テニス選手のヴィーナス ウィリアムスは「勝利を獲得したいなら、自分を信じていなくては勝てない」ノーマン ヴィンセント パールは「自分に自信をもっていないなら絶対成功できないし、幸福にはなれない」と言っています。
私たち一人一人それぞれに登らなくてはならない山があり、道は細く、坂は急で、時にはもう諦めたくなるでしょう。自分には出来ないと思う事もあるでしょう。あまりに辛くて、諦めたほうがましだと思うでしょう。もしそう思う時があったらヘレン スタイナー ライスの言葉を思い出してはどうでしょうか:「どれほど山道は険しくても、神は一緒に登ってくださいます」。
* ヴィーナス ウィリアムス:テニス プレイヤー
* ノーマン ヴィンセント パール: 牧師、作家
* ヘレン スタイナー ライス:有名な宗教的詩人
民 Day 訳
“The Walk of Faith” Sermon for Feb. 17, 2013
Some of you know that last June five of us from church climbed Mt. Baldy. We had trained for that adventure for over six months by taking monthly hikes with each one a bit more challenging than the last.
On the day of the climb we wore good hiking boots, carried plenty of water and snacks to keep us energized.Of the five I was the slow poke of the bunch. I suffer from altitude sickness and I knew that Mt. Baldy’s altitude of 10,000 feet would affect me. I also have a slight lung condition that makes breathing a bit more difficult when I exert myself. So, this hike was going to be strenuous and challenging.
Some of the paths up the mountain were very narrow and steep and in certain sections the wind was blowing over 40 miles an hour. Even though I was walking very slowly and fell behind the others, my climbing companions kept encouraging me. They told me to take my time and to rest as often as I needed. Over and over they said: “You can do it…You can make it.”
The final quarter mile to Mt. Baldy’s summit is especially challenging. It’s very steep and my both my legs and lungs were very tired and I must confess that there were times when I just wanted to quit. But I finally made it and one of my friends said: “See what you can do when you have faith in yourself.”
That’s what many of us have been told throughout our lives. If we just have faith in ourselves we can accomplish just about anything. The tennis star Venus Williams said: “If you want to be a winner you have to have faith in yourself.” Norman Vincent Peale said: “If you don’t have faith in yourself you will never be successful or happy.”
We all need a measure a self-confidence to get through life, but I wonder if that’s enough? Is it enough to solely rely on our own will, strength, courage and determination? That’s what many people think and say but I am not so sure that it’s very scriptural, because in all 66 books of the Bible we encounter a God who invites us to put our faith in him.
I’ve always like the story of Joshua. Moses had led the people out of Egypt and they had been wandering around the wilderness for 40 years. Just when they were coming close to the Promised Land Moses died and the role of leader was passed on to Joshua. He had been Moses’ assistant for many years and he proved himself to be wise, humble and loyal, but he was unsure of his ability to lead the Hebrews. I think he had some doubts but over and over he was told to be strong and courageous. He was told to have faith in himself but more importantly, he was told to have faith in God. God said to him: Wherever you go; no matter what problems you face; no matter how difficult the situation I will be with you.
Think how that must have encouraged Joshua! No matter what, God promised to stay by his side!
For a minute, allow me to return to my hike up Mt. Baldy. As I said before, when I was about a quarter mile from the top I was exhausted. I was determined to go on but I wasn’t sure that I could physically make it.
In our group was a young lady who had recently graduated from high school. She is now at the University of Oregon on a sports scholarship, so you know she’s physically fit and in good shape. When I was really struggling up the mountain she came down to meet me. She said that she was going to hike with me to the top. It didn’t matter how long it took or how often I had to stop. She was determined to see me finish.
I think having faith in God is something like that. It’s knowing that there’s one who’s going to walk with us every step of our lives no matter how joyous or difficult that walk may be. Faith is believing God when he says “be strong and courageous.” Faith is giving our imperfect selves to the One who wants the very best for us.
I am not sure if Joshua believed that he had the ability or stamina to march the Hebrews into the Promised Land, but he did it and he did it because God promised it and it works like that for us.
Each of us has a mountain to climb and sometimes the path is steep and difficult. Sometimes we just want to quit and give up. Perhaps we don’t think we have the energy or ability. Maybe we think the way is just too challenging and not worth the effort. If you ever get to that point you might want to remember these words of Helen Steiner Rice:
“No matter how steep the mountain, the Lord is going to climb it with you.”
Take his hand…put one foot in front of the other…look toward the heavens and always believe that he will get you to the top of the mountain.