マタイ 22:1-14
王はなぜ礼服を着てこなかったのかと質問する。その者がなにも答えずにいると、王は側近たちに、「この男の手足を縛って暗闇にほうり出せ。泣きわめいて歯ぎしりするだろう。」と言う。 そして、招かれる人は多いが、選ばれる人は少ない。 とイエスは言われる。
そして、このたとえ話に語られていることは、その婚宴に、すべての人が招かれている。しかし、たとえ話の最後に出てきた礼服を着ていない人がほうり出される話は納得がいかない方も多いと思う。来なさい来なさいとさんざん誘ったあげく、礼服を着ていないから追い出されるというのはなんでだ?そりゃないでしょう。。。 と言いたくなる。
To Accept or Ignore God’s Precious Invitation
2014 10 12 Matthew 22:1-14
May the Grace and Peace of Jesus Christ be poured into the hearts of people gathered in the sanctuary!
Several years ago, I heard the following testimony. She said, “I made the best decision to be baptized and am so grateful for the baptism that I received.” Although she went to a Christian kindergarten, she did not like to hear the teacher saying “God is always watching you,” because if she does something wrong, she thought that God would punish her. She was scared and one day after she came back from kindergarten, she hid herself in a corner of kitchen and felt that God was still looking to punish her.
When she attended a university majoring in music, she studied how important church music is and someone invited her to come to a church. She attended church services for the purpose of listening to church music, but she realized that her perception about God was incorrect.
She realized that God is love and he forgives her selfishness and past bad behavior through Jesus Christ. The loving Lord is watching over her and it was OK just walking in her life trusting the Lord. Even when difficult situations happen, just trusting God is wonderful. And she made the best decision in her life.
The Gospel today is again, Jesus’ parable about the kingdom of heaven. A king invited many people to a banquet to celebrate his son’s wedding. However, this parable does not tell whom his son would marry.
The king’s servants were asked to invite people saying that the sumptuous dinner was ready, so please come. However some people just ignored the invitation, some just said they had other priorities, and some people in a town killed the servants.
The king mentioned to his other servants that the people invited were not appropriate guests, so the king asked them again, whoever they saw in town, please bring them. Then a large group of people arrived at the banquet. However, there was one person who was unsuitable to attend.
The king asked him, “Why do you not wear your wedding robe?” He could say nothing, and then the King said to his servants “Bind him hand and foot, and throw him into the outer darkness, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.”
It sounds like a sad story and we may have an impression the king is punishing the guest. If we think about this parable, it looks like the King was an angry God or a punishing God. Is that really so? Again, this is the parable of the Kingdom of God. This parable is talking about the end of the world.
This parable of the Wedding Banquet does not tell who the bride is. However the image of the end of the world is something like the wedding between God and all of humanity, or Jesus Christ and all human beings, we find this symbolism throughout Old Testament and New Testament.
According to the parable we read, all people are invited to the banquet. However, why was the guy who was not wearing a wedding robe thrown out? He came to the banquet since he was invited…
What does it mean that he was not wearing a robe? If we talk about this parable in a bit of a modern way, I think God is proposing to us, so we join with the Lord. This proposal is so generous and priceless. People need to understand this invitation to the wedding is precious. This is the wedding between God and humanity at the end of the world.
This precious invitation is not only given to certain people but it’s given to everyone, because God is the one who makes the sun rise on the evil and on the good, and sends rain on the righteous and on the unrighteous. God, who forgives people, all sinners, proposes to all sinners to marry the Lord. We are asked to accept this priceless invitation.
Although the parable talks about the guy who was not wearing a wedding robe, it is not an issue of proper attire (or one’s appearance) but more about inner spiritual readiness to be together with God who loves the evil and the good, who forgives the righteous and the unrighteous. If we accept the invitation, we need to respond appropriately, we are to love God, and our neighbors, and yes even sinners. How can this be done? It can be done through wearing faith in Christ.
If we read only the parable chosen today, we might misunderstand that God punishes and is not really a loving God. However, we should consider what Jesus says to us in other places and we then understand how God is love and graciousness. The woman who came to understand God’s love is the woman whose testimony of her baptism I shared at the beginning of the message.
To be baptized is to accept God’s invitation, which is his proposal, and we are to live a wonderful engagement period. While being wrapped by the love of God, we are to love God and our neighbors joyously living in this engagement period. Regardless of your gender or age, this invitation is extended to you. Let’s hope and pray that everybody in the world accepts God’s precious invitation. Amen.
Pr. Hitoshi Adachi