October 30th, 2013


牧師説教, by admin1.

ヨハネ 8: 31-36


この世の中、「私の生活、こんな予定ではなかった。」と思われている方、たくさんいる。 そのような方々がぜひ、ルーテル教会に来られたら良いなと思う。しかし、「私は、ルーテル教会に何年も通って来たが、今の生活、こんなになる予定ではなかった。」と思われているかもしれない。もし、そんな方がいたら、本日の礼拝で、真のキリストの福音を再発見され、人生が新しくされるように願い祈る。 

マルチン・ルターは、そのような話を16世紀だったので、自動車ではなく、人生を馬車に譬えて話をした。 ルターの論点は、だれひとりとして、馬車を完璧に操ることはできず、失敗なり人生の過ちを犯すということ。 言葉をかえれば、人生で罪を犯さないものはいないということをはっきり述べた。イエス・キリストが今日の福音書で「罪の奴隷」という言葉をつかっているが、すべての人間が罪の奴隷のような存在であるとした。   
それでは、いったい誰が、自動車を運転しているのだろうか? それは、イエス・キリスト、神の子が運転してくださっている。イエス・キリストが運転しているということに気がつくとき、人生が大きく転換をする。私たちは、恐れをいだかなくなる。 たとえ、私たちが意図していたところに来ていなかったとしても、信仰において信頼のおけるイエスという神のみ子、救い主が運転してくださっているという確信の上にたち、悩んだり、困ったりすることから解放される。こんな人生になってどうしようと悩み、出口の無い人生を歩んでいるような束縛感からの解放がおこる。
しかし、運転者はイエスキリストだ。また正しい行いをするといっても、罪の奴隷である人間なのである。 しかし、イエスが運転してくださっているという信仰によって、自動車は正しい道を進む。 
信仰によって、救われる話は、聖書にちりばめられており、さきほど聞いた本日の第二日課もその話だった。 現代においても、イエスの信仰を通して、聖霊が私たちを罪の奴隷から解放してくださっている。
それは、イエスが使徒たちに教えたこと。そして、とくに、パウロによって新訳聖書の使徒書に書かれた。また、初代教父たちによっても、さまざまな書に綴られた。とくに、4-5 世紀の神学者、アウグスティヌスによっても書かれていた。 
Rediscovery of the Gospel 2013 10 27
John 8: 31-36 Pr. H. Adachi
May the Grace and Peace of Jesus Christ be richly poured into this sanctuary!
There are many people in this world who think that “My life should not be like this.” I hope and pray that they come to a Lutheran Church and feel reenergized about life. Or some of you might believe, “I have been attending a Lutheran Church for many years, I, too, feel like my life is not where it should be.”
If you feel that way, I pray and believe that today, during this worship service, you’ll rediscover the true faith of Christ and you may be changed by the Grace of our Lord.
Let us metaphorically compare our lives to driving automobiles on roads. At the end of our earthly lives, could we honestly say that we never received a ticket or never became lost while driving somewhere?
Everyone makes mistakes and loses one’s way (at some point) and has ended up somewhere they did not intend to be…no one is a perfect driver.
A similar analogy was made by the Reformer Martin Luther in early 16th century although he used the example of a carriage horse since there were no cars at that time. The point is that no one may perfectly drive or control either a car or a carriage horse. In other words, everyone trespasses. There is no one who does not commit sins, be them minor or major. As Jesus says, we are all slaves to sin.
Martin Luther explained that having faith in Jesus Christ, metaphorically we’re not controlling the carriage horses, but we are the carriage horses themselves. And someone else is controlling our actions. To use the modern automobile metaphor, Luther would say that human beings are not drivers of cars but we’re the cars themselves.
And who is driving the cars? Jesus Christ, the Son of God is driving. When we recognize Jesus as the driver, we will not fear anything. Even if we arrive somewhere unknown or unexpected, we won’t be troubled.
In our lives, it seems like by driving cars, we think that we drive on the right roads and arrive at the right place, but in reality we lose our way and frequently get lost.
However, the driver is not you or me but God, the Lord Jesus Christ. There is a big paradigm shift in this metaphor. How we perceive our lives is drastically changed.
Even if we think that we have come to a dead end, God, Jesus, continues pouring the Holy Spirit into us, freeing our thoughts, and renewing our lives through our faith in Christ.
Even if we are in the midst of something in our lives that make us unhappy or frustrated, God brings us new energy through the fact of Christ’s death and resurrection. In the Bible there are many wonderful stories that show that God, the Son of God, and the Holy Spirit free us from our captivity to sin.
I know there are people who started walking in faith of Christ, who are freed from their frustrations or troubles. Even if they might have challenging lives, their souls are restored through faith in Christ.
When we realize that God is in control our lives are much easier, no matter the situation. This was taught by Jesus to his disciples. This was written in the Bible, especially written by St. Paul. Early church fathers and theologians in the first several centuries recognized this teaching. It is notably discussed by the famous 4th century theologian, Augustinus.
However, in Catholic church, there were times that people forgot who was truly driving their lives, and clouded the true understanding of Christian faith. Some people that we control becoming righteous or are righteous by our own actions. Then, in the 16th century, Martin Luther rediscovered and clarified the true understanding of Christian faith.
Today in this Reformation Service, through the teaching of the Bible, let’s reaffirm our faith that the driver of our lives is not you or me, but Jesus Christ, our Savior and Lord, and recognize that the Holy Spirit pours tremendous grace and peace into each one of us. Amen!

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