天国にいくことができるのは、キリスト教信仰のある方だけなのだろうか? 聖書を読んでいると、たしかに、そのように読めるところはある。アメリカにいるクリスチャンに聖書で一番好きな箇所はと聞くと、ヨハネ福音書3章16節と答える方が多い。そこには,「神は、その独り子をお与えになったほどに、世を愛された。独り子を信じる者が一人も滅びないで、永遠の命を得るためである。」とある。神の独り子であるイエス・キリストを信じる者が、永遠の命を得られるとある。
では、信じていない者は、どうなってしまうのか? 日本では、1%もクリスチャンはいない。では99%の方々はどうなってしまうのか? イエス・キリストの愛を何も伝えられないまま、亡くなる方や、洗礼を受けるまでにいたらずに、亡くなる方々はたくさんいる。それは、私たちの友人や親戚でも。
イエスがある家で説教していたので、たいへんな人だかりで、担架を運び込むスペースなどありはしない。そこで、屋根に上がり、屋根の一部を開けて、担架ごと、屋根からつるしたまま、その人をイエスのところに降ろした。 すると、イエスは、その友人たちの信仰を見て、その担架に寝ている人の罪を赦し、救われる。この話で鍵となっているのは、担架でその人を運んできた人々の信仰。担架に乗っていた癒された本人の信仰ではなく、友人たちの信仰により、神なるイエスは、その担架にいる人を救われる。
A Friend’s Faith Mark 2: 1-5
May the Grace and Peace of our Lord, Jesus Christ, be poured into this assembly!
Are the people who are promised eternal life in heaven, only Christians who believe in Jesus as son of God? There are scriptures that seem to strongly suggest this. It is said that Christians in the United States like this Bible verse most, John 3:16, which reads, “For God loved the world so much that he gave his one and only Son, so that everyone who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life.” Everyone, but who believes in Christ, son of God, will have eternal life…
So we wonder, what will happen to those who do not believe in Christ? In Japan, the number of Christians is only 1% or even less for the whole native Japanese population. What will happen to the 99% of Japanese after they pass away? There are plenty of people who were not told about Christ and they passed away. Or there are many who even though they were told about Christianity a bit, were not baptized and then passed away, including some of our friends and relatives.
The scripture, I read a short time ago, about the paralyzed man on the mat; he probably suffered a stroke and could not move any portion of his body and was unconscious. Before he suffered his stroke, he was not living a faithful life. However, his friends or relatives who heard about Jesus and earnestly believed in Him, brought the paralyzed man to Jesus.
While Jesus was preaching in the house, there were many people in the house. There was no space for them to bring the paralyzed man into the house. Therefore, the friends carried him on his mat up onto the roof and then lowered him down into the room from a hole that they made. By seeing the faith of his friends, Jesus forgave the sins of that paralyzed man.
Jesus did not ask whether or not he believes in Christ. Rather the key issue was the faith of his friends. By seeing the faith of his friends, Jesus forgave the paralyzed man and saved him.
Today, we are remembering many people who passed away much sooner than expected. Out of them there are many who believe in Christ as son of God and we are 100 percent sure that they still live in Christ in heaven. However, there are also many of our friends and relatives who were not baptized or did not know about Christ before they passed away. Also among them, there are people who have different faith backgrounds, such as Buddhist or Nihon Shinto. Even in that situation, we cannot judge that they are not living eternal life in heaven, that is not our job. Only God may judge. Rather, because of someone’s faith in Christ who cares about him or her, we can believe that they are forgiven and saved by Christ. Therefore, all the people we remember today, regardless of their chosen faith and cultural background, are all under the care of Jesus Christ in heaven. Amen.