October 11th, 2012

2012年10月7日聖霊降臨後第19主日聖餐礼拝説教「結婚について聖書からの言葉」”The Bible and Marriage”岸野豊牧師

牧師説教, by admin1.

「結婚について聖書からの言葉」”The Bible and Marriage”


さて今日の説教の前に1970年代にテレビによくでてきたCaptain and Tennille と言うカップルのThe Wedding Song と言う歌を聴いてください。歌詞は今日の週報の中に折り込まれています。

      The Wedding Song

He is now to be among you at the calling of your hearts
Rest assured this troubadour is acting on His part.
The union of your spirits, here, has caused Him to remain
For whenever two or more of you are gathered in His name
There is Love,
there is Love.

Well a man shall leave his mother and a woman leave her home
They shall travel on to where the two shall be as one.
As it was in the beginning is now and til the end
Woman draws her life from man and gives it back again.
And there is Love,
there is Love.
Well then what’s to be the reason for becoming man and wife? Is it love that brings you here or love that brings you life?
For if loving is the answer, then who’s the giving for?
Do you believe in something that you’ve never seen before?
Oh there is Love,
there is Love.

Oh the marriage of your spirits here has caused Him to remain
For whenever two or more of you are gathered in His name
There is Love,
there is Love.

私は1975年に立教大学を卒業したすぐ後、アメリカ、ペンシルベニア州のGettysburgと言う所にあるルーテル神学校に行きました。神学校を出るには4年かかります。3年目はインターン・シップの時で、私は、その一年をLebanon という町の教会で過ごすしました。そこはPennsylvania DutchAmish とかMennonite という 200年も自分たちの文化を電気も、自動車も使わない農作をしている人達の多いところでした。


ある日、ある会員である女性のおばさんで、老人ホームで、リクリレーション・セラピーをしている人から、 “Yutaka, I want you to visit me at my work place”と言われ、そこにおばさんを訪ねると、  “I want you to meet with someone” と言われ、このsomeoneとは誰だろうと思っている間にある若い女性を連れてきたのです。

2週間前に説教の中でFiddler on the Roofの話をしましたが、その中にいたMatch makerがいました。まさに、このおばさんが、その役をはたしたのです。若い女性とは当時22歳の Occupational Therapy の勉強をしていた、家内のナンシーです。二年間の付き合いの後、結婚式を挙げました。私の両親、また幼稚園から中学まで一緒に育った親友がthe  best  man として来てくれました。

今年で結婚生活33年目です。初めの教会はPhiladelphia でそこに副牧師として4年間、その後、テキサスのダラスで3年、またGrand Prairie というダラスの南に新しい新興住宅が建てられた時、Pastor Developer として新しく建てられた家を一軒、 一軒尋ねました。もうそのころは4才になる娘のKatie と生まれたばかりのAndrew の面倒を見るお母さんの仕事をしながら、交代に子供の面倒を見ました。また、家内は、昼間病院でOccupational Therapist として働いていたので、小さい子供を抱えて働く生活にはチャレンジが沢山ありました。しかし夜中に哺乳瓶でミルクを飲ませるのは私の責任でした。早く飲み終えて欲しいのに、少し飲んでは寝て、また起きて飲んでと、私のほうが疲れてしまいましたが、今から考えるとそのように子供たちと過ごすことができたことに感謝しています。

また、金曜日は私のday off で、その日にはストローラーに子供を入れて近くのモールであっちに行ったり、こっちに行ったりして半日過ごしました。今日の旧約聖書の話の最初の夫婦アダムもイブもお互いを助け合い、家族の面倒をも見ていったと思います。

