April 24th, 2014

2014年4月20日 復活主日聖餐礼拝説教 「恐れず喜べ」

牧師説教, by admin1.

牧師 安達均


何か今の人生、恐いと思っておられることがあるのでは?自分の仕事の問題。自分あるいは家族の病。 あるいは子供の教育問題やら、子供の仕事の問題。 自分自身の老後。人間関係? 韓国の沈没船。
そのような問題から離れ、ここで礼拝の機会が与えられていること、恵みで感謝である。 この礼拝は、日頃の問題から離れ、神の言葉を聴き、神に祈り、そして神と会う時。 最高の恵み。

イースターの朝与えられた福音書箇所、マタイ28章1-10節。 イエス復活の日曜の朝の墓の前での光景。 登場人物は、二人のマリア、番兵たち、天使、イエスキリスト。 登場はしてこないが他の女性たち、弟子たちの話題も、以下の話しに加えたいと思う。
二人のマリアや、他の女性たち、弟子たちの気持ちを想像するに、恐くて恐くてしょうがない。 金曜には、いままで3年間、この方こそ主であると思って従ってきた、イエスが十字架にかけられ、死にて葬られてしまった。

二人のマリアが墓に到着した時、天使が顕われる。マタイは奇跡的な状況を描写している。地震が起こるなかで、天使が顕われ、墓をふさいでいた石をどける。 番兵たちは恐くて、気を失う。天使は、マリアたちも恐がっていることをよく察知していて、「恐がることを止めるように。」と言う。そして、十字架で死んだイエスを探しているのだろうが、イエスが以前言われていた通り、復活された、と言われる。彼女たちは、墓にもう遺体が無いことを知り、そして、天使は、ガリラヤに行くように恐がっている弟子たちに告げなさい、と言う。
しかし、恐がるなと言われても、恐さは消えなかったのだろう。 こんどは、イエスが登場してくださる。 そして、イエスの言葉は「おはよう。」 日本語には「おはよう」と訳されたこの言葉、マタイはギリシャ語で、「喜べ。」という言葉を使ってイエスの挨拶を表している。 そして、マリアたちは、恐くて、興奮状態であったために、天使に言われたことがちゃんとわかったいたのかどうかもわからない。 イエスは、天使が語ったことと同じ言葉を繰り返す。「恐がることはやめるように。 イエスの兄弟たち(弟子たち)にガリラヤに行くように。そこで再会しよう。」

今年の復活祭に与えられた、御言葉から、なにを思われているだろうか。 とかく、「恐がることを止めなさい。」そして、「喜べ」という言葉が際立って聞こえてくる。
「恐がることはない。」と聖書に書かれているが、恐がることを止めるということ。それは、恐がる原因となっていることを、忘れたり、取り除くようにとういうことではない。 ただ、現実を直視するなかでも、恐がることは止めるようにと言われているように思われる。
イエスは、死をもって、死を滅ぼされる主なる王。そのような、復活のイエスがあなたの人生をいっしょに歩いてくださる。 この世だけではなく、この世の死後の世界をも、主なるイエスとともに歩める確信。 この礼拝は、あと20分後には終わる。しかし、礼拝が終わり、日曜が終わり、明日からの月曜日、どんな苦労が待ち構えていようが、そこに主がいっしょにいてくださる確信を得て、新しい復活節のとき、恐がることなく、現実問題を直視し、そこに主がいっしょにいてくださることを確信し喜んで生きていこう。 アーメン

“Do Not Be Afraid! Rejoice!”
Matthew 28:1-10
Pr. H. Adachi

During this Holy Easter Service, may God’s grace and peace be with everybody in this sanctuary and with all His creations throughout this world!

Do you have any uncertainty/anxiety about your life’s journey? Are they fears about your job, about your family member’s illness, your children’s education, your own retirement, or relationships with friends and loved ones?
Whatever your fears or current situations are, in this sanctuary, you may get away from your problems and focus on your relationship with our Lord, Jesus Christ. This is the time to listen to, talk with, and pray to our Lord and Savior. This is the time we receive great mercy, peace, and time away from our human issues.
Although it was over 20 years ago, I still recall one of my Christian friend’s thoughts about Sunday worship: Worship time is great but once worship is over and once Sunday ends, he would contend with all the human issues in his life and struggle with many challenges during the week.
What he shared with me was that Sundays are independent from other weekdays and Saturdays. I did not argue with him and I just listened to his thoughts at that time. However, for some reason, I have not forgotten what he said and I pray today that the words you hear on this Easter Sunday you will listen to and that they will stay in your hearts Monday through Saturday and will give you God’s peace even though you experience many challenges in your life’s journey.

The text read today is a scene in front of the tomb in the morning when Jesus was risen. People in that scene are the two Marys, an angel, guards, and Jesus Christ. Even though his disciples do not appear in the scene, I would like to describe something about them also.
The two Marys, other women, and all the disciples were fearful anyway, since their Lord, Jesus, whom they faithfully followed for three years was crucified, died and sealed into the tomb on Friday.
They could do nothing to prevent the crucifixion, rather Peter denied him three times and all the disciples ran away from the place Jesus was crucified.
Women could only watch with horrified disbelief as Jesus was crucified. They felt not only sadness and disappointment due to the loss of their leader but they also experienced shame and fear because as followers and supporters of Jesus they could easily be executed as well. Jesus was brought up on false charges and crucified. What would stop his followers from sharing the same fate?
Even though they were so fearful, the two Marys visited the tomb. Although Matthew does not give the reason why they visited the tomb, they most likely wanted to anoint Jesus’ body with oil (in accordance with Jewish customs) since they did not have enough time to say their “proper” goodbyes to Jesus since it was close to sundown…

When they arrived at the tomb, an angel appeared to them. At that moment, an earthquake happened, and then the angel removed the stone that sealed the tomb. So, the guards were frozen with fear and they lost consciousness. The angel understood that the two women were fearful also, so he said to them, “Do not be afraid,” and said, “I know that you are looking for Jesus who was crucified. He is not here; for he has been raised.” As the angel said, they found that there was no body in the tomb then they were told tell the disciples to go to Galilee to see Jesus.
Even though they were told not to be afraid but they were still fearful; then they suddenly, unexpectedly met with Jesus. The two women were afraid yet joyful. He said to them, “Greetings.” Although this is the modern translation of the word, the original meaning of the Greek word is more like “Rejoice.” Then, Jesus repeated the angel’s words to them “Do not be afraid,” since they were still quite fearful. Basically Jesus repeated exactly what the angel said, “go