「もうすでに、だけどまだ」 マタイ24:33-44
若いころ、本当にテニスを真剣にやった。社会人になってからも会社の中のテニス部員として活動した。ある大会では会社のテニス部が準優勝したりもした。 そのような上位の成績を残したときは、自分はとてもこの相手には勝てそうもない実力でも、どういう風の吹き回しか、自分がまったく異なる別人のようなプレーができてしまうことがあったと思う。とくにだれかが見ていると。。。
まるで二重人格者ともいうべきか、同じ自分の中が、まるで、二人の自分がいる。 一人はテニスのうまい人間と、もう一人は凡人が存在しているような。 似たような経験をお持ちの方はいるのではないかと思う。かたや自信に満ち溢れているかと思うと、また自分には自信が持てないというか自分を否定する時もある。 ローマ13:14には、キリストを身にまとうようにとパウロは薦めているが、なにか関係があるような気がする。
私の家の裏庭を畑にたとえるわけでもないが、私の家では、もう子供たち育ってしまい、私自身が外に出て一人で畑仕事というか、裏庭に植わっているレモン、アボガド、グアバなどの世話をしていることがある。 二人の男のイメージが沸いてこない。
マタイ福音書には、24章45節から25章の終わりまでに、4つのたとえ話が加えられている。一つ目は、「主人が帰ってきたときに忠実にしている僕の話。」二つ目は、「ともし火と一緒に、つぼに油を入れて待っている乙女たちの話。」そして、三つ目は「預かったタラントを用いて、ほかのタラントをもうける話。」 そして、四つ目のたとえ話をもって、目を覚ましていることの明快な答えが語られているように思う。 マタイ25章31節から46節のたとえ話で、「お前たちは、わたしが飢えていたときに食べさせ、のどが渇いていたときに飲ませ、旅をしていたときに宿を貸し、裸のときに着せ、病気のときに見舞い、牢にいたときに訪ねてくれたからだ。はっきり言っておく。わたしの兄弟であるこの最も小さい者の一人にしたのは、わたしにしてくれたことなのである。」と最後の審判の時、王なるイエスが語っている。
クリスマス待降節、アドベントの時期、イエス・キリストが思いもしなかったような姿で、私たちに接してくださる。そのキリストに私たちが気づくことができるように、そして私たちが完全にイエス・キリストを身につけることができるように。 アーメン。
“Already, But Not Yet” 2013 12 01
Matthew 24:33-44 Pr. Hitoshi Adachi
May Grace and Peace be upon you in the name of our savior, Jesus Christ! Amen.
When I was younger, I played tennis very seriously and often worked out. I belonged to a team and attended regional competitions. One year our team was among the finalists. While I was on this championship team, I played as a singles player and sometimes, I felt very strange because I won against opponents whom I thought that I could not defeat. I was especially anxious when a certain someone was watching me (even though I wasn’t engaged to her at the time).
I do not know how I can explain it, but it’s something like dual personality. Within me, there were two different persons. Have you had a similar experience? Sometimes you’re very confident but at other times you’re filled with self-doubt. In Romans 13:14, St. Paul suggests to us that we put on Christ. I believe the experience I shared with you is related to putting on Christ. When you act according to God’s wishes, you’re living positively and with confidence.
Today is the beginning of the Advent. It is the season during which we reflect upon the fact that Jesus Christ came on earth 2000 years ago and he was God incarnate. Not only that though, it is also the season to remember that Jesus Christ will gloriously come again at the end of the age. Theologians call this time “Already, But Not Yet,” since Jesus Christ came once but he has not yet come a second time. How does this season of Advent relate to our daily lives?
In today’s text, Jesus says that no one knows of the Son’s coming. It is like the time when all the people, except for Noah and his family, were unaware that the flood would come and wipe them away. And when Jesus describes that when two are in the field, one will be taken and the other one will be left…also, when two women are milling grain, one will be taken and one will be left. Jesus says people need to be awake and be ready for Son of Man to come at an unexpected hour. What does Jesus want to say to his disciples? What does Jesus want to say to us?
My home now is kind of an empty nest. Although I do not compare my backyard to a farmer’s field, I think of two people doing the same everyday activity like plowing or pruning trees. One will be taken and one will be left. I am just one man taking care of avocado, lemon, and guava trees…what will happen to me when Jesus comes? Will I be taken or left?
Then I thought even though Jesus says two men, he could be referring to one person but that person has opposite aspects of his or her personality. They partially put on Christ and are filled with His love but they also sometimes reject Christ’s love , like a tennis player who is a very good player but is also filled with self-doubt…
So when Jesus says one is taken and the other one is left, I feel that Jesus wants to say the aspect that turns away Christ’s love will be taken but the aspect that puts on Christ and accepts His love will be left.
In other words, rather than leaving most people behind – I believe Christ will remove people’s self-doubt, allowing them to confidently and fully live with God’s abundant love in their hearts. Therefore these people may become more Christ-like and live in accordance with God’s wishes.
The first letter of John 3:2 it reads, “What we will be has not yet been revealed. What we do know is this: when he is revealed, we will be like him, for we will see him as he is.”
Although we are baptized and have put on Jesus Christ, we have not fully put on Christ. That fulfillment will occur when Jesus Christ is fully revealed during the second coming. In a sense we are living in an age when all of us are unsatisfactory in the eyes of Christ.
In this type of unsatisfactory age, Jesus warns us to be awake and be ready. What does this mean? What does it mean “being awake” and “to be ready”? Reading the text today, Matt 24:33-44, I do not think I fully understand the meanings of being awake and being ready.
If Biblical text is unclear, it is always good to read further. Reading accompanying passages/verses often gives better context. Actually, if we read the rest of Matthew 24 and Matthew 25, there are four parables. The first parable is about the faithful servant who waits for his master’s return. The second parable is about the bridesmaid who waits for the bridegroom with the lamp and oil. The third parable is about the servant who utilizes his given talent and is blessed with more talent.
The fourth parable is the clearest answer to the question what to be awake and to be ready means. In the parable, Jesus, the King, says, “For I was hungry, and you fed me. I was thirsty, and you gave me a drink. I was a stranger, and you invited me into your home. I was naked, and you gave me clothing. I was sick, and you cared for me. I tell you the truth, when you did it to one of the least of these my brothers and sisters; you were doing it to me!”
I think to be awake and to be ready means “to lend your hands to people in need with the love of Christ” and “to find Christ in each person you meet, even in those that are struggling in his or her life.”
In this season of Advent, Jesus Christ will appear to us, unsatisfactory Christians, in many mysterious ways that we do not expect at all. I hope and pray that we recognize Christ when he appears, so that we may fully put on Christ. Amen.