ルカ 23:33-43
東日本大震災では、あの津波のために、生と死の瀬戸際を体験し、自分はぎりぎりで助かったが、肉親が波にさらわれた経験をされた方々がいる。 そのような方々どれほど悩み、苦しんでおられるか、復活ルーテル教会に来られた立野先生の説教を聴き、われわれにも伝わってくる。
礼拝のためにすばらしい作曲を毎週し続けたヨハン セバスチャン バッハは1歳になるまでに二人の兄姉が亡くなり、6歳の時にもう一人兄を亡くし、9歳の時に母親が亡くなり、10歳にして父親とも死別している。当時としては珍しくなかったのかもしれないが、子供ながらに悲しみのどん底を体験した。
私たち、この世で生きている者として、この礼拝に集められているが、先に天国に行った聖人たちもこの礼拝に加わっていることを覚えていて欲しい。また、わたしたちにも、この世の死が訪れるということも忘れてはならない。今日、キリスト教の暦では今年度の最終主日にあたり、「王であるキリスト」という主日の礼拝が与えられている。 この礼拝は、この世の死と言う、いわばどん底と思えるような時が、主イエスキリストの信仰により、大逆転することを覚える礼拝ともいえる。
イエスは絶望といえる状況だったが、神と対話し、人々への愛と慈しみをあらわされる。「父よ、彼らをお赦しください。自分が何をしているのか知らないのです。」といわれる。 そこには、この世的には絶対絶命の状況でも、イエスは父なる神への信仰をあらわされると同時に、自分を十字架につける人々への赦し、愛を示される。
洗礼を授かり、定期的に聖餐にも授かっている私たちは、どのようなこの世の死を迎えようが、十字架の死をもって死を滅ぼされたイエスといっしょに、楽園にいることができる。その楽園とは、「死」が入り込む余地がない園。 どんな困難や苦難にも打ち勝ち大逆転が起こり、楽園にいる。キリストの信仰により、つまり、父と子と聖霊の御名によって、水と言葉による洗礼を通ってきた者は、キリストとともに今、楽園にいる。 アーメン。
”From the Depths of Despair to the Heights of Paradise” Luke 23:33-43
May the Lord give us your grace and peace in the name of our savior, Jesus Christ!
During the 2011 Tohoku Earthquake and Tsunami, there are people who experienced the tenuous border between life and death. Especially people who experienced the deaths of their families only because they were a few inches within the safe zone and their families were just a few inches outside the safe zone; survivors are still feeling that they are in the depths of despair. Pastor Tateno came here to share such stories and we learned about their heart-wrenching (yet hopeful) experiences.
Johann Sebastian Bach’s older brother and sister died when he was just 1 year old. When he was 6 years old, another brother died. Then, at the age of 9, his mother died and, at the age of 10, his father died. Although an early death might not have been very rare at that time, I feel that Bach experienced more hardship than most when he was very young.
I believe that these experiences, during his formative years, greatly impacted his faith development and his abilities to make wonderful worship music. And through his music, I believe that God is also impacting our awareness about and attitude toward death. Through Bach’s music, we reevaluate how we feel about death.
All of us are invited to this worship service today as living people in this world, but please do not forget that all the saints are together with us during this worship service. Also, we should not forget that those of us alive today, all of us without exception, will end our earthly lives sometime in the future, although we do not exactly know when we will die.
Today, in the Christian Calendar, we are experiencing the last Sunday worship of this year called, “Christ the King.” In a sense, today’s worship is for us, Christians, to remember that even in the depths of despair, like when we experience the end of our earthly lives, because of our faith in Christ, we may pull off a major upset. As faithful servants, we realize that death is not the end and we may live beyond our earthly lives in paradise.
In the Gospel text today, we can imagine how brutal it was when Jesus was crucified. It is a kind of scene that is categorized as R and we might look away if we were actually there. We often wonder how come human beings can be so brutal and how come these scenes are described in the Holy Bible.
People are watching Jesus and two other criminals crucified on the three crosses. Leaders say, “Since he saved others, let him save himself since he is the Messiah.” The soldiers also mocked him, coming up and offering him sour wine, and saying, “If you are the King of the Jews, save yourself!” These taunting words continue on and on.
Also one of the two criminals says something like, “I am crucified and there is no way to continue living. This is the end. The end is the end, there is no more. Jesus, if you are the Messiah, please save yourself and me.”
Even though, Jesus was in the pit of despair and brutally treated, he just pray that “Father, forgive them; for they do not know what they are doing.” Here, even when he feels that he is at his lowest point, Jesus is faithful to the Father and asks forgiveness for the people who are brutal to him. He shows his faith to the Father and his love to the people attacking him.
The other criminal says, “This person, Jesus, did not do anything wrong but he is crucified together with us.” And he asked Jesus, “Please remember me when you come into the Kingdom.”
In other words, this criminal confesses his faith of Jesus Christ. Then, Jesus said to him as follows. “Truly I tell you, today you are with me in Paradise.”
The words, “You are with me in Paradise” were not only told to the criminal 2000 years ago, they are spoken to and meaningful for us today.
What do the word, “You are with me in Paradise” mean to us who live in the 21st century?
As I said in the beginning, we, as human beings, experience the earthly deaths of our family and friends. Not only that, we will inevitably experience our own deaths as well.
We do not know when we will die and we do not know how we will die. Like Bach and his family, we might die due to diseases. We could die due to tsunamis, typhoons, or other types of natural disasters. We could also die by automobile accident, acts of terrorism, or war.
However, please remember, even at end of your lives, Jesus Christ will be with you. People who are baptized and commune regularly, I am sure that even when we experience our earthly deaths, it is not the end due to our faith in Christ. He who conquered death because of his death on the cross is always with us. We can still live in paradise with Jesus. Paradise is a place where death can never enter. Because of Jesus, despite times of despair and great difficulty, as Christians, we pull off a major upset. Because of our faith in Christ and our baptism through the water and the Word in the name of the Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit, I joyously declare to you, you are with Christ in paradise. Amen.