December 10th, 2013

2013年12月8日待降節第2主日聖餐礼拝説教 「回心の印」 牧師 安達均

牧師説教, by admin1.

マタイ3:1-12 主イエスキリストの恵みと平安が集まった会衆の上に豊かに注がれるように!

私はその光景を見たあと、今週の聖書箇所を新たに読んだ。そして、誘導していた方々のイメージが洗礼者ヨハネのイメージへと変わっていった。何を言いたいかというと、 洗礼者ヨハネも信仰という道において間違った側を歩いている人を、そっち側ではないですよ、こっちですよ。と言って導いたような所がある。
与えられた福音書を見ると、洗礼者ヨハネは荒れ野に住み、らくだの毛衣を着、腰に革の帯を締め、いなごと野蜜を食べ物としていたとある。 その服装からして、800年前の預言者、エリヤを再現しているようでもある。
ヨハネの言葉のメッセージは、「悔い改めよ、神の国は近づいた」という言葉で始まっている。 ちなみに、イエスの宣教もまったく同じ言葉ではじまっている。 悔い改めという言葉が今日の聖書の箇所で三度も使われているが、悔い改めのギリシャ語はメタノイヤという言葉。それは心を変えること。 日本語で回心という言葉があるが、心がどこか違う方向に向いてしまっているところを、回転させてしっかり神に向けるということかと思う。そして、ヨハネ自身が、決して自分の方向ではなく、後に来られるイエス・キリストの方にしっかり向きなさいということを示した。 
この話、わたしたちの人生とどう関係しているのだろうか? 冒頭に自転車を例に出したが、自転車で道路を走るとき、歩行者と同じように右側を走ったらよいのか、あるいは車と同じで左側が良いのか、迷う人はたくさんいる。 
実際の神なるイエスは、どういう方か、イエスの洗礼は、死ぬべき罪人が復活するような徹底的な赦しであり、神からの豊かな恵みである。なので、私たちは洗礼を通して、神の赦しと恵みに浸る経験をした。今年の待降節、過去に洗礼を受けたことに感謝し、また新たに主イエスの方向に向かって歩みだそう。そして、周囲の洗礼を受けていない方々をも、世の中の様々なアイドルに惑わされることなく、聖なる主イエス・キリストの方へと導こう。 アーメン “Sign of Conversion” 2013 12 08 LCR
Matthew 3:1-12 Pr. Hitoshi Adachi

May Grace and Peace be upon you in the name of our savior, Jesus Christ! Amen.
In Japan a revised traffic law went into effect as of December 1st, from now on all bicycles need to run on the left side of the street (same as cars).
While I was watching the news, there were many police officers and volunteers standing on the street, guiding many bikes towards the left side of the street.
After I saw that news, I read the Gospel text again. Then the images of police officers and volunteers were changed to John the Baptist in my mind’s eye. What I want to say here is that John the Baptist, was guiding people who were walking on the wrong side of the road of faith to come towards the correct side by repenting and listening to Jesus.
Entering the season of Advent, the second and the third Sundays, we read the Gospel text relating to John the Baptist. Let’s reflect upon what he did 2000 years ago, and think about what the Lord, our God, the Holy Spirit is trying to say to us in this sanctuary now.
According to the Gospel text given, John wore clothing of camel’s hair with a leather belt around his waist, and his food was locusts and wild honey. This image was like Elijah, one of God’s true prophets from over 800 years ago…
Prophets were truly trusted by God, words were given to them, and they spoke God’s words to the people of their times. Starting from Abraham, there were many prophets. Like Moses, Elijah, Jeremiah, Isaiah, Ezekiel and so on. In the last part of the Old Testament, there are twelve smaller books of prophets.
The last prophet of the Old Testament is Malachi who probably lived in the fifth century B.C. Since then the Old Testament was formed as it was now, and no live prophets were added to the Testament, but the people in Israel, Jews, were listening to the word of God as it was written in the Testament.
During that time John the Baptist appeared. Also, he appeared as Isaiah described, in the wilderness like an image of the prophet, Elijah. Then many people wondered if he might be the Messiah and came to see him from Jerusalem, all regions of Judea, and surrounding regions of the Jordan River to be baptized as John said.
John’s message started with the words, “Repent, for the kingdom of heaven has come near.” Actually, the words are the same words Jesus used when he started his ministry, according Matthew 4:17. The word “Repent” is “Metanoeo” in Greek which means “Change one’s mind” or “conversion” and it can mean, “Turn your mind from one side to the other.”
And John urged people to turn their hearts from whomever in the past to the next person after John, who was Jesus.
For almost 500 years there was a time that no live prophet appeared, but then John and Jesus appeared back to back. John proclaimed that Jesus would baptize the people with the Holy Spirit and fire. John’s point was for people to turn their hearts to Jesus.
How does this story of John the Baptist relate to our daily lives? At the beginning of this message, I talked about Japan’s revised traffic law as pertaining to bicycle riding. In our lives, we often wonder on which side of the road we should walk. Am I on the wrong side or the right one?
I believe all people on the Earth wonder which side each of them should walk and to whom they should turn. There are so many prophets, so many religions. In the three major religions: Judaism, Christianity, and Islam some version of the Old Testament is present. However, there are also so many other religions based on different sacred texts.
Ladies and gentlemen here in this sanctuary, most of us were baptized by the water and the fire in the name of the father, God, the son, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit. That baptism was the sign of your conversion. At that time, you turned your hearts to Jesus, or I would say the Holy Spirit guided your hearts to turn to Jesus Christ. That was a wonderful gift from God. Let’s all remember that important moment in our lives, our baptisms.
I understand that there are people who have not been baptized yet. But I can proclaim to you, people will be guided towards baptism through which they will begin anew. This conversion is possible by faith in Jesus Christ.
When we read Matthew’s text, specifically the third chapter, John describes Jesus as a judge and a fearful Lord, since he describes Jesus using phrases like “Bear fruit worthy of repentance” and “the chaff he will burn with unquenchable fire.” I do not think that John fully understood all of Jesus’ roles to humankind. John only spoke about what he was told.
The reality of Jesus is that he is filled with forgiveness and grace. Therefore, through our baptisms we should be blissful with God’s forgiveness and grace. Let’s turn ourselves again toward Jesus Christ with thanksgiving in our hearts. As such, we should guide others to turn their hearts away from that which is not truly divine and towards the divine truth of Jesus Christ. Amen.

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