「祈り:最高の神とのコミュニケーション」 ルカ13:31-35
一年先輩の神学生と話していた。 親身になって、色々な話をしたあと、「じゃ、とにかく祈るから。」と言われ、その日は別れた。 面接試験は無事に終わり、とて上手くいった。 その後、たまたま、その先輩と食堂で一緒になった。 私が、祈ってくれてありがとうと言い、面接試験がうまくいったことを話はじめたときだった。 彼の顔がどんどん、血の気が引いていき、そして、彼が、「I am very sorry」と言い出した。 「祈ると云っていたのに、祈らなかった。」と正直に私に話して、本当にすまないと言い出した。
結果はとてもよかったのだから、そんなに謝らなくてもと思ったが、私は、そのとき、彼から、とても重要なことを学んだような気がしている。 「祈る」ということの大切さ、実に高価なことを学ばせてもらったと思っている。
わたしたちは、祈るという言葉はよく使うがその大切さをあまり認識していないように思う。「祈ることしかできない。」と言ったりする。 「このつたない祈り」だとか、「小さき祈りを捧げます。」なんていったりする。 たしかに、祈るしかないということはあるし、謙遜の意味をこめて、そのような言葉を言ったりすることもあることはわかる。 しかし、祈るということを、卑下するというか、謙遜すべきことなのだろうか。 実は、祈ることはとても素晴らしいこと。 イエス様も本当に祈ることを大切にされていた。
マタイ、マルコ、ルカ、ヨハネの四つの福音書のなかでは、祈るという言葉が68回でてきていた。 祈っているのはだれかを調べると、その内38回は主語はイエス。また、残りの30 回の内、21 回は弟子たちが主語、というか、イエスが弟子たちに祈ることを勧めている。この数からわかるように、イエスは祈っておられるし、弟子たちにも繰り返し、祈ることを推奨している。
また、祈るという言葉は使われていないところでも、例えば、ヨハネ福音書の本文のなかでは、「祈」という言葉は、2回しかでてこない。 それは、パンとさかなに感謝して、祈るときだけ。 しかし、祈るという言葉は使われていなくても、明らかに17章に書かれていることは、イエスが神に祈っている。
イエスは、教会は祈りの家といわれる。 そう、この礼拝堂は、祈りの場。この礼拝堂に入って、祈るということはすばらしいこと。 わたしたちの現実、とくに、神社や仏教に親しみがある日本人は、とても、その感覚がわかっている方々が多い。
ただし、祈るということは、教会の礼拝堂の中だけでしかできないということではない。聖書を読むことは、いまでは聖書が家にあれば家でもできる。 祈りも、家にいても祈ることができる。 それは神さまが、私たちの間にいてくださり、さらに私たちの中にもいてくださるから。 パウロによれば、私たちの体が、神殿でもある。
さらに、祈るということは、聖書がなくったって、また、電話やコンピュータがなくたって、なにかほかのことをしながらでも、「神さま、ありがとうございます。」「神様、お願いします。」「だれだれさんがすごく困ってますが、神さまの思い通りになりますように。」「神様、ごめんなさい。」などなどという祈りは、どこにいても、なにかをしながらでもできる。 たとえば車を運転しながらでもできる。 しかし、車を運転しながら祈る場合は、目をつぶらないでください。
メッセージの最初に、私のために祈るのを忘れてしまい、ものすごく謝ってくれた先輩がいた。しかし、私はたとえ、彼が祈らなくても、主イエスキリストが私のために祈ってくれたと信じる。かといって、私たちは、「あなたのために祈りますよ。」といってすぐに忘れてよいということではない。 しかし、たとえ、私たちが祈ることを忘れてしまう時があったとしても、イエスが本当に頻繁に祈ってくださっている。
今日の私の祈りは、私たちが、さらに、祈るという生活習慣をつけ、神とのコミュニケーションをとれるように。 イエスさまご自身も、頻繁に祈ってくださっているから。
Prayer: The Best Way to Communicate with God
Luke 13: 31-35
Grace and Peace to you in the Name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
When I was in the second year of my seminary education, there was one of the three important interviews to proceed with the steps to become an ordained pastor. This interview was especially important because unless a seminarian passes this interview, he or she is not given an internship opportunity.