ところでこの広い世界にあって、ある一人の女性がある一人の男性とめぐり合うと言うのはまったく不思議なことではないでしょうか? 先に述べたように、地球の反対側から来てそこで人生の伴侶となる人に出会うとは考えても見なかったことです。それが神様の計画であったと言うことが本当かどうか、分かりませんが、結婚生活の中で二人が、お互いの弱い所を助け合いながら生きてゆくことは大切なことです。男の代表として反省しなければならないことは、いつも、奥さんを大事にすると言うことです。子供のことは奥さんに任せる、食事の仕度も奥さん、買い物も奥さん、掃除、家の片付け、料理も奥さんの仕事と考えてしまうのは男の悪い癖。また奥さんはご主人からの “Thank you”, “I care for you” , そして、 “I love you”と言う声を常に求めているのです。家内は、私が、これらの短い言葉をこのごろ昔ほど言わないというのです。「愛してるよ」との一言が、人生の上に潤いをもたらす事を信じることは、夫婦関係の中だけでなく、家族のひとりひとりに語りかける大切な言葉です。


結婚生活は生活を共にすることですから、その中でお互いに自分の欠点や性格が出てきます。そこから不満が生まれ、お互いへの愛情が冷めてしまう状態になることもあるのです。誰かが言いました。「愛するとは、忍耐強く相手に接することだ」と。喧嘩に一方の人が正当化されることはありません。お互いの中で心の中で、もやもやの思いが出てくる。それが不満であり、ほおっておくと、愛情はいつ冷えてもおかしくない状態になります。そんな時、愛するとは、忍耐強く相手に接することです。お互いに欠点があり、弱さがあることを認めること、そしてお互いを赦す心を持つことです。お互いの自分の言い分、短所を受け入れる決断が必要です。受け入れてもらう時、そこに感謝の念が生まれます。しかしこれは口で言うほど、やさしいことではありません。お互いに話し始める前にお互いが神様に祈る心も必要です。英語でこういう言葉があります。 “Families that pray together, stay together”



そのうちの一人である娘のMagdalenaについて一言お話しましょう。Magdalena がまだ若いteenager の時、彼女は思い病気にかかり、お医者さんからあと少しの時間でこの世を去ることになるでしょうと言われたのです。ルターは、Magdalenaを見つめて言いました。「愛する娘Magdalenaよ。お前があと少しでイエス様の元に戻るのを私は知っている。しかし私の心は騒いでいるのだ。お前と一緒にこの世の世界にいられないのはとても悲しいけれど、お前がイエス様の許にいることを知って私の心は収まるのだ。そして最後にMagdalena “As God will’’ と言って息を引きとったのです。ルターは悲しみを喜びに満ちた思いで神に感謝したと言ったのです。アーメン。

 “The Bible and marriage”

May God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ give you grace and peace.  Amen.

As I start my message this morning, I would like you to listen to the song called “The Wedding Song” sung by “Captain and Tennille” in 1970’s . 

The Wedding Song

He is now to be among you at the calling of your hearts
Rest assured this troubadour is acting on His part.
The union of your spirits, here, has caused Him to remain
For whenever two or more of you are gathered in His name
There is Love,
there is Love.

Well a man shall leave his mother and a woman leave her home
They shall travel on to where the two shall be as one.
As it was in the beginning is now and til the end
Woman draws her life from man and gives it back again.
And there is Love,
there is Love.

Well then what’s to be the reason for becoming man and wife?
Is it love that brings you here or love that brings you life?
For if loving is the answer, then who’s the giving for?
Do you believe in something that you’ve never seen before?
Oh there is Love,
there is Love.

Oh the marriage of your spirits here has caused Him to remain
For whenever two or more of you are gathered in His name
There is Love,
there is Love.

Lovely song , isn’t it.  I will come back about this song later. 

Back in 1975, right after the graduation from Rikkyo University in Tokyo,  I came to the United States to enter the Lutheran Theological Seminary in Gettysburg.  To graduate from the seminary, it takes 3 years of study and a year of internship.

One year of internship is required to spend at the congregational setting to learn all aspect of the church life and activities.

