March 2nd, 2014


牧師説教, by admin1.




そのような私たちに、本日与えられた主の変容日の聖書箇所は、ちょっと怖いような箇所でもあるが、逆に、世の不安からは守られる箇所のように思う。 主の変貌が起こる少し前のことから説明したい。 
この人こそイスラエルの本当の指導者であり主だと思って従ってきたイエス様に、悪魔だとか邪魔者と言われてしまったペトロはどんなに落ち込んだことだろう。 頭が真っ白になって、何を言われてもよくわからない状況になってしまったのではないかと思う。 

そのような会話があって6日後、さきほど読んだ主の変貌ということがおこる。落ち込んでいたペテロとさらに他の二人の弟子を連れて、イエスは山に登る。山の頂上に来るとイエスの姿が目の前で変わる。 イエスの顔は太陽のように輝き、服は真っ白となる。
ペテロはまた口をはさんでしゃべりだしてしまう。「主よ、あなたがここにいるのはすばらしいことです。お望みでしたら、小屋を三つ建てましょう。」しかしその直後には、雲に覆われて、何も見えなくなってしまう。 すると天からの声が聞こえる。 「これは私の愛する子。私の心にかなう者。これに聞け。」


10歳位の私は、父の気持ちは、家族をとても大切に思っているということと、経済的にはよくない状況でこれから家族はたいへんだということはわかった。 しかし、父の会社のビジネスが具体的にどういうことになっているかはよくわからなかった。 あとから考えると、ソ連の仕事はなんども行ったがあまりうまくいってなくて、利益は出ないし、その時の会社の状態も良い状況ではないということだったのだと思う。 
つまり、経済的にはどうなっちゃうかわからない。 母はひたすら節約を心がけたのだと思う。兄二人は私立の中学に行っていたが、私は近くの公立中学に行くことになるのかとも思った。 
私は、毎晩祈る習慣はあった。その晩も、洗礼を受けたときに司教からいただいたイエス様のイコンの前で祈った。簡単に、「今日もありがとうございました。よく眠れますように。父と子と聖霊の御名によって。」と祈ることで、ゆっくり眠ることができた。 その時、主イエスが「恐がらなくていいんだよ。」と言って、どんな中学に行こうが、どんなたいへんなことがあろうが、主イエスが守ってくださる、だいじょうぶ、と思えた。経済的な困難にしても、病気にしても、この世の困難は恐くはない。そういう確信を得たように思う。それは言うなれば、主の変貌の体験だったように思う。

別に今日でなくても、みなさんにも何か主の変貌の体験をお持ちの方はいるかもしれない。 それが主の変貌だったと気がつかなかったとしても、後から考えると、この世の困難の真っ只中イエスが来てくださり、触れてくださり、「私の言葉を聞きなさい。怖がることは無い。」と言ってくださっていたことに気づくことがあるのだと思う。 水曜からはじまる四旬節(受難節)の期間、イエスキリストの存在と主の加護を認識する機会となり、四旬節の最後には恵み豊かな受難週(聖週間)と憐れみ深いイースターを迎えることができますように。 アーメン

“Do Not Be Afraid” March 2, 2014
Matthew 17: 1-9 Pr. Hitoshi Adachi

May God’s Grace and Peace pour into the hearts of our brothers and sisters gathered here in this sanctuary!

How are you doing these days? Where did the past 60 days go? This year started with bittersweet occurrences here at Resurrection Lutheran Church. Mr. S. went to his eternal home, Mr. F. went there, too. Just a week ago (from last Saturday), Mrs. M. passed away and we had her memorial service yesterday.
During last month, Mr. M. lost consciousness and went to the ER, then he was transferred to the ICU and now he is at a rehabilitation center. Among our brothers and sisters, many of us are experiencing health issues.
People are not only experiencing health related issues, but there are people who had traffic accidents or are people in the midst of life troubles. In other words, there are many at Resurrection who are going through valleys in their lives.