A senior seminarian and I were sitting together on the day before the interview. He gave me good suggestions to prepare for the interview and just before we departed, he said to me, “I will pray for you that all goes well for your interview tomorrow.”
The next day, the interview went really well. Right after the interview, I happened to meet with the senior student. I said to him, “Thank you very much for your prayers.”
Right after I thanked him, I noticed that his face changed completely…the color of his face became quite pale, and he started apologizing, saying “I am very sorry. Although I said I would pray, I forgot to pray.”
Since the outcome of the interview was good, I thought that he did not have to apologize at all. Even though I thought there was no need to apologize to me, I think I learned a very important thing by watching him apologize – the importance of prayer. Although we often use the word “pray”, I do not think many of us truly understand the importance of prayer.
We sometimes say, “We give this small prayer to the Lord.” I understand that people use this phrase since people want to pray humbly. But, think about it, is there really any small prayer? Some people might perceive that a prayer by the leader of United States is more important than a small child’s prayer. Remember what Christ said about children. “Let the little children come to me, and do not stop them; for it is to such as these that the kingdom of God belongs.” God created each one of us, whether they are a President or small child, they are equally important to and beloved by God.
We also say “we can only pray.” I understand that we sometimes experience that we cannot do anything other than praying. However, sometimes we use this phrase because we think there are other more worthwhile things than just praying…is praying less worthy than doing other things?
Think about how important “prayer” is for Jesus… Do you know how often Jesus Christ prayed in his ministry? How many times does the word “pray” or “prayer” appear in the four books of the Gospels (i.e. Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John)? Actually I counted using the computer…68 times. Do you know who is praying the most? Out of 68 times, in 38 sentences, the subject is Jesus. 21 times the disciples are mentioned. Of those sentences that mention the disciples, some sentences are more imperative rather than indicative, which means, Jesus is urging His disciples to pray. Jesus prays by himself and also recommends followers to pray.
Also, even though we may not necessary see the word “pray” or “prayer”, we understand that Jesus is praying from the context in the Bible. In the Gospel of John, “pray” appears only twice. However, the entirety of chapter 17 of the Gospel of John is about Jesus’ prayers.
Not only does Jesus pray alone but he also urges His disciples and all the people in the world to pray. In the Gospel text today, we understand that Jesus wants people in the world to pray. That despite His crucifixion at people’s hands, “Blessed is the one who comes in the name of the Lord.”
Jesus communicates with His Father, God, so often by praying, because prayer is the best way and the only way to communicate with God. Therefore, Jesus truly hopes that people pray and communicate with God in the way Jesus, himself, frequently does.
Jesus taught us that His House should be a house of prayer. Yes, the sanctuary is a house of prayer. It is wonderful to pray to God in this sanctuary as well as to read and listen to the Word of God in the Bible.
However, we can pray not only in the sanctuary, but also pray wherever we are. Likewise, we can read the Bible not only in churches but read it wherever we are. Because God is among us and within us, and our body can be a sanctuary where God can exist according to what St. Paul wrote.
Furthermore, we may pray to God without using telephones, computers, or any other modern means. While we are doing something else, we are able to take a moment and pray. Even when we are driving, we can pray and talk to God, right? (However, I would warn you, please do not close your eyes if you pray while driving.)
We can say “Oh Lord, thank you for all you’ve given but, please, help during these difficult times,” even while we are in the midst of doing something else, like washing dishes. Although I understand that sometimes we should stop doing something in order to pray more mindfully.
In the beginning of my message, I mentioned about the senior seminarian who forgot to pray for me on the day of my interview. I believed that, instead of his prayer, Jesus was praying for me. This does not mean that it is OK for us to say “I will pray” and “forget later.” However, even though there are times we forget to pray, Jesus is praying for each one of us.
My prayer today is that each one of us may become a person who communicates with our Lord even more by practicing prayer since Jesus, himself, prayed very frequently.