛を示そうとすることはすばらしいことだが、子供を神としてしまい、自分を創造された神様とすり代えてはならない。私は聖書を読むことが大切だとよく話すが、それは聖書が神様で、聖書を読むことが一番大切ということではなく、聖書の中に書かれた、イエス・キリストの行為、話された言葉を読み、イエス・キリストという方を知りそのお方と関係を持つことが一番大切であり、そしてイエスの生き様を振り返り、できる限りイエスの教えに従った生き方をすることが私たちの使命。
いろいろ間違った考えや行動、つまり神ではないものを神のように思ってしまう現代人であるにも関わらず、十字架に架かって殺されてまでも、復活して徹底的な愛をもって、人間を赦される神。イエスは、色々な事に束縛されてしまっている現代人を解放するために、聖書に書かれたストーリーやイエスの言葉が働いて、現在も多くの方々を解放している。 そのような主なる神、イエス・キリストをますます讃え、イエスの愛に満ちた新たな一週間を送ろう。アーメン。
”God’s Action: From Captivity to Release” 2013 8 25
Luke 13:10-17 Pr. Hitoshi Adachi
Grace and Peace to you in the name of our Jesus Christ!
Have you ever felt that you were captive to something? As a historical fact, Israelites were slaves in Egypt, which is a biblical image of captivity.
While we were raising our children, my wife often said, “I am not a slave of yours. I cannot do all of your laundry. Why do not you wash your underwear at least?” Shin, the honest first born son, followed what she said. Sometimes I hear stories that there are mothers who are captives of their children. They want their children to be an ideal adult, meaning going to a prestigious college and earning a good income, so some mothers do everything in order for them to focus on their studies, like they are slaves to their children.
Or there are people who would like to own something, i.e. brand-name goods, such as expensive jewelry or an expensive car. There are people who are captives to luxury brand items. I am sorry to use this analogy, but I will use it since humans are close monkeys. There is a trap to catch a monkey, a sturdy box that has a hole that a monkey can put his hand into the box. In that box, there is an apple hanging firmly tied to the top of the box by a string. When a monkey approaches the box, he finds the apple and puts his hand into the box and grabs the apple. He wants to take it out to eat it, but he cannot since it is firmly tied to the string. Since he really wants it, he is not able to release it. Then the monkey is easily captured.
I’ve spoken about several types of captives…now, let’s talk about today’s Gospel text. Who is a captive? Or who are captives in the story? Of course, the woman crippled for eighteen years is an obvious example. Is there someone else? How about the leader of the synagogue, who was insolent to Jesus because he cured the person on Sabbath? I believe that leader was a captive because he was a slave to his understanding of the law. In Jewish custom of that age, they gathered together every Sabbath (Seventh Day) to worship and listen to the stories from leaders. Also they gathered, not only on the Sabbath but, every second day and fifth day to read the Torah (Law of Moses) as well. There are many verses regarding the Sabbath. Some of you might be reading those verses since the lectionary from this past Thursday focuses on the Sabbath. On the Sabbath you are not allowed to go outside unless you walk only certain steps. So on Sabbath, in his understanding and knowledge, it is not allowed for a person to be cured, so he said, “Do not come on Sabbath but come during the other six days.”
In response, Jesus said to the leader, “Does not each of you on the Sabbath untie his ox or his donkey from the manger, and lead it away to give it water? And ought not this woman, a daughter of Abraham whom Satan bound for eighteen long years, be set free from this bondage on the Sabbath day?” In the Bible, even though it was described that the leader was put to shame, I believe that Jesus’ actions and his words were a true release from captivity for that woman and also for that leader. In a sense, even though the monkey thought that the apple was the most important, Jesus is taking action and speaking in a way to show that the apple was not the most important and to release it.
In the 21st century, we are captive to many things. Or we are caught by many things, cell phones, TV programs, jewelry, cars, friends etc. As a result, there are people who are losing the most important relationship with the Lord, who is God and created us all. What is written in the story about Jesus’ actions and his insightful words releases us from those many different forms of captivity.
In our lives, sometimes human beings elevate something worldly to godhood but that worldly thing should not replace God. We make gods internally. The famous singer, Haruo Minami stated, “Customers are gods.” Of course for him and every business person, customers are important but not truly God. Of course children are important, and you should show them your love, but you also should not substitute your children or other family member for God. I often say that reading the Bible is important, but it does not mean that the Bible is God. We should not substitute the Bible for God like the synagogue leader should not substitute religious laws for God. The most important matter is to read about the life of Jesus Christ, reflect on what He does and says; and live our lives according to Jesus’ teachings as best we can.
In spite of our human beings who often fail and substitute something else for God, our Lord, Jesus Christ forgives us with His great love, even as he was hanged on the cross. Jesus wants people to be released from captivity to false gods. Let us be refreshed by Jesus’ actions and words; why not praise the Lord even more than we already do, and let us live with Joy according to His enduring love. Amen