もし、そのようなことがおきても、人はイエスが神だと信じて、宗教としてのキリスト教が起こったのではないだろうか? また十字架から逃れたイエスということで、十字架がキリスト教の象徴になったのではないだろうか?
なぜ、キリストは十字架上で死に墓に葬られるまで及ばなければならなかったのだろうか? もちろん、その後に復活があるからという話もあると思うが、もう少し、十字架に架かった時の状況をよく今日の聖書箇所から考えてみたい。
イエスは他の二人の罪人とともに、三つの十字架が立つなかの、真ん中の十字架に架かっている。 そして、実は、私が質問した事は、今日の聖書箇所にも書かれている。 それも二回も。
一つ目は、そこを通りかかった人々が、40節で、「神殿を打ち倒し、三日で建てる者、神の子なら、自分を救ってみろ。そして十字架から降りて来い。」 十字架から降りて来い。
その場面で、イエスは神であるから、言われた通りに、奇跡を起こして十字架から降りて来ることはできただろう。 しかし、なぜ、そうしなかったのだろうか?
イエスの宣教開始前に、イエスが悪魔からの40日間の誘惑を受けていたときのことを覚えておられるだろうか? その時、イエスは神殿の屋根の端につれて行かれて、「神の子だったら、飛び降りたらどうか。天使たちがあなたを支えるだろう。」と悪魔に言われる。
そこには、自分の身を守るということは、決して悪いことではないが、イエスの置かれた状況のなかに悪魔の誘惑があって、神の意思から離れたことに従ってしまうことになってしまう。 神の意思から離れてしまうということが、とても問題なのだ。
これは、マタイ福音書だけにある記述で、聖書にこんなことが書いてあったのかと思う方もいるかもしれない。 このマタイの記事は、イエスの救いは決して、イエス自身の救いではなく、すでに死んでいた者たちも含めて、すべての人間に与えられている救い。
今日のマタイが伝えた箇所から私たちは何を学んでいるのだろうか。イエスを信じるということは、イエスだけが復活するということではない。あるいは、イエスを信じている自分だけが復活の人生を歩めるというわけではない。 イエスのことを何も知らずに、墓に葬られた人々にも永遠の命を与えなおしてくださるような面がある。とくに、先祖はキリスト教ではなかったけど、自分が初代のクリスチャンという方にも、たいへんな福音だと思う。また、イエスは、キリストの体である教会を侮辱してののしっていたような人の救いをも覚えて、イエスは十字架に架かられ死なれた。それは決して、イエスを信じずに、また教会を侮辱して生きていけばよいのだということではない。 むしろ、その十字架の事実を認識した時に、私たち人間はどのように生きていくかの問題。
“Love God and Love Your Neighbors”
Matthew 27:11-54
Pr. Hitoshi Adachi
Lord, may Jesus Christ’s Grace pour into our hearts and bring peace amongst all your people!
The Cross is a widely-known symbol of Christianity. We believe Jesus Christ died on the Cross and that on the third day He was resurrected. But, why did Jesus die on the Cross?
Since he is God, even if he was crucified, he could’ve asked many doves to come and take the nails out…and thousands of doves could’ve carried him safely down to the ground, correct? It is may seem farfetched to modern ears, but He could have saved himself if he so chose.
If that did happen, would the Cross still be the symbol of Christianity? Would Christianity exist as major religion?
Why did he need to die and be buried in the tomb? Of course he was resurrected on the third day, but today, let’s read closely about what people said when he was crucified and let’s think about the situation when he was on the Cross.
Jesus was crucified together with two other criminals. There were three crosses. Jesus was crucified in the center between the two other criminals. What I’ve wondered aloud a short time ago is written in the Scriptures, not only once but twice.
The first one instance was: Those who passed by said in verse 40, “You who would destroy the temple and build it in three days, save yourself! If you are the Son of God, come down from the cross.”
The second one was: Similarly the chief priests also, along with the scribes and elders, said in verse 43, “He saved others; he cannot save himself. He is the King of Israel; let him come down from the cross now, and we will believe in him.”
During those instances, God might have miraculously sent angels and borne Jesus down as they said. However why didn’t He do that?
I conclude God did not do so because there was a temptation to save only Jesus. You might say he could have saved the other two criminals, too. But his grand purpose was not just to save three condemned men.
Do you remember that Jesus was tempted by the devil before his ministry started? In Matthew 4, the devil took Jesus to the holy city and placed him on the pinnacle of the temple, saying to him, “If you are the Son of God, throw yourself down; for it is written, and you will command his angels concerning you, and on their hands they will bear you up, so that you will not dash your foot against a stone.”
In those words, there was a temptation to save only himself, which is contrary to God’s wishes, although to his credit Jesus did say, “You should not test God.” Even though it is normally not a bad thing to protect yourself, Jesus made the right choice and resisted the devil’s temptation. If Jesus saved himself, he would have ignored God’s wishes and thwarted His plans. This is why Jesus remained crucified while the general public and Jewish leaders walked past him.
In the end Jesus died on the Cross. At the very end of today’s verses, it is written, “At that moment the curtain of the temple was torn in two, from top to bottom. The earth shook, and the rocks were split. The tombs also were opened, and many bodies of the saints who had fallen asleep were raised. After his resurrection they came out of the tombs and entered the holy city and appeared to many.”
This is written only in Matthew and not in the other three Gospels. You might not have realized this about the account in the past. I believe Matthew’s description highlights that Jesus saves not only himself and the people of his generation by enduring the Crucifixion but he saves all of humankind. At Jesus’ death on the Cross, God even saves those who went to their graves without knowing Jesus. God’s sacrificial, redemptive act is a gift beyond generations. Through Jesus’ death and resurrection, God shows his intention to redeem everyone; not only just a chosen few.
I believe these verses are helpful for first generation Christians, especially Japanese Christians. Even those of us who are fourth or fifth generation Christians can still find wisdom in Matthew 27:11-54. Even those who mocked Jesus or say bad things about the Church, the body of Christ, Jesus died for those people as well. Jesus died for everyone not only 2000 years ago, but even now every Friday in 2014.
The faith you have or said another way, the faith given to you is something like this: If you are connected to God through Christian faith, it creates wonderful relationships with all the people through Christ.
In other words, although you are not able to think and care about all people all the time, by trusting Jesus Christ, all people are OK. You do not need to give concern beyond what you are able to do. Through our connection to Christ everyone in need will be helped. You just trust God, Jesus Christ and serve him as you are able. He will take care of everyone and everything; He watches over all he created. It is wonderful to believe in Jesus Christ brothers and sisters. Amen!