牧師 安達均
さて、さきほど読んだ福音書箇所、引き続き、山上の説教の箇所を読んでいる。 今日の箇所のイエスの結論は、群集に向かって、「完全な者となりなさい。」という言葉で終わっている。
また、その結論の前には、世の常識からすると、「えっ?」と思われるような話があった。「右の頬を打つものがいたら、左の頬をも向けよ。」 「シャツやアロハを奪おうとする者がいたら、ジャケットやセータまでも与えよ。」 「1マイル先まで荷物を運ばせるものがいたら、2マイル先まででもいっしょに運んであげなさい。」
そして、父なる神が、完全な愛を持って人間を愛してくださっているように、あなた方もたがいに、その互いにというのは、あなたの敵、迫害する者も含めて完全な愛を実現するようにというイエスの教えが示される。 それにしても、人間は神じゃないから、そんなことはできるはずありませんと、私たちは、言いたくなる。
山上の説教のはじまりは、霊的には欠乏しているもの、しかし、神の愛によって聖霊が満たされるようになる者が実は幸いなんだという神の恵みの話で始まっていた。 つまり、イエスの話を聞いている群衆が神の恵み、神の霊で満たされるという話だ。
また第一日課のレビ記の言葉の中には、「あなた方は聖なる者となりなさい。私は聖なる者である。」という言葉があった。 神は大昔から聖なる者として生き続けておられ、現代においては、神に従うもの、イエスに従う者を、霊で満たし、神の恵みを十分にいただける存在としてくださっている。
冒頭に語ったように、伯母が尊敬していた神父が、イエス様みたいな方だという話は、父なる神と、その子イエスキリスト、そして、聖霊の働きにより、霊的に満たされた神父の上に、本当に起っていたことだと思う。 そればかりではなく、伯母だって、聖霊に満たされ、一生、仏教徒だった伯父をそのまま大切にし、神の愛をもって愛し続けた。
私たち、至らない人間だとは思うが、それでも一人一人の中に、神の霊が住んでくださり、キリスト者として、完璧な神の愛を実現する者へと変えられると確信し、新たな一週間を歩むことができるように。 アーメン
“Can We Be Perfect?”
Matthew 5: 38-48
Pr. Hitoshi Adachi
May your Grace be in the words spoken from my mouth and may your Peace be present into your children, brothers and sisters in the sanctuary!
When I was an elementary student, one of my aunts who faithfully attended a Catholic church, told me “The Father at my church is like Jesus.” At the time, to me it was an awkward statement. Because I thought: how can a human being be like Jesus?
However, the words she said have not left my brain and I am still talking about this even 45 years later…both the Father and my aunt have passed on but her statement still fascinates me.
The aunt that made the statement was a quiet person compared to other aunts and uncles but had a lot of common sense. She was married to a university professor and raised 6 wonderful children with her husband. But to me, at that time she made the statement, it was not common sense that an individual was like Jesus.
The Gospel text I read a short time ago, was still a part of Sermon on the Mount, which we started to read three weeks ago. The conclusion of the text today is: Jesus said “Be Perfect” to the crowd.
For the people listening, it might have been a very difficult thing, because many were sick and many were caregivers struggling to care for ill relatives or friends, and many of their lives were difficult. Why did Jesus say to them “Be Perfect.” It is not really a common sense to say.
And when we read the other parts of the text, we may raise even more questions when we juxtapose what Jesus said with typical human behavior. Why did Jesus say, “if anyone strikes you on the right cheek, turn the other,” “if anyone wants to sue you and take your shirt, give your jacket as well; and “if anyone forces you to carry your luggage one mile, go also the second mile?”
Further, “Love your enemy and pray for people who persecute you.” If he said, “Love your neighbor but do not do that for your enemy or people who persecute you,” it might make sense, but what Jesus was telling people was the opposite of common sense.
Probably the people listening wondered what Jesus was talking about. Even many people today wonder why Jesus said such things. Again, most of what he said is the opposite of common sense.
In the Bible, there are stories where God rewards people doing good things, and punishing those who do wrong. For educational purposes, God acts as a stern but fair Father to humankind. However, that is not the true character of God. Jesus mentioned here in today’s text that “he makes his sun rise on the evil and on the good, and sends rain on the righteous and on the unrighteous.” Here in this sentence, we may see God’s true character, a loving God. We’re so lucky we have God’s unconditional love.
As our Father loves human beings with His true love, Jesus guides us to care about each other using God’s true love as an example. However, since we are not perfect, we cannot be perfect and cannot love each other with God’s perfect love.
In the text that Ms. Yoshida read a short time ago, there was a sentence, “Do you not know that you are God’s temple and that God’s Spirit dwells in you?”
Three weeks ago, when we started to read the Sermon on the Mount, the first sentence was “Happy are those poor in Spirit.” In that sentence, Jesus meant that Happy are you, who lack the Holy Spirit but are to be filled with the Holy Spirit. In other words, the crowd will be filled with His spirit and His grace.
Then St. Paul mentions we are filled with God’s Holy Spirit and metaphorically we are God’s temple since the Holy Spirit lives in us. It is not a just story that St. Paul shared 2000 years ago, but the reality is that God lives in you even now. This happens through the work of God the Father, Jesus the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
In Leviticus, also that was read by Ms. Yoshida, “You shall be holy, for I the Lord your God am holy.” It was taught to Moses by God 1200 years ago, and God is among human beings even now and the followers of Jesus are filled with the Holy Spirit and his Grace is poured into each one of us.
The followers of Christ are now filled with the Holy Spirit and because of the presence of the Holy Spirit among us and within us, I firmly believe that there are Christians who are transformed and may be examples of God’s perfect love.
At the beginning of the message, I told the story about my aunt who said her priest was like Jesus. I believe now this was a true story that happened because of God’s love, Christ’s care, and the Holy Spirit.
Likewise, every day, I believe you are to believe that God’s spirit and His love are present (in you) in the midst of your lives and His true and perfect love allow you to strive for Christ-like perfection even though we are flawed. With Christ’s presence in our lives we can “be perfect.” Amen.