November 26th, 2015


牧師説教, by admin1.

ヨハネ18章 33-37節  


北の国からという北海道の富良野を舞台にして、視聴率抜群だったテレビドラマがある。 その主題歌を作詩作曲したのは、シンガーソングライターのさだまさしさん。
「あーあー」「んーんー」「らーらー」「むーむー」という言葉だけが出てくる。 そもそも、さだまさしさんは、北海道が出身ではなく、長崎の出身だ。だから、北海道の様子は作詞できずに、ただ、「あーあー」とか「んーんー」とか言って歌ったのかもしれない。 ちょっと、歌ってもよいが、おそらく、一昨日で三ヶ月になったOOOくんも歌ってくれるのではないだろうか?  

さて、今日の福音書の話に入りたい。 ひとことでいってしまえば、今日の話は、イエスのふるさとの話ともいえるかもしれない。ということは、ナザレの話か、それともクリスマスも近づいてきたから、ベツレヘムの話なのかと思う方もいるかもしれないが、私はナザレもベツレヘムも話をするわけではない。どういうことが書いてあったか、その一部を振り返ってみたい。
ユダヤがローマの直轄下にあっては、決してユダヤに王などいてはならなかった。そこで、総督ピラトは、「お前はユダヤの王なのか」と質問する。それはとても大切な質問だった。 ユダヤの教理上は、死刑などにはできないユダヤ教の指導者たちは、イエスを死刑においこみたかった。そこで、イエスが「ユダヤの王だ」という罪状をつけて、総督ピラトの手に渡せば、ローマ帝国派遣の責任者として、イエスを死罪と決めるであろうというもくろみがあった。



キリスト者として生きるとは、神の国からきたイエスと同じところを、心のふるさととして生きることだといえる。それゆえ、この世の生活のなかで、1週間の間に、なにかつらいことでも、うれしいことでも、なにがおころうが、日曜には、神の憐れみを仰ぎ、赦されて、御言葉を聞き、恵みをいただく。 毎週里帰りをしているようなものだと思う。それは、物理的なふるさとに里帰りをすることとは異なって、不思議な力、希望と喜びをいただける。キリスト信仰者は、十字架の死と復活を通して示された、キリストの愛の中に生きており、すでに神の国における永遠の命に生きている。アーメン

From the Kingdom of God
John 18:33-37

May the Grace, Mercy, and Peace of the Lord, our Jesus Christ be poured into the hearts of the people!

There was a very famous TV drama called “Kita no Kuni Kara”, featured people living their lives in Hokkaido. The literal translation of the title is “From the Kingdom of the North.” The theme song of “From the Kingdom of the North” became very popular also. It was composed by famous singer, songwriter Masashi Sada.
Although I said, songwriter, is there anyone who remembers the lyrics of the theme song?
The lyrics only consisted of these sounds “Ah, Ah, Nh, Nh, Lah, Lah, Muh, Muh.” Some of you might know that Mr. Masashi Sada was not born on Hokkaido, the north island of Japan, but was born on Kyushu, the south island of Japan. Therefore, he might not know Hokkaido well and his song is only “Ah Ah” “Nh Nh”… anyway why don’t we all sing it together, including Hayato-kun, who turned three-months old just this past Friday.
In the drama, a family of 4 was living in Tokyo: Goro, the father, Reiko, the mother, Jun, the son, and Hotaru, the daughter. Goro and Reiko eventually divorced, then Goro, Jun, and Hotaru returned to Goro’s hometown, a place called “Furano” in Hokkaido.
They began a sometimes difficult but wonderful life in the beautiful town of Furano. The drama showcased the beauty of Furano and the place became very famous. Not only did the show highlight Furano’s natural beauty, but the drama made people in Tokyo and other big cities think about their hometowns as well.

Let’s dive into the Good News, the Gospel given today. If asked to summarize the Good News in a few words, today’s story is about Jesus’ hometown. You might think that I would talk about Nazareth or Bethlehem but actually it’s neither of them. Let’s look at the section of the Bible that I read.
Today’s scene is close to the time that the decision to crucify Jesus will be made. It was a conversation between Pontius Pilate and Jesus. At that time, Judea was controlled by the Roman Empire. Pilate was assigned by the empire as the Governor of Judea.
Because Judea was directly controlled by Rome, Rome would never allow a king of Judea. Therefore, Pilate asked the question, “Are you the King of Jews?” That was a very important question to help Pilate decide whether or not to crucify Jesus. By Jewish law, the leaders of Judaism could not crucify Jesus. Therefore, leaders sent Jesus to Pontius Pilate by claiming that Jesus himself is saying “I am the king of Jews,” so that Pilate would authorize Jesus’ crucifixion.

To respond to Pilate’s question, “Are you the King of Jews?”, Jesus said “My Kingdom is not from this world.” When I interpret carefully based on it’s original language, this may be interpreted as “I did not come from this world but I came from the Kingdom of God.”
“From the Kingdom of God” expresses that his true hometown is the Kingdom of God and that he does not come from this world. Jesus meant that he belongs to the beautiful Kingdom of God and his life is rooted in God’s kingdom.
Even though Jesus was crucified, Christ who came from the Kingdom of God was resurrected. Jesus’ life is very sure and eternal, since he is rooted in God’s Love. He is the love of God. Resurrected Jesus forgives all people, the sinners of the world, and shows us God’s mercy and love.

In the beginning, I talked about the drama “From the Kingdom of the North,” that drama was set in the beautiful town of Furano. But for me, I think about my own hometown. I was born in Yokohama and it does not have as many physically beautiful landscapes as Furano does. Although, I like to be in nature, Yokohama is not like Furano or somewhere else known for it’s natural beauty. Even if I was asked to write a poem for the drama, like Masashi Sada, I would write “Ah nh…” too. Words cannot adequately describe Furano’s beauty.
When I think about my baptism and my life as a Christian, like Jesus, my hometown is the Kingdom of God. I am rooted in God’s Kingdom, therefore my earthly life will end eventually, but I will live forever in the Kingdom with the Lord, eternally. I would say, my eternal life has already started in Christ.

To live as a Christian is living believing that our hometown is the Kingdom of God. Therefore, even if we may have difficult times during the week, such as dealing with terrorism, lost love, divorce, etc…every Sunday, Christians come back to our hometown, the place for worshiping the Lord and listening to God’s Word. Every week, we receive God’s Grace, Mercy, and Forgiveness. It is a much more powerful experience rather than just going back to our physical hometown. As Christians, we are already living in God’s eternal life and in His Love which was shown in Jesus’ death and resurrection. Amen.
Pr. Hitoshi Adachi

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