January 13th, 2014

2014年1月12日主の洗礼日(顕現1)主日聖餐礼拝説教 「私の愛する子」“My Dearly Loved Child”  牧師 安達均

牧師説教, by admin1.

“私の愛する子” マタイ 3:13-17

皆さんの中で、洗礼を受けたために、自分ははっきりこう変わったという自覚を持っている方いるだろうか? 洗礼を受けたからといって自分では特に何か変わったという感覚を持たない方と持つ方がいると思う。あまり変わったと思われない方は、もし自分が洗礼を受けていなかったら、今の自分はどうなっていただろうか?という質問をしてみると良いと思う。 私は、もし洗礼を受けていなかったら、もちろんここに立っていなかったと思うし、妻とも結婚していなかったと思う。 すると子供たちも生まれてこなかったことになる。私たちの子供たちは3人とも、この復活ルーテル教会で17年前にいっしょに洗礼を受けたが、洗礼を受けて数週間してからとても面白い経験をした。
さて、今日の聖書の箇所、イエス・キリストの洗礼の場面である。 12月末にクリスマスを祝ったが、イエスの降誕のことを書いているのは、マタイ福音書とルカ福音書だけで、主イエス・キリストの洗礼の記述は、マタイ、マルコ、ルカ、ヨハネすべての福音書にあり、とても私たちに意味があることだと思う。
そもそも、主イエス・キリストはなぜ洗礼を受けたのだろうか? 罪が赦されるのが洗礼ならば、罪のないキリストは洗礼を受ける必要が無かったように思う。その質問に対して、私は理論的に、
主イエス・キリストはこういう理由で、こうだから洗礼者ヨハネから洗礼を受けたというような説明はできない。 しかし、次のようなことは言えるのではないだろうか。。。 主イエス・キリストは、罪びとである私たち人類に対して、とてつもなく深い関係を持っておられるということ。 また、実際にイエスが洗礼を受けた後、短期的、中期的、また長期的に、何が起こったかということを見ることが大切だと思う。短期的には、聖霊が下って「これは私の愛する子」という言葉が聞こえてくる。それは、神がイエスを自分の愛する子として語られ、イエスの宣教が本格的にはじまり、イエスに追従する使徒たちが出現していく。
さらに、イエスが洗礼を受けたことは、直後に起こったことだけでなく、中期的というのが何年か明確ではないが、だいたい3年後の出来事、ペンテコステの出来事とも関係している。 イエスの洗礼のシーンとペンテコステでのシーンは似ており、ともに聖霊の働き。 そして、ペンテコステにおいて使徒たちが、伝道へと遣わされていく。 
イエスの洗礼の時に起こった事は、なかなか私たちには説明がつかない。 それと同じように、私たちの洗礼で起こっていることも、私の娘の話でわかるように説明がつかないようなことが起こる。
主イエスが洗礼を受けて、聖霊が強力に働いた。 そして主イエスが聖霊とともに宣教活動がはじまった。またペンテコステにおいて、使徒たちが宣教に遣わされるようになった。そして、私たちの洗礼において、強い聖霊が働き、とてつもない聖霊の助け、恵みをいただきながら、私たちが、なんらかの形で世の中に派遣されるということが毎週起こっている。洗礼後に賜る想像を絶するような恵み、助けに感謝し、その恵みを生かして今週も主を賛美して世に仕える日々を送ろう。 アーメン

“My Dearly Loved Child” Matthew 3:13-17

May God’s Grace and Peace be with you in the name of our baptized Lord, Jesus Christ!
Do you truly feel changed since you were baptized? I think there are people who strongly feel that their lives have been transformed after baptism. However, there are also many people who do not feel that way. For those of you, who did not feel changed, it might be good to ask a question, if you were not baptized, how would your life be now?
In my case, my baptism occurred when I was very young, I still remember that I was baptized in a Russian Orthodox Church, but I did not feel transformed at all at the time. However, when I ask the question, if I was not baptized, obviously I would not be where I am now. My life would be a quite different. I do not think I would’ve married my wife…and all of our children would not have been born.
All of our children were baptized at the same time at Resurrection Lutheran Church at the age of 10, 8, and 6. We had a very interesting experience right after their baptisms.
My daughter was playing at one of her Japanese friend’s house. The mother of that friend said seriously “Yuki is so different since her baptism.” Although she was not baptized and did not know about Christianity well, she was not joking and talked to my wife and me very seriously. I felt that the Holy Spirit was working not only on our daughter but also influencing that mother. A few years later that family went back to Japan but we were told that our daughter’s friend entered a Christian middle school.
I read Matthew Chapter 3 a short time ago. It is about the baptism of our Lord. A couple of weeks ago, we celebrated Christmas, but only Matthew and Luke wrote about the Christmas story. Compared to the Christmas story, the Baptism of Jesus is written in all of the Gospel accounts in Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. Therefore, I think the fact that He was baptized is very meaningful.
However, like the Baptist John asked, we ask the same question, why was he baptized? Since sinners are cleansed and forgiven through Baptism, why did Jesus need to be baptized?
In response to that question, quite honestly, I do not have a good logical reason why He was baptized other than saying that just as Jesus said, “it was proper to fulfill the righteousness.”
However, it might be said that the fact Jesus was baptized is compelling evidence that he has a very deep relationship with sinners, us, human beings.
I think it is important to recognize what happened after he was baptized in the short term, medium term, and long term. In a short term, the heavens were opened and the Holy Spirit came down and people heard the voice “My Dearly Loved Son.” In medium term, three years later, this scene is strongly related to Pentecost that sent apostles to proclaim the Gospel and serve the world.
And in the long term, this is strongly related to our baptism even now. Even 2000 years later, the same Holy Spirit works when each of us is baptized and God acknowledges each of us as “My Dearly Loved Child” and God sends each of us to proclaim the Gospel and serve the world.
Again, I am unable to find a good, logical reason why sinless Jesus was baptized, nor can I explain scientifically how the Holy Spirit works. But as a matter of fact, the Holy Spirit works mysteriously and changes baptized people and influences others around us.
According to the Small Catechism, in the third article of the Apostle’s Creed, “I believe in the Holy Spirit, the holy Catholic Church… the communion of Saints, the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body, and the life everlasting. Amen.” What does it mean?”
I think the answer is in this powerful statement, “I believe that by my own reason or strength I cannot believe in Jesus Christ, my Lord, or come to him. But the Holy Spirit has called me through the Gospel, enlightened me with his gifts, and sanctified and preserved me in true faith….”
After Jesus was baptized, the Holy Spirit strongly and mysteriously worked on Jesus, and likewise worked on the apostles through Pentecost. And even 1500 or 2000 years later, the Holy Spirit works on each of us. Let us remember that we receive tremendous grace and support through the Holy Spirit which cannot be fully comprehended by human reasoning As such, we are sent to serve the world with God’s unimaginable help. May we have the grace and humility to accept this help and use it to glorify Him. Thanks be to God! Amen.

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