半分ペンテコステ ルカ9章1-6 日本福音ルーテル大江教会牧師 立野泰博
ある日の午前9時頃、私は東京の渋谷にいました。駅前では、右翼が沖縄基地問題を怒鳴り声で叫び、目の前では基地の地位協定反対の署名活動が行われ、両者はなじりあっていたのです。しかし、その中を何万とも言える青年たち、高校生たちが無関心に通り過ぎていきました。いろいろな若者がいました。茶髪、コスプレ、ミニスカートの高校生。いったい、この人達はどこへいくのだろうと考えていました。この青年たちは教会に興味はないだろうなと思ってしまいました。ところがその情景の中、駅前の大型スクリーンで「hello,again」(my little lover)という曲が映し出された時、なんだか安心したのです。
その歌詞には次ぎのような言葉があります。「自分の限界が どこまでかを 知るために 僕は生きている訳じゃない」。続けて「だけど 新しい扉を開け 海に出れば 波の彼方に ちゃんと《果て》を感じられる」と。きっと若者の中には求めている何かがあるのだと思うのです。「果て」が何かを感じている。感じているから何かに抵抗しながらいきているのかもしれないと。その「果て」に絶対者である神様を求めている。それに共感できない私たち教会がある。だとすると、どこかで共感するところを見いだせば共に歩めると期待できます。どこで共感するかを探しているのです。
Japanese Ministry 25th Anniversary Commemorative Service
One Half of Pentecost
Rev. Yasuhiro Tateno – Japan Evangelical Lutheran Church – Ooe Church, Kumamoto, Japan
“Young people do not come to church.” It has been 20 years since I began hearing this comment. Whenever I hear this comment, I say to myself, “Unfortunately, this is the norm (these days).”
It is not that I have given up entirely on evangelizing the youth. I acknowledge the fact that today’s Lutheran church has mostly failed to capture young people’s interest. I very much wish to know what today’s youth are thinking about or wanting.
One day at about 9 am I was in Shibuya, Tokyo, in front of train station I saw some Right Wing group was protesting against the presence of Okinawa’s American Military Base, yelling and screaming their disapproval. There was another political party whose members were also collecting signatures opposing the Military Base but for different reasons. These two opposing groups were rebuking each other, even though their goal seemed the same.
While this was happening, there were millions of young men and women, some with wildly-dyed hair, some dressed in miniskirt and some dressed in outlandish yet fashionable costumes, each passed by the protest but paid no attention to the two bickering groups. I was wondering where these young people were heading, and whether any of them had any interest in coming to church.
Then I saw this large screen playing music and projecting the lyrics to the “Hello, Again (my little sister)”. It somehow comforted me. The lyrics are: “I am not living to find my limit, but if I open a door and go to the sea, I will know the limits beyond the ocean.”
Maybe young people are feeling the limits society puts on them but they want more. They are feeling the limits (of human power) but struggle to search for something else. I believe that young people are searching for God. We, the church must find common interests with our young people. The song ends with “Did you cry? Did you not see it?”
It’s maybe that today’s young people find it difficult to see the pain of others and are unable to feel empathy. Maybe they are unable to share their own pain either. I met many young people when I visited the disaster area after the tsunami. Some wore miniskirts, some had wildly-colored hair, and some dressed differently but they came to the area because they felt the pain of others. At the site after what they saw, they experienced indescribable pain and learned to lean on each other to share and ease each other’s pain. Those young people gave me hope. Can we find an answer from this? Can the Lutheran Church be able to share and ease the pain of others?
In 2011, in middle of March, I went to Miyagi prefecture after the tsunami. I met many people who were affected. We cried together, laughed together and persevered together. I will never forget my starting point of my mission.
I saw a photo of an old woman sitting on the rubble of what once had been an elementary school. It was 10 days after the tsunami. There were two red backpacks right beside her that belonged to children who recently perished. The old woman found the backpacks when she came to look for her grandchildren or anything belonging to her grandchildren.
I questioned myself “What can I do for these people who are facing unimaginable sorrow? What can I do for this elderly lady? There are no words to comfort her. I cannot possibly carry her heavy burden. But I know God had sent me there.
Luke 9:1-6 When Jesus had called the Twelve together, he gave them power and authority to drive out all demons and to cure diseases, and sent them out to preach the Kingdom of God and to heal the sick. He told them “Take nothing for the journey-no staff, no bag, no bread, no money, no extra tunic,. Whatever house you enter, stay there until you leave that town. If the people do not welcome you, shake the dust off your feet when you leave their town, as a testimony against them.” So they set out and went from village to village, preaching the gospel and healing people everywhere.
Were the Twelve sent out to drive out all the demons and cure diseases?
What does it mean to be sent out? Take nothing for the journey? It must mean that we are sent by God’s will and to do God’s work using only the Word of God as our guide.
What was most shocking to me was that the old woman pleaded to God saying “Please forgive us. Please give us no more (punishment)” Since I know about her, I understood why she was asking for forgiveness.
During a strong after shock I was at a desk of one of the many Volunteer Centers.
When warning siren sounded, many rushed to evacuate the building. One woman was holding the leg of a desk begging for forgiveness instead of asking for help. Many people pleaded for God’s forgiveness days and months after the tsunami.
On the day of the tsunami, one woman was at city hospital with her two children being treated for influenza. First she thought going up to the building’s rooftop (which is 20 meters high) would be safe. But a nurse told her that the water would reach the roof and she must go up to even higher ground. She and her children got into her car heading towards a nearby hill, but abandoned the idea, of driving, when traffic stopped moving. She carried her two children the next 2 kilometers climbing up the hill. The tsunami was right behind her. When she reached safe ground, she looked back and saw many friends and families she knew being swept away and screaming for help. But she could not do anything to help them.
I understand that she did not abandon those who were swept away. It was beyond her capability to help anyone. But she suffers survivor’s guilt because she was not able to save them. She still has nightmares and feels extremely guilty.
Who else but God can answer her tortured pleas? How can I tell her that God is not blaming her? How do I help people like her or anyone, as a Christian, as a pastor?
We can be there, just be there, like Jesus is with us when we need Him most.
For those who have to live with overwhelming pain, we can let them know that Jesus is with them, beside them and shares their pain.
Last week we revisited the disaster area with Pastor Itoh. We met the lady who cried “forgiveness” .She is renovating the ground floor of her home to open a café called “Silver Café” She wants her Café to be a gathering spot for people who lost family, and are now living alone.
She said to us “You were there for us when we were suffering. Now it is my turn to be there for those who are suffering.” She is strong because she came through this painful experience. Because, like she said she had some one who sat with her and comforted her when she was suffering.
I congratulate LCR on 25 years of Japanese Ministry. All these 25 years, many gathered here have experienced personal pain and hardship. I may never know the depth of the pain you carry. But I want you to know that Jesus and His spirit is, and has always been with you. Pentecost relates to 50days from Easter Sunday. The number 50 also may relate to 50 years.
LCR’s Japanese Ministry is celebrating its 25th Anniversary today. It is One Half of 50. May I say, One Half of the Pentecost; God has supported the ministry for 25 years and the Holy Spirit will guide this ministry another 25 years or more.
Today Jesus is with us, beside us. Jesus walks with us, shares our burdens and our joys together. Our steps are blessed and graced by God. Let’s deepen and strengthen the sister-church bonds between LCR and Ooe Church in Japan and grow together, in Christ. Amen.