「主が選んだ」 マタイ4: 12-23
さて、本日与えらた福音書の前半部分は、預言者たちが書き残していたことが、イエスの出現によって実現することをマタイは述べている。イザヤの8章終わりから9章にかけて、次のようなことが書かれていた。 「ゼブルン、ナフタリと呼ばれる地方、つまりガリラヤ沿岸は、ユダヤから見放されたような状態となっていたが、そこに住む者、暗闇の中に住む者たちは、大きな光を見ることになる。」
いったい、今日与えられた福音書を通して、私たちは、何を主イエスキリストから学んでいるのだろうか? ひとつ学べるということは、ペテロ、アンデレ、ヤコブ、そして、ヨハネも、まずは一方的に神が選んだということではないだろうか。
また、ルカ福音書によれば、なかなか魚が獲れない状況の中で、イエスから、もう一度船を沖に出して、網を投げるように言われる。 ペトロは、じょうだんじゃない、魚とりに関してはおれの方がプロなんだから、口出ししないで欲しいと言わんばかりだった。 それでも、イエスの言うとおりに網を張ったところ、大漁となり、ペトロはイエスに従うものとなったことが記述されている。
このような聖書の話を通じて、何を思っておられるだろうか? ぜひご自身のことを振り返っていただきたい。 いろいろな過程があって、ご自分で選んで、キリストの信者になったとか、だれだれさんが誘ってくれたから、私は教会に来るようになったという方はおられるのはわかる。しかし、そのようなことが起こるのは、実は神が選んでくださって、今、この礼拝堂に一人一人が座っている。
しかも、その選びは、私たちの能力があるとか、家柄がよいとかそういう基準で選ばれているわけではなく、むしろ、わたしたち自身が社会の中では弱い存在だったり、なにか、問題があってここにいるような面は否めないのだと思う。そのような神の選びだからこそ、すべての人々が主に従う者となる希望があると思う。 また、そのような選びだからこそ、クリスチャンは決して自分自身を誇ることはできない。そしてほめ称える対象は、主の御名となってくる。 今週も謙虚に主に感謝し、主を崇め、キリスト者としての歩みを続けよう。 アーメン
“God Chose Us” Matthew 4:12-23
May the Lord, Jesus Christ, pour His grace and peace into this sanctuary! Amen.
There are people who looked at many churches before choosing to come to a particular congregation. There are also people who studied many different religions before choosing to be a Christian. These situations are reality and I have no objections when people look into different faiths and choose one that fits their needs.
However, even if many people feel that they chose their faith, is it really they who chose? Quite honestly, I am not quite clear if human beings may choose whom to follow religiously…because it seems to imply that humans know more than God.
My understanding is even if you feel like you chose whom to follow, especially Jesus Christ, human beings did not choose first, but Jesus, the Lord, chose you and invited you to follow him. God did not choose you because you’re superior to other human beings, he chose you because he loves each one of us equally. His love is boundless and he chose you to receive it. I think because you’re at worship today, you chose to accept his invitation.
In the beginning of today’s Gospel text, Matthew described that what prophet Isaiah said 600 years ago became reality by the appearance of Jesus Christ. According to Isaiah, in the beginning of Chapter 9, it reads, “The people who walked in darkness have seen a great light; those who lived in a land of deep darkness — on them light has shined.”
Then Matthew described the scene in which the first disciples followed Jesus. The brothers, Peter and Andrew, were catching fish. Jesus interrupted them by saying, “Follow me, and I will make you fish for people.” Immediately, they left the net and followed him. Did this really happen?
Then Matthew described that Jesus called another pair of fisherman brothers, sons of Zebedee, James and John, and immediately they left the boat and their father and followed him. Did this really happen?
To be honest, I feel the scenes in which two pairs of brothers followed Jesus don’t really make sense, because if someone becomes a follower of a religious teacher (or any kind of teacher for that matter), you would think that they would consider the teacher’s reputation and vet the person’s credentials. Matthew makes no mention of the brothers asking about Jesus’ reputation.
What are we learning from Matthew’s account this morning? We can say that Peter, Andrew, Jacob, and John are not the ones who chose Jesus, rather, God, the Lord, Jesus Christ was the one who chose the disciples. It seems they did not use any process to compare other teachers or other gods, and just followed Jesus. However, I think there is a sort of exaggeration in Matthew’s account. If you read John’s Gospel, like we read last week, there was a description that Andrew met Jesus first and he brought his brother Peter to Jesus.
Also, if we read Luke, there was a scene that fishermen were disappointed because they could not catch fish. Then Jesus told them to cast the net again. For Peter, as a professional fisherman, the word of Jesus was meaningless to him… yet, he did what Jesus told them to do and they caught a tremendous number of fish. Then they became followers of Jesus. I believe there is enough circumstantial evidence in the Gospels of John and Luke to corroborate the events in Matthew.
Even though John and Luke described things differently from what Matthew described, I believe that the point from reading Matthew is that, “God (the subject) chose (verb), the Lord, Jesus Christ. Jesus was the one who chose,” is not different from other Gospel accounts. God’s selection and the work of the Holy Spirit brought them to be followers of Jesus.
Also, it is important to mention that they did not have much education (in the Jewish community) and they did not possess any special oratory or ministerial skills. Rather, they were living in a place where people were disrespected, scorned and ignored. People there were walking a dark, lonely road.
Also the disciples seemed a bit like troubled youth or grew up in what we would, today, call dysfunctional families. Although the following descriptions are not in today’s Gospel, among the disciples, they were arguing “who is the greatest?” Also, Zebedee’s wife came to Jesus and begged him to please put her children, Jacob and John, beside Jesus, at most honored seats next to him. These are examples of Biblical one- upmanship.
What are your thoughts when reflecting upon what the Bible describes? Please reflect yourself through the Biblical lens. How do you feel? Are you very different from these disciples? I understand that some of you or many of you researched or experienced different congregations before finally choosing to come to Resurrection. Or some of you were just invited by someone to come to Resurrection. However you came to Resurrection, behind the scenes, God chose each one of you and was working to enter your heart and loving you dearly. And you responded to God’s invitation and came to worship at Resurrection Lutheran Church.
And the selection of Jesus was not because you grew up in a reputable family or because you were more capable than others, rather the reality is that you are flawed just like every other human being. God chose you despite your flaws.
I am sorry to say this but we each, me included, have our own issues that we must work through and try to overcome. Because God chose us, it is possible to overcome those issues.
Again, the reality is we cannot deny these flawed aspects of ourselves and like Jesus’ first disciples we can be problematic. We can never be perfect but with Jesus’ example we can strive to be better and live more Christ-like lives. God, Jesus Christ still chose us and helps us despite our flaws.
He gives us his eternal grace and encouragement for each of us to follow Jesus Christ. Therefore, we should not praise ourselves, but give all praise to the Lord, Jesus Christ and walk with Him. Amen.