「恵みの上に更に恵み」 ヨハネ1:10-18
そして、こんなおみくじが当たったように思う。「大福大吉」。というのは、2013年の間に、こんなに洗礼準備クラスを行なうとは思ってもみなかった。そして、10月以降、来週までの受洗者4名の最初の文字を並べると大、福、大、そして吉で、大福大吉となる。 10月末からわずか3ヶ月の間に4人の大人の洗礼があるのは、たぶん25年の日本語部の歴史の中で初めてだと思うので、ただの大吉ではなく、大福のついた大吉なのだと思う。
本日与えられている聖書は、ヨハネ1章10節から読んだ。 ちょっと質問。 ヨハネ1章1節はなんだっただろうか? 「はじめに言葉があった。 言葉は神と共にあった。 言葉は神であった。」
神が肉体となって私たちの中に存在したということは、イエス・キリストがこの世に現れたということ、つまりイエス・キリストの顕現をヨハネ流に著している。 そこには、馬小屋もなければ、羊飼いたちもいなくし、また博士たちも登場して来ないが、ヨハネの深遠なる顕現そして信仰とも言える表現がある。
ヨハネ福音書は顕現だけで終わっていない。 わたしたちは、「神の独り子としての栄光を、イエスに見て、その方が恵みと真理に満ちていた。」と続く。洗礼者ヨハネも「わたしの後に来る方が私よりすぐれている、と言ったのは、このイエスのことだ。」と声を張り上げたとも書かれている。
さらに、16節の言葉は、そのイエス・キリストが、満ち溢れる豊かさから、恵みの上に更なる恵みを受けた。とヨハネは伝えている。 この恵みの上に恵みを受けるということの内容はどういうことなのか?
今日の聖書の箇所を通して、神は私たちに何を語っているのだろうか。 とくに洗礼を受けキリストの信仰者としての歩みを続けていく者が、毎月のように与えられている中、とても、神は重要なことを教えてくださっているように思う。
つまり、復活ルーテルでこの3ヶ月に4人の洗礼者が生まれたからといって、復活ルーテルにいる仲間たちがすごいとか、人間的な欲求の成果では全然ないということを肝に命じたいと思う。 つまり、復活ルーテル教会にいる私たち、とくに、リーダがうぬぼれてはいけない。
主なる神、イエス・キリストは、主の御意志によって、礼拝で与えられる御言葉、洗礼、聖餐を通して、恵みの上に更なる恵みをくださる。 アーメン。
“Grace upon Grace”
John 1:10-18 Pr. H. Adachi
May the Lord’s Grace and Peace be with you in the name of the Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit!
Anno Domini 2014, Happy New Year! In Japan, probably many people are still visiting shrines and temples during the beginning of this new year. It is a very popular custom that people put some coins into offertory boxes and pray for things like prosperity or good health.
They also buy written fortunes. These fortunes are sold at shrines and are similar to fortune cookie fortunes. These fortunes can range from “middle of the road” fortunes to “lucky” and “very lucky” fortunes. I just thought that if Resurrection Lutheran Church bought a fortune, what would it be?
I think as a congregation we received “Great Fortune and Great Luck.” During 2013, I did not think that I would hold as many Baptism Preparation Classes as I did. In the beginning, I started one for Yoko Ono, then I invited Ken Fukuyama to join in early summer. In fall, I started one for Satoyo Oi, and in late fall, I started one for Ryuko Yoshida.
Ms. Yoshida will be baptized next week, but if we take the first letters of the students’ last names in Kanji, it means Great-Fortune-Great-Luck. From the end of October until the middle of January, during these three months, three adults are baptized. This is historic in the 25 years of the Japanese Ministry. Therefore, I think LCR truly has Great-Fortune-Great-Luck.
We read the Gospel of John from the 10th verse of Chapter 1. May I ask a question? What is the first verse of John 1? Do you remember? “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.”
I believe God is guiding us to think what was “in the beginning” in the beginning of this year, 2014. Although we say the year 2014, what was the origin? The first year (of the new calendar) was the next year after Jesus was born. In other words, Jesus Christ is the origin of this calendar year.
Based on the text, verse 1, “the Word was God,” I think we can replace the word “Word” to “God.” And when we think about the 14th verse, “And the Word became flesh and lived among us,” it becomes “And God became flesh and lived among us.”
God became flesh, incarnate, and lived among us. This means God revealed himself to human beings. This is John’s way of writing about Epiphany. Although, there is no manger, no shepherd, and no wise men, there are John’s deeply meaningful expressions of faith.
And John’s account does not stop just at Epiphany. He continues, “”we have seen his glory, the glory as of a father’s only son, full of grace and truth.” Therefore the Baptist John cried out, “This was he of whom I said, ‘He who comes after me ranks ahead of me because he was before me.’”
In verse 16, John writes, “From his fullness we have all received, grace upon grace.” What does “Grace upon Grace” mean?
In today’s text, in the verse 12, “to all who received him, who believed in his name, he gave power to become children of God,” also, John added, “who were born, not of blood or of the will of the flesh or of the will of man, but of God.” The point here, God makes people believer(s).
As a whole, in John 1:10-18, what is God saying to us, the Resurrection Japanese Ministry? I believe he is teaching us a very important lesson while we are experiencing 4 baptisms in the last three months.
To receive Holy Baptism, to be a believer and a follower of Christ, does not happen due to one’s ego or desire. Holy Baptism happens by God and by God’s will.
Therefore, we should not be conceited about ourselves due to the fact that four baptisms in three months are happening in this congregation, because God is the one making them believers.
God, Jesus Christ, is the source of “Grace upon Grace.” God continues to pour Grace into many people to become like Christ through baptism. Ministry is not about pastors, not about church leaders, but it is about Jesus. Like John focused on Jesus and not himself, we should focus on what Jesus wants for us and not what we want for ourselves.
Our Lord, God, Jesus Christ, by His will, gives us Grace upon Grace through His Word, Holy Baptism, and the Holy Communion. Amen.