December 26th, 2013

2013年12月24日クリスマス・イヴ燭火礼拝説教”A Happy Ending” E. Carl Zimmermann 牧師

牧師説教, by admin1.


この教会のメンバーなら私がどんなに風変わりなセンスの持ち主であるかご存知だと思います。例えば、映画鑑賞専門家は、“Raging Bull”、“カサブランカ”、“風と共に去りぬ”を三大映画と評価していますが、私の好みはどちらかというと、 “Brazing Saddles”,“Fargo”,
“The Life of Brian”で、もう一つ加えるなら、Chevy Chase の “The Griswald Family Christmas”です。コメデイアンのChevy Chaseは主人公のClark Griswaldを演じます。彼は変わり者の親戚や隣人に囲まれているにも関わらず、クリスマスを特別素晴らしい時にしようと頑張ります。彼は、これでもか、これでもかと言うように失敗ばかり繰り返しますが、最後はめでたくハッピーエンドとなります。クリスマスを盗んだグリンチも最後には改心しますし、トナカイのルドルフもサンタを助けて大働きをします。有名なディキンズの小説に出て来る、年老いて憎しみに満ちたスクルージでさえも、最後には心を改めるのです。これらの素晴らしいお話は、ただハッピーエンドで心を暖めてくれるだけではなく、もしかしたら、こんな世の中でも希望が持てるかもしれないと私たちに思わせてくれます。そう解ってはいても、ハッピーエンドはいくら私達が楽観的でも、日々の希望の無い絶望的な現実をみるとただの幻想にしか思えないのです。考えてみて下さい。1日として人が射殺されたニュースや、盗み、飢餓、貧困、治療不可能な病気や不正行為を耳にしない日があるでしょうか?こんな状態の何処にハッピーエンドがあると言えるのでしょうか? 俳優のWoody Allenが言うように、この世は絶望かまたは絶滅に向かっているのでしょうか?こんな状況から、どうすれば幸せな思いや希望や喜びを持てるというのでしょう。それでも、どこか奥深い所で、全ての支離滅裂な現実に反して、人生にはそれら腐敗や詐欺や暴力以外の何かが、それがほんの少しの何かであっても、きっと在るに違いないと私達は信じたいのです。神様が私たちに手を差し伸べて下さる時、ただの幻覚や夢ではなくて何か、小さくても必ずハッピーエンドが訪れるのではないでしょうか。それと同じように、クリスマスのお話の一部分は、私たちが完全に希望を失ってはいないという事を語っているのです。

家族や友達に囲まれて楽しく食事をしたり、プレゼントの交換をしたりする今夜は、とても「静かな夜(聖しこの夜・Silent Night))の
「見よ、私はあなた方に良き知らせを伝えに来た。」そしてこの良き知らせとは: キリストの誕生と共に約束されたハッピーエンドなのです。


”A Happy Ending”
Members of this congregation know that I have a peculiar, quirky sense of humor. For instance, while the experts name Raging Bull, Casablanca and Gone With the Wind as three of the greatest movies ever produced but I’d rather watch Blazing Saddles, Fargo and The Life of Brian. Allow me to add one more: “The Griswald Family Christmas.” You know the one-Chevy Chase plays Clark Griswald who tries to make Christmas special even though he’s surrounded by wacky relatives and odd neighbors. The movie is one mis-adventure after another and Christmas appears to be headed for a complete meltdown, but in the end, it has a happy ending and our faith in family is once again restored. Many seasonal films end like that. The Grinch who did his level best to steal Christmas finally came around and Rudolph helped Santa save the day. Even old, bitter Scourge had a change of heart in Dicken’s holiday classic. These wonderful stories with happy endings tug at our heart strings but they do more than that…
They help us believe that maybe, just maybe, there is hope for this frail and fragile world of ours.

And yet, believing in happy endings seems something of a pipe dream…..Even the most optimistic of us can’t deny or escape the constant barrage of hopelessness and despair that confronts us every day.

Think about it…Has there been a single day this year when someone wasn’t gunned down, taken down or pushed around. How about the endless litany of drive bys…break ins and shoot outs or the endless and depressing accounts of famine, poverty, illness and injustice. Where is the happy ending in all of that? Maybe Woody Allen was right when he predicted that the world is headed in one of two directions: To despair or extinction.
How’s that for a happy thought on this night of hope and joy?

And yet deep down, despite all the craziness and chaos, isn’t there something that calls, urges, begs and beckons us to believe that there’s more to life than greed, deception, corruption and violence?
Deep down, isn’t there something – even just a little something– that says happy endings are more than an illusion or pipe dream when God is involved?

In part, that’s what this Christmas narrative does…It reminds us that all is not lost.

Think for a minute about Mary, the mother of our Lord. She was, from what we can tell, a rather average teenager. There was nothing regal or royal about her….Nothing in her lineage to suggest that she was born with a silver spoon in her mouth or destined for greatness. She had little reason to expect that her life would be much different from the other girls living in her village.

And that’s what adds to the drama of her story. We can understand her shock when, out of nowhere and without warning, the Angel Gabriel told her that she would conceive and have a son – God’s Son. And here’s the interesting thing…while she did have a question or two, she surrendered to the incredible news with a simple affirmation: “Let it be.”

“Let it be” – that’s her simple response to news that would give most women a heart attack…”Let it be.” And I think she allowed herself to be God’s servant and vessel because deep within her she believed that things do not always have to end in turmoil and tragedy. She understood that when God is involved life can be victorious and glorious-filled with happy, extraordinary, triumphant endings!

And, you see, there’s a question that lingers within each and everyone of us tonite…Will we believe….will we dare to believe that the birth of Jesus means the birth of hope and joy within us?

Like Mary, are we bold enough…faithful enough to believe that because of Christ, happy ends are not just for the Griswalds and the Scrooges of our world but for all of us?

With family, friends, festive meals and gift giving there’s not much chance that this will be a Silent Night, Holy Night, but know this: The angel of the Lord hovers over you…whispering in your ear: “Behold, I bring you good news.”

And the news is this: With the coming of Christ, comes the promise of a happy ending.

May each of you have a blessed and happy Christmas!

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