マタイ5:1-12 牧師 安達均
日本語では、「心の貧しい人々は幸い」となっているが、ヘブル語あるいはアラム語の語順で書くが、「幸せ、貧しい人々、霊的に。なぜなら、彼等のものだから、神の国は。」となる。 最初の言葉は、「幸せ」という言葉で、ぐっと聴いている人々の注目を集める。
さらに続く言葉は、「貧しい」という言葉。 なんで?と聴衆の注目を益々集める。皮肉を言っているわけではない。その次の言葉は、「霊的に」という言葉。霊的に貧しい、よく考えると、イエスさまがおっしゃりたいことは、「霊的にとても弱く、助けを必用としている人々」となってくると感じる。
そのあとは、「悲しんでいる人」、「柔和な人」、となるが、群集の中には、赤ちゃんを失い悲しんで居る者もいただろうし、病人を連れてくる柔和な心を持った人々もいただろう。 さらに、日本語では「義に飢え渇く」となっているが、社会正義的には話しのあわない社会に住んだいた。さらにイエスは、「憐れみ深い人」「心の清い人」「平和を実現する人」「義のために迫害される人」となってくるが、イエスキリストご自身がそういう方であり、イエスキリストに従う者たちも、つまり目の前にいる群衆の一人一人も、キリスト者に変えられて、イエスキリストの祝福、神の国の中にある者とされていくことを述べているように思う。
それは、さまざまな悩み、また病にみまわれている私たちに、「幸せなのは、今、霊の助けを必要として、この場にいる、あなた方だ。 なぜなら、あなた方が神の国を引き継ぐから。」 それは決して、肉体的、精神的な満足を与えられるものではないかもしれない。
正式な牧師になる前だったが、癌病棟でチャプレンとして奉仕していた。 3ヶ月だけだったが、その間に何人か患者さんが召された。看護士の方が、私のところによってきて、「ありがとう。患者さんたちにとって、また家族の人々にとって一番大切なのは霊的な癒しなのよ。」と言われたことがある。クリスチャンとして先端医療機器の開発、生産、販売する会社に25年間勤めた私も、実は同感だった。
私たち人間には、肉体的あるいは精神的にどんなピンチを迎えていようが、主イエスの信仰により、一番大切な霊的な欠乏が補われる。主イエスキリストが大きな希望、豊富な恵み、慈しみ溢れる癒しを与えてくださり、人は祝福の内に次のステップを歩み出すことができる。 アーメン
Matthew 5:1-12 Pr. Hitoshi Adachi
May the Grace and Peace of Jesus Christ be with you all!
Please reflect upon your lives. I understand that many of you, your family members, or someone close to you are dealing with physical disease. Or not only physical disease but many of you are also taking care of your own children or grandchildren who are still growing physically and mentally.
Or you or someone close to you might have some sort of mental illness. Like depression, eating disorders, or schizophrenia for example.
One of my pastor friends has a son, who is in high school. A couple of years ago, he suddenly developed amnesia. Since then he does not remember his past life. He does not remember where he grew up or which elementary school he attended. However, after the incident, he is OK, because he at least remembers his life from two years ago. So the relationship between the son and parents was renewed and strengthened.
Or you might have family members or close friends who are physically and emotionally OK, but do not accept or believe in any type spirituality, especially denying Jesus Christ, as their savior. Although it’s an exaggeration to say you are oppressed or persecuted by them; you may be mocked and shunned for your beliefs.
Today, I read the first portion of Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount, which is a long sermon, or better said a collection of messages, from Matthew 5 through 7. Before we get into the contents of the message, I would like to explain who the listeners were.
At the end of Matthew Chapter 4, since Jesus taught in Galilee and cured all sorts of diseases, his fame spread and many people brought to him all the sick people who were afflicted with various diseases and pains. And great crowds followed him from all over the places beyond Galilee and even beyond the Jordan River.
Therefore, many sick people and the people that brought them – their caregivers like family members and friends were listening to the sermon. In other words, there were people who were facing various difficult life situations. Then, Jesus started his sermon.
Although the translated Japanese word order “Heart, Poor, People, Blessed, For, Kingdom of Heaven, Theirs”, the English (and it is the same in Hebrew) word order is, “Blessed, Poor, In Spirit, For, Theirs, Kingdom of Heaven.” I believe the first word, “Blessed” really captured the audience’s attention.
Then the next two words are “The Poor.” This captures the audience’s attention even more, because the listeners realize Jesus is not being ironic. Then the next words are “In Spirit.” What does it mean “The Poor in Spirit?” When we ponder the meaning, I believe, this means “the poor people in spirit” meaning “the people who need spiritual help.”
Many people in the crowd were facing many kinds of diseases, ailments, and pains, and unfortunately medical care available at the time wasn’t able to help people with certain diseases. It was so important that people needed to be filled with spirit. Therefore, people in front of Jesus were blessed and happy since they were spiritually fed by Jesus, and Jesus followers would inherit the kingdom of heaven.
Also there were people who were mourning because the possibility that you’d die before age 5 was very high compared to today’s infant mortality rates. There were always people who mourned the deaths of their close relatives and friends.
When we read about the other categories, people who are meek, who are hungry but would be filled, who are merciful ones, who are the pure in heart, who are peacemakers, who are persecuted for righteousness’ sake, Jesus himself represented these people.
And I believe Jesus indicated that the followers of Jesus would be transformed by the Spirit and then would become Christians, and rightful successors to the Kingdom of God.
This message, the Sermon on the Mount, was not only told to the people who were in front of Jesus 2000 years ago, but is also told today to the people in this sanctuary, in front of Jesus’ body and blood. The same words, the Sermon on the Mount, are spoken to you with His blessings.
Jesus is talking to us, “Blessed are you, who are facing many difficult matters and need God’s spiritual help. For the Kingdom of God is yours.” We may not be physically and emotionally healthy but Jesus gives us spiritual help.
Before becoming a pastor, I served as a chaplain for cancer wards in a hospital. Although it was only for a three month period, I dealt with several deaths. One time, a nurse came to me and said, “Thank you for serving as a chaplain for our patients and families, I believe spiritual care is by far the most important type of care.” I had the same opinion while working for a medical device company for twenty five years.
As human beings, even though we are placed in many difficult situations physically and/or emotionally, Jesus Christ fills our spiritual needs through faith in Christ. He gives us great hope, steadfast love, and abundant comfort every day, but especially in times of need. We are never poor in spirit if we have the Lord in our lives. Amen.