I was requested by a Pastor of the Holy Trinity Lutheran Church of Lebanon Pennsylvania to come to his church for one year of internship.  I had no idea who is this pastor or why the pastor of this congregation wanted me to come to his church, but I was happy to have a placement set, and besides, Pennsylvania Dutch Country sounded very interesting.  You probably know the Amish people who live in the central Pennsylvania are engaged in the organic farming and work of farming without modern machineries, let alone any use of electricity and automobile or tractor.

I was told my main task at the 1200 membership congregation is to preach once a month, visit shut in members at homes and hospitals. 

One day, one of the congregation member asked me to visit her nursing home.  I thought she will be introducing me to the some of the residents, but to my surprise she introduced me to a young lady who was working as a recreational therapy aid.  I am going to ask you who do you think that young lady was? 

Well, that was Nancy, my wife.  Life is full of surprise.  We start dating and we were engaged  a year later.  In May of 1979, I graduated from seminary, receive a call as an assistant Pastor in Philadelphia and got ordained  in May and married to Nancy in June of 1979.

My parents came to the wedding with my missionary Pastor , Pastor Luttio.  Some of you know him because he is also a ventriloquist who visited us a couple times in the past. 

My best friend from the kindergarten time came as my best man for the wedding.  We had three pastors took part of our wedding. So we had three pastors, my internship pastor, Nancy’s home church pastor and Pastor Luttio take part of the marriage ceremony.

The following day there was a newspaper article that dedicated whole one page about our wedding with the picture under the title the East meets the West and my mother had a kimono on.

I still remember clearly much of what took place on that day, but I felt more than anything that we were surrounded by the love of families and friends.

This is our 33 years anniversary and we cannot believe time passed so fast.  Many things took place, but we moved to Philadelphia to Dallas, Texas and started the family in 1980’s.  The bishop in Texas Louisiana synod asked me to develop a new congregation.  It was the hardest but the most fulfilled experience of my life to give a new birth to a congregation. 

Nancy was recruited to the newly started rehabilitation team for the people with spine problem and received a great recognition.  Our children were both born in Texas. 

 From early on of our baby children I took over the midnight shift to feed the milk to our children so Nancy can rest the night.  For me it was the best bonding time with both Katie and Andrew.

Then the newly organized Evangelical Lutheran Church in America gave me a call to move to Southern California and asked me to oversee the planting of new congregations.

We settled in Corona and we were happy to find a Filipino nanny to come to take care our children during the day time and they stayed with us until Andrew finished the elementary school.

Nancy and I were always busy, but we were mindful to take our own time together.

Married couple need to take time to talk, and that is only way to find the need to each other.  When that does not take place, we got irritated and start arguing, even to end up fighting.  I then tend to become quiet or avoid conversation and that even made Nancy more upset.

I think everyone should read the book called Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus: A Practical Guide for Improving Communication and Getting What You Want in Your Relationships.

Yes, it’s about communication.  In general, women are better communicator than  men.

I tend to become quiet, especially after arguments.  It is because stupid sense of pride that I don’t want to say “I am sorry” or “I treated you badly”.  Let’s kiss and make up does not work, I know that, but then self-pity takes hold of me.I often tell people that we need to take good care of ourselves…..but I often find myself neglecting that, especially with the one who is the most closest, that is my wife.

I should, I need, I must, I have to, these words are meaningless words until I can say my sincere apology to the one we love the most.There is saying, “Family that pray together, stay together”   I need to pray with one I love, my wife, my children and my parents, and you, who are here in this worship service.

Finally I need to say important thing to those who have experienced separation from the spouse.  I happen to know many of them in my relatives and friends.  I have no rights to say anything about the reason of separation.  But I also feel the pain and loneliness from those who went through this experience.

I have my own brother who went through this.  I have many friends including my friend pastors, both male and female pastors who struggle their own married life. I pray for you as your pastor, but more as your friend.

It is my sincere prayer that we need to be kind and considerate to each other.  We need to be gentle and understanding not just to spouses but to the rest of the families and the ones we have daily contact.  And we all hope to learn this lifelong lesson with the source of the greatest love that is Jesus our Lord.  Amen.








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