救い主に会いに行こう ヨハネ1:29-41
本日の福音書箇所、「神の小羊」という言葉が二回出てきている。 なぜ洗礼者ヨハネはイエスのことを「神の小羊」と言うのだろうか? 英語ではLamb of Godで、Lamb of God Lutheran Church という教会もあったりする。
今日の福音書箇所の特に後半部分に注目していきたい。 ヨハネの二人の弟子が、「神の小羊」と言ったヨハネの言葉を聴き、そしてイエスに従っていく。
翌日は、アンデレは、自分の兄さんのペトロに会って、たった一晩イエスといっしょにいただけだったが、「私は油注がれた者、メサイア、救い主に会った。」と告白する。 そして、ペトロをイエスのところに連れていく。
この話、いったい、現代を生きる私たちに、神なるイエスは何を語っているのだろうか? わからないことばかり。 いったい泊まったところはどんなところだったのだろうか?
アンデレは何を持って、イエスはメサイアだと言い切れるのだろうか? アンデレといっしょにいた弟子はだれだったのか。 その弟子も、イエスはメサイアだということに納得したのだろうか?
ペトロはなぜアンデレの言うことを信じてイエスに会いに行ったのか。 それとも、信じられなかったけど、好奇心からメサイアに会いに行こうとしたのか。ペトロがどう思ったにしろ、はっきりしているのは、とにかく、アンデレはお兄さんのペトロをイエスのところへ連れていった。
それは、礼拝の中で、自分で自覚するかどうかにかかわらず、礼拝に集まる人々は、聖餐式において、救い主イエスに出会っている。 聖餐式の設定の言葉は、イエスキ・リストが語られた言葉をいろいろな言葉に訳して行われているが、その中で、
これは私の体である。 また、この杯は、私の血による新しい契約ということをイエスが語られ、そのイエスの体と血をいただくことで、私たちの罪が赦されるということをイエスは話してくださった。
私の長男が中学生の時の作文でも書いていたことがあったか、なんで、パン(ウェファー)がイエスキリストの体で、なんでぶどうジュースがイエス・キリストの血なのかわからない。 しかし、イエスがそう言われたからそうだとしか言いようが無い。
“Let’s Go To See The Messiah” John 1:29-41
May Grace and Peace be poured into your hearts in the name of the Lamb of God, our savior and Lord!
In the Gospel text I read a short time ago, the phrase “Lamb of God” appeared twice. Why did the Baptist John call Jesus the “Lamb of God”? We see “Lamb of God Lutheran Church.” Why is the church called the “Lamb of God”?
What is a Lamb? A lamb is a four-legged, grass-eating, herd animal used for wool and meat, right? In order for lamb to be eaten and provide nutrition, it must be slaughtered. The lamb is a useful animal and a vivid Biblical symbol.
The meat and blood of lamb is closely related to the story when Israelites were freed from Egyptian enslavement and journeyed back to the land of Israel.
This is written in Exodus Chapter 12, God told Moses and Aaron that they should slaughter lamb and burn the meat to eat and put its blood on both poles of the gate where Israelites live, so that a tornado-like wind will pass over the Israelites’ houses. Then they can start to leave Egypt to journey back to Israel.
Now, let’s put aside the story of the lamb and focus on the latter half of today’s Gospel text. The two disciples of John listened to John’s words when he called Jesus “Lamb of God” and they followed Him.
When Jesus turned and saw them following, he said to them, “What are you looking for?” They probably did not know how they should reply or it could be they were just curious…they said to him, “Rabbi” (which translated means teacher), “Where are you staying?”
He said to them, “Come and see.” They came and saw where he was staying, and they remained with him that day. One of the two disciples was Andrew. Andrew was the brother of Peter, who would become the founder of the Roman Catholic Church.
The next day, Andrew saw his brother, Peter, and said to him even though Andrew had seen Jesus for the first time, “We have found the Messiah” (which is translated anointed). He brought Peter to Jesus, who looked at him and said, “You are Simon son of John. You will be called Peter.”
What does this story tell to those that live in the 21st century? We wonder because people might have many questions about this story. Where did Jesus stay overnight? What did Andrew see? Why did he figure that Jesus was the Messiah? Who was with Andrew? Even though Andrew said, “We found”… did the other guy also agree that Jesus was the Messiah?
Why did Peter follow what Andrew said? Did Peter believe what Andrew said? Or was he just curious? However Peter felt, Andrew took Peter to see Jesus.
Actually, people may be curious about things happening in the sanctuary and in this service. Matters of faith can be mysterious and not scientific at all. However, people come to church to feel this mysticism. And amongst this mysticism, God is at work transforming people. Because of God’s work, almost 2 billion people are Christians now.
Whether or not people truly realize it, people in the sanctuary see Jesus especially during Holy Communion. The Words of Institution that Pastors recite during Communion are from Jesus’ actual words 2000 years ago, although they have been translated into many different languages over the centuries.
In the Words of Institution it states, “This is my body given for you.” Then, “This cup is the new covenant in my blood shed for you and for all the people for the forgiveness of sins.” And true forgiveness happens, even though we do not know the exact mechanisms or have scientific explanations for how God works.
When our son was in the middle school, he wrote a composition in which he asked the questions, why the wafer was the body of Christ and why the grape juice was the blood of Christ. Even as an adult, Shin still does not know why and we still do not know why either… however we believe this to be true because Jesus said those profoundly meaningful words. We have faith in Jesus’ words.
Like the Israelites in Egypt were freed from slavery by eating the lamb and passed over by putting the blood on the poles of the gate, through the body and blood of Christ and through faith in Jesus Christ, we are freed from our burdens, our shame, our sins, our regrets, etc…this is happening in this service and during Holy Communion.
Whether or not you truly realize it, we meet Jesus Christ through Communion. Even though we do not understand why, like when Andrew was impressed by Christ and the next day invited his brother to come to see Jesus, there are brothers and sisters (in faith) who see Jesus in this sanctuary and invite others to come to Resurrection.
We give thanks to God, Jesus, who gives us His wonderful Holy Spirit, Grace, and Mercy. You invite us to have a personal relationship with Jesus and you invite other people to come and see you and develop a personal relationship with Jesus too. We are all “lifted up” and blessed by the Lamb of God. Amen.