主イエス・キリストの恵みと平安が会衆一同の上に豊かに注がれますように! アーメン
あなたの家庭生活はいかがなものだろうか? 正直なところ、あまり聞かれたくないという方、たくさんおられるのが現実ではないだろうか? 特にアメリカに住んでいると、家族のだれかが、ドラッグ、アルコール、セックス等々の中毒などでトラブルになった過去にあるのではないだろうか?
イエスの誕生にいたるまでの過程も、週刊誌ネタのようなところもあるし、誕生した場所は、悲劇的な場所での出産だった。また、幼子イエスの命が狙われたため、エジプトへの難民家族生活にも強いられた。 ナザレに戻るまでの生活だけでもそれはそれは、たいへんな生活を味わう家族だった。
今日の聖書の箇所で、預言者を通して言われていたことが実現したという箇所が3箇所出てきている。 ヘロデ王がベツレヘム周辺の赤ちゃんたちを殺してしまう話は、エレミヤの預言に書かれていた。エジプトからイエスが戻ることができたことは、ホセア書に「わたしは、エジプトから私の子を呼び出した。」という預言があった。また、ナザレに住むことになったことに関しても、旧約聖書の士師記やイザヤ書にも関連する預言が確かにあった。
聖家族、ヨセフ一家は様々な困難に直面した。現代の家族もとんでもない困難に直面する中、キリスト信仰によって、ヨセフ一家が受けた神の恵みと同じ恵みを戴ける。それはイエスの存在であり、その存在を信仰の歩みの中で確認し、イエスに在る希望を持って私たちは困難の中でも歩むことができる。 アーメン。
“A Family is Full of Ups and Downs”
Matthew 2:13-23 Pr. Hitoshi Adachi
May the Lord’s Grace and Peace be with you in this sanctuary! Amen.
How is your family life? To be honest, there are many people who do not want to be asked in detail about his or her family. Especially in the United States, it is a reality that many fathers and mothers do not want to be asked about their private lives due to their own behavior or their children’s behavior like drug issues, sex addiction, and so on.
I read an article about a famous actor in Japan, although he divorced his former spouse 8 years ago, he was raising his first son believing that the child was his son. The child is now 16 years old and the father and son did a DNA test to see if that child is his son or not. The outcome was 0% possibility as the biological father.
So what does this mean? Who is his real biological father? Of course, tabloid entertainment news/magazines are reporting this news here and there and deepening their wounds. It is my hope that they come to church and have a relationship with Jesus.
From the Gospel Text today, I would like to talk about the family of Joseph and Mary. Mary was pregnant due to the Holy Spirit according to the Bible. In this world, there are people genuinely asking, “Who is Jesus’ father?”
Both Joseph and Mary believed the message from the angel and lived faithfully. The family of Joseph and Mary is sometimes called the “Holy Family.” However, it does not mean that family life always went well and was perfect. Quite the contrary, from the beginning when Jesus was born, they became a family full of ups and downs.
Jesus was born in Bethlehem when Joseph and Mary were traveling. Furthermore, because all the rooms in the inn were occupied, he was born and laid in a manger (the place where horses stay).
King Herod was scared by the fact that the son of God was born, so he ordered that all boys under 2 years old be killed in and around Bethlehem.
In those circumstances, Joseph was asked to leave Bethlehem and to go to Egypt. At that time, of course, there were no airplanes or cars. It now takes about 10 hours by car to travel from Bethlehem to Cairo Egypt. So for Joseph, Mary and the infant Jesus, the journey was longer and much more difficult.
Then King Herod died and the angel again appeared to Joseph, guiding them to Nazareth and they followed the angel’s instructions.
During Mary’s pregnancy and even after Jesus’s birth, if it happened today, would sound like tabloid entertainment news… Jesus’s birthplace was miserable, essentially it was in a stable. Then the baby was about to be killed and they became refugees in Egypt. A few years later they came back to Nazareth. It was a really challenging life.
Several days ago, we celebrated the birth of Jesus. We know his birth was very challenging due to the circumstances. The first several years of Jesus’ life, were also challenging. What does this story tell to those of us living in the 21st century?
In today’s Gospel, there were three times prophets’ prophecies were fulfilled. Not only his birth but also events after his birth were prophesied. By reading about these relationships between the prophets and Jesus, there are people like seminary professors and pastors are convinced that and believe Jesus is the Messiah. We, as modern people, can still learn important things from ancient prophets.
Reading scripture is important, but I think it’s more important to open our hearts and minds to the fact that there is fulfillment of Jesus’s/God’s promises in the Bible.
God’s son may appear to a couple who feel shame or loss. Even today we still see many refugees and in them Jesus appears. Or to an expectant mother anxiously awaiting the birth of her child; in those moments she meets with Jesus Christ.
The stories about the challenges the Holy Family experienced definitely provides encouragement in our daily lives and brings hope for those who are currently going through difficulties and challenges. With God’s guidance, humankind may endure any difficulties. We must continually keep our hearts and minds open to Jesus’ presence. Amen.