The text read today is the transfiguration of our Lord, which makes us fear and wonder, but, I also think, it gives us God’s protection in the midst of many challenges. Let me explain some background regarding the text.
Matthew 17 starts with the words, “Six days later,” what happened six days before that? According to the end of Matthew 16, we could interpret that the disciples were expecting the earthly glory of Israel. However, Jesus told them, “I must undergo great suffering by Jewish leaders, and be killed, and on the third day be raised.”
Responding to him, Peter rebuked Jesus, saying “this must never happen to you.” But Jesus turned saying, “Get behind me, Satan. You are a stumbling block to me; for you are setting your mind not on divine things.”
Peter was expecting Jesus to be a strong earthly leader over Israel and never beaten by Jewish leaders or any political leaders of Rome. However, Peter was told, “You are Satan, and a stumbling block to God.” I think, he was probably in a panic. Whatever Jesus said after that, he could not listen to him anymore.
Six days after this conversation, Jesus’ Transfiguration happened. Peter, who fell down at that time, was taken to a mountain top by Jesus with two other disciples. Then he saw Jesus’ transfiguration. His face became like sunshine and his clothes were dazzling white.

Peter not only saw Jesus’ transfiguration, he also saw Moses and Elijah, who lived 1200 and 800 years before respectively. I do not know exactly how he could tell they were Moses and Elijah…but Peter and the other two disciples saw a miraculous scene.
Then Peter started to talk again saying, “This is wonderful. If you wish, I will build three houses for you, Moses, and Elijah…” He probably did not know what he was talking about, but he spoke nonetheless. Then a bright cloud covered them and they could not see anything. A voice from heaven said, “This is my beloved son and I’m well pleased with him. Listen to Him.”
They were fearful even before they heard the voice. They saw something they could not imagine and could not see anything since the cloud covered them; then the voice spoke. They were also told, “Listen to Him.” In other words, the voice told Peter to “Shut up and pay attention!”
When the disciples heard this, they fell to the ground and were overcome by fear. But Jesus came and touched them, saying, “Get up and do not be afraid.”

Beginning this Wednesday, we will walk through the Lenten season. 40 days, except Sundays though, contemplating Jesus’ suffering until Easter. Before Lent, in Lutheran tradition, we observe Transfiguration Sunday. The Catholic Church observes this on the second Sunday of Lent. Scholars say the Transfiguration is a kind of preview of Jesus’ suffering, crucifixion, death, and resurrection. I agree with them.
But maybe, especially this year, I feel that the transfiguration is God’s protection. Even when we walk through the valley of our difficult lives, or we are at the edge of a fearful mountain top, Jesus Christ is there with you and will protect you.

Several years after my baptism, I’ll never forget a family dinner we had. My father was a very busy engineer and at that time, he often went to Moscow many weeks at a time. Even when he was in Tokyo, he worked until very late at night and did not often come home for family dinner. But one night he came back early and called a kind of family meeting.
Since I was a child, I did not understand what was going on with his business. However, I understood that my father loved children and mother, and later I understood what was going on. The business that he was responsible for was not going well; it was making no profit. Also, the overall company operation was suffering.
He was not sure what was going to happen in the future. My mother had to cut expenses even more. Although, my two elder brothers could still attend private middle and high schools, but I was not sure where I would go. I might go to a public middle school to trim education expenses.
I had a custom to pray every night. I prayed in front of the Icon of Jesus Christ. My prayers were very simple: “Thank you for the day and let have me restful sleep…in the name of the Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit.” By praying, I sensed God’s protection. In other words, even though I didn’t know what would happen while sleeping (tomorrow and beyond); God, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit protected me.
I sensed that I should not be fearful at all about economic difficulties, sickness or other troubles. To me, reflecting on today’s lesson and the icon, I sense that after the family meeting was the first time I experienced God’s transfiguration that gave me strength and a feeling of protection.

Jesus says “Do not be afraid!” today to all of us. There are people who’ve heard this voice before and sensed the transfiguration. I am sure that there are also people who think they have “been afraid” about their lives in the past; however, be mindful of Him and “Do not be afraid” today. Know without doubt that Jesus loves and protects you today and forever.
During this Lenten season, I hope and pray that all of us truly recognize God’s presence and protection in the midst of difficult times in our lives. Amen.

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