September 30th, 2013


牧師説教, by admin1.

「今をどう生きるか」   ルカ 16: 19-31   
主イエスキリストの恵みと平安が皆様方の上に豊かにありますように! アーメン

先週の秋分の日、日本ではお墓参りに行く習慣がある。この復活ルーテル教会では、召天者記念礼拝が行われた。皆様のご協力もあり、またもっとも重要なこととして聖霊の助けにより、天国にいる方々との交わりの時が持てた。 礼拝を終えたあと、食事の時を持ち、故人の思い出を分ち合う機会が与えられた。 そして、月曜から日頃の生活に戻ったが、どのような一週間だっただろうか。 
故人を思い出すことが、なにかみなさんの一週間に変化を与えただろうか? 私は、40代で亡くなった友人のことを思い出していた。 膵臓癌になった彼が、なぜ自分がすい臓がんにならなければならないか等ということを質問するより、現実に迫ったこの世の死期を前に、家族や友人との交わりに感謝し、信仰を持ち、この世の生活を全うしたことを思い出した。
さて、今週与えられている聖書、大金持ちとラザロのたとえ話。 大金持ちとラザロが死後、天国に行きどのような状況になるかの話。 
大金持ちは、この世では贅沢三昧をしていた。もう一方で、貧乏人ラザロは、見るも無残な生活を送っていた。 ホームレスであることはもちろん、犬にできものをなめられる、それは貧困中のなかの貧困という生活を送っていた。大金持の食卓から落ちてくる食べものを食べれないものかと思って生きていた。  
イエスはなぜ、こんな話をしているのだろうか。 また、いったい誰に向かってこんな話をしているのかよく考えてみたい。 話の前後関係からいって、イエスのたとえ話は、お金に固執してしまう、ファリサイ派というグループの人々に向かって話している。ある意味、ファリサイ派の人々は大金持ちと共通した面があり、お金に固執していた。モーセや預言者たちの言葉を読んではいるものの、実際にはそれらの話に基づいた行動をしていない生活をしていたと思われる。もし、信仰をもってそれらの言葉を読んでいたとすれば、貧しい人々や寄留者たちと食物を分かち合っていたのだろうが、大金持ちと同じように、貧乏人と分かち合うということはしていなかった。 
たとえば、ミレーの絵画になっている申命記の落ち穂拾いの話は有名だし、イザヤ書の58章の6節7節には、「わたしの選ぶ断食とはこれではないか。悪による束縛を断ち、軛の結び目をほどいて/虐げられた人を解放し、軛をことごとく折ること。更に、飢えた人にあなたのパンを裂き与え/さまよう貧しい人を家に招き入れ/裸の人に会えば衣を着せかけ/同胞に助けを惜しまないこと。」とある。 第一日課にあったアモス書もいってみれば、社会正義に関する話。
では、このたとえ話は私たちに何を語っているのだろうか? このたとえ話は、大金持ちと、貧乏人ラザロの死後の世界のたとえ話だが、この話は、私たちの死後の世界の問題というより、私達が、いまどう生きるかをするどく問われているように思う。
3週間前の9月8日は、オレンジカウンティのELCAの教会がホームレスや困窮の中にある方々の食料を集める事を行なった。 私達が寄付するだけではなく、スーパーマーケットの前に立ち、できる方には寄付を呼びかけ、たいへんな量の食料が寄付された。 しかし、困難の中にある方々に奉仕するのは、一日限りで終わってはならない。 
今一度、私達教会に集うものは、イエス・キリストの体の一部となって奉仕活動をするように導かれている。 イエス・キリストは、宣教することと、病気や貧困の中にある方々に憐れみをいだき奉仕することに本当に熱心な方だった。  
キリスト教徒はイエスの信仰によって、イエス・キリストが我々に行動して欲しいことをするようになる。 今週与えられた譬え話、イエス・キリストの英知が、わたしたちの今週の生き方を変え、この世の中がさらにキリストの御国へと近づきますように。 アーメン

How Do We Live Now? Luke 16: 19-31

May the Grace and Peace of Jesus Christ be with you all! Amen.
Last Sunday was the Autumnal Equinox. In Japan, during autumn, it is customary for people to visit cemeteries to remember loved ones. Therefore, in this Japanese ministry, we do a special Memorial Service on a Sunday around the Autumnal Equinox. I believe that it was a great service to remember our loved ones.
In addition to the service, it was great to have lunch together and share stories of our loved ones with each other. Then on Monday we returned to our normal weekday schedule, but how was last week for you?
Did remembering a loved one change the way you lived last week? For me, I was thinking about my friend who passed away 16 years ago due to pancreatic cancer. Before he was diagnosed with cancer, he was not a Christian but then he accepted Christ as his savior. While he was fighting cancer, rather than ask God why he got cancer, he thought about how to better live with his family, friends, and most importantly with God faithfully.
It is not an exaggeration to say the way he lived changed my life. What he said to me several weeks before he passed away changed the course of my life from a corporate employee to becoming an ordained pastor. During last week, I was confirming his eternal life in heaven, and at the same time, I remember the mission that God guided me on through him and I started a new week of missional work as a pastor of the apostolic church.
Today, the Gospel given is about the rich man and Lazarus. This is a story about their lives in this world and their afterlives.
While they were living in this world, the rich man was living such a luxurious life. On the other hand, Lazarus was a very poor homeless person. He longed to satisfy his hunger by the food dropped from the rich man’s table and only dogs came to lick his sores.
Lazarus died without a funeral. However, an angel brought him to heaven seated next to Abraham. On the other hand, the rich man died with a luxurious funeral, but what happened to him when he comes to heaven and talked to Abraham? The place he was ultimately brought to was a place of eternal punishment and torment. The rich man saw Abraham and Lazarus from far away.
There was a great chasm between Lazarus and the rich man and there was no way for the rich man to come to where Lazarus was located. Since the rich man had everything he wanted in his worldly life and Lazarus had nothing during his worldly life. In their afterlives their situations were reversed.
Why did Jesus share this kind of parable? Let us think about to whom Jesus was speaking. Based on the one paragraph before today’s gospel, Jesus was sharing this story with the Pharisees who dearly loved their money.
In a sense, the Pharisees and the rich man are the same, both dearly loved their money. Even though Pharisees read the Bible (Moses’ Pentateuch and prophets), did they follow what was written, like sharing the food with the needy? They did not act, according to Scripture, as told by prophets. The rich man did not share his wealth with the less fortunate as well.
For example, there is a famous phrase in Deuteronomy 24, “When you are harvesting your crops and forget to bring in a bundle of grain from your field, don’t go back to get it. Leave it for the foreigners, orphans, and widows.” This scene is depicted in a famous painting “The Gleaner” by Millet. In Isaiah 58:7, “Share your food with the hungry, and give shelter to the homeless. Give clothes to those who need them, and do not hide from relatives who need your help.” We read Amos as the first reading, actually that aspect of Amos discusses social justice.
Therefore, by sharing the parable of the rich man’s and Lazarus’ very different afterlives, Jesus wanted the Pharisees to realize the fact that God has great compassion toward the hungry, homeless people, and the needy, and the Pharisees were not acting as God wanted them to act.
So what this parable telling us today? Although Jesus talks about the lives of the rich man and Lazarus after they died, I do not think that the point is the time after we die. It is not too late for us to realize how we are living our lives. The point is how we live and act now.
I think we need to remember what Jesus Christ, the Lord, is passionate about. As Christians we love Jesus, and because of our faith in Jesus Christ, we are guided to act by what was written in the Pentateuch and by the Prophets.
Three weeks ago, on September 8th, ELCA churches in Orange County did a wonderful job to collect foods for the Orange County Food Bank. What we did was that not only us to bring the food for the needy but we also asked our neighbors in the community to consider donating food for the needy and homeless. However, the work and compassion for the needy and homeless should not be a one-time event. Let’s us remember that we, Christians, are a part of the body of Christ. Jesus Christ is passionate about proclaiming the Good News and he is very compassionate towards the world’s needy.
Because of our faith in Christ Jesus, we act what Jesus wants us to do. May this parable and the wisdom of Jesus Christ change our lives during this new week! Amen.   

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