August 24th, 2014


牧師説教, by admin1.

マタイ 16:13-20   


私たちはよくイエスキリスト、英語ならJesus Christという呼び方をする。 あるいは日本語ではキリストイエスということもある。そうすると、外国人の名前だからキリスト、Christは苗字/Last Nameで、イエスが名前/First Nameだと思っている方もいると思う。
だから、イエスキリスト、Jesus Christと言ったときは、「救い主イエス」という意味のことを言っている。そして、キリスト教という宗教の名前になっているが、その意味は「救いの教え」とか、「世を救う宗教」という意味が、私たちの信仰にはあるのだと思う。

その後、ずばり、イエスは「じゃ、あなた方は、私のことを何者だというのか?」という質問を弟子たちにしている。 これは、第三者的の話をすればよかった第一の質問とは全く異なり、これまで直接話して、また行動を共にしてきた弟子たちから見て、イエスは何者なのか、弟子たち自身の応答を求めた質問だ。

二つめのコメントが続く。「ペトロはヘブル語でケファで、岩とか石の意味。私はそのペトロの上に教会を立てる。」 教会が建物であれば、岩や石が土台というのはよくわかる。しかし、それは比喩であり、キリスト教会の土台は、イエスが救い主という信仰が土台になるんだよ、ということをイエスはおっしゃりたかったように感じる。
最後のイエスの言葉は、「あなたに天の国の鍵を授ける。地上でつなぐことは天でもつなぐし、地上で解くことは天でも解かれる。」 ここで、イエスはペトロに物理的な鍵を渡したわけではない。これもやはり比喩で、イエスを救い主、生ける神とする信仰が、地上と天国をつなぐことになる。つまり、この地上が天国にもなり得る。それは、鍵が開けたり閉じたりするように、地上が天国のようにもなり、またそうでない時もあるという意味合いがあったように思う。

いかがなものだろうか? 私たちとイエスの関係を振り返ってみてはどうだろうか? わたしたちは、ペトロが「あなたはメシア、生ける神」という告白をしたのと似ていて、洗礼を受けるときには、父と子イエスと聖霊なる、唯一の生ける神を信じてキリスト教徒となっている。 
しかし、その信仰ががたついてしまうような私たちでも、生ける神、主が私たちを事実として、教会に招いてくださっている。 それは、そのような私たちを礼拝中の主イエスとの関係の中で、憐れみ、赦し、大きな愛を持って、霊的な糧をくださり、だいじょうぶやりなおせるよ、永遠の命に生きているんだよ、と語りかけ、希望と喜びを持って、世に送り出してくださることがおこる。希望は不安悩みに対する最高の武器。 

2000年前、主なるイエスが世に来てくださったということは起こった。そして主の聖霊がずっと臨在してくださっている。かといって、イエスの再臨は起こっておらず、この世はある意味、中途半端な状態。 多くの闇の部分を抱えている。現代の世の中、神の国は来た、でも完全に来たわけではない、という時代が2000年続いている。 

“Who is Jesus?”
Matthew 16: 13-20

May Grace and Peace from Jesus Christ be richly poured into the hearts of the people gathered in this sanctuary!

We often say, “Jesus Christ” during worship. To ears unfamiliar with worship practices, Jesus sounds like a first name and Christ sounds like a last name. But of course, this is only partially correct. Jesus is his first name, but Christ is not his last name.
“Christ” whether in English, Greek or Hebrew is a title. “Xristos” is Greek and it means “Savior.” In Hebrew, it means “Messiah.” In the Old Testament it means “anointed” and in the New Testament it means someone sent by God who saves the world and brings peace.
Therefore, when we say the words “Jesus Christ,” it means “Jesus, the Savior.” From the title “Christ,” we get our religion’s name “Christianity,” which means something like “religion that saves the world” or “teaching of the savior.”
However, if we call Christianity the “religion that saves the world,” this doesn’t sound very different from many other religions. This general description causes many people, especially Japanese people, to question Christianity because it sounds so similar to other religions. Therefore, we need to think more deeply about Jesus, the Savior and I believe today’s Gospel text is wonderful because it makes us think about the relationship between Jesus, his Biblical disciples and his newer disciples (i.e. ourselves).

Last week, Jesus and the disciples were traveling to the regions of Tyre and Sidon, now part of present-day Syria. Then they came to Caesarea Philippi, about 25 miles north of Galilee. Even though it is just 25 miles north, it is not really considered part of the Jews’ territory. That place was multicultural and multi-religious. Some believed in indigenous religion, some followed Roman religious practice, and of course some were Jews. In that environment, Jesus asked his disciples two questions.
The first question was: “Who do people say that the Son of Man is?” (“the Son of Man” is Jesus)The disciples replied “Well, some say John the Baptist, some say Elijah, and others say Jeremiah or one of the other prophets.”
Then, Jesus asked the second question, which was very straightforward, “You disciples, who do you say I am?” This question is very different from the first one because the first one asked what other people were saying about Jesus, but the second one is what do you, the disciples who has been directly listening to what Jesus said, traveling with Jesus, and watching Jesus’ miraculous activities, say who Jesus is? Jesus is requesting his disciples’ opinions.
In response to Jesus, Peter replied, “You are the Messiah, the Son of the living God.” This answer was 100% correct. So Jesus replied, “You are blessed, Simon son of Jonah.” However, I think Jesus added three major points, which was written down as well.

The first one is “my Father in heaven has revealed this to you. You did not learn this from any human being.” Here, I think Jesus meant that even if you could say the perfect answer, do not be conceited. Also, Jesus knew that, even if Peter could confess his faith of Jesus as the Messiah, the living God, Peter’s faith was weak. Jesus also knew that he would say “I do not know Jesus” three times later in his life, when Jesus was about to be crucified.
Then, Jesus said the second point: “Now I say to you that you are Peter (which means ‘rock’), and upon this rock I will build my church.” If the church is a building, we understand that it needs to have a firm foundation, therefore, something like a big rock or stones are needed under the building. However, this was a metaphor, and I believe that Jesus meant: the faith in Jesus Christ, the Savior, that Peter confessed is the foundation of Christian church.
The last sentence that Jesus spoke in today’s text was “And I will give you the keys of the Kingdom of Heaven. Whatever you forbid on earth will be forbidden in heaven, and whatever you permit on earth will be permitted in heaven.” Here, I do not believe that Jesus gave material keys to Peter. Again, this is a metaphor. Jesus third point meant “depending on your faith, it may open or close the door between heaven and this world. In other words, depending on people’s faith, if the door is opened, this world could be heaven and if the door is closed this world would not be paradise.

So what is this story in the Gospel text, which begun with the conversation between the Jesus and disciples, then focused on the intense meaning of the conversation between Peter and Jesus, teaching us (or should I say forcing us to think about)? I think the same question that Jesus asked the disciples “Who do you say I am?” is a question he’s asking us also.
What do you think…? I would recommend that you now reflect on the relationship between you and Jesus in your life. In a sense, most of us, who were baptized, confessed our faith in the Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit before our baptism, which is a bit similar to what Peter confessed.
However, none of us are perfect. In other words, even if we confess our faith every Sunday during worship, in reality, we have doubts and often act in ways that are opposite from what God wants us to do…like Peter did.
Despite acting contrary to God’s wishes the living God, Jesus, is always inviting us to worship every Sunday. In the worship service, God forgives us, gives us mercy, and spiritually feeds us with his gracious love, his body and blood. Even if as we endure difficult times, God encourages us and gives us joy and sent us out into the world with hope.  
2000 years ago, Jesus Christ came to this world in human form and there has always been the Holy Spirit around us and within us. Jesus is living among us. However, Jesus’ second coming has not happened yet.

We are in an age between the first and the second coming of Jesus Christ. We see wonderful things happening because of Jesus, however, we also see corruption, hardship, and strife in this human world. Even though we may say sometimes this world looks like the Kingdom of Heaven that Jesus controls (in the form of loving, selfless acts), at the same time it is a world marred by human mistakes. Depending on which aspect you focus on, the door between heaven and earth is open or closed based on your point of view.
In the midst of the first coming and the second coming, Jesus Christ, who was crucified and died and buried, but resurrected, still bears the tremendous burdens of human beings and is supporting and saving our world. Because of Jesus, we experience joy and see hope for the future. Why don’t we start this new week with the help and support of Jesus Christ? Amen.
Pr. Hitoshi Adachi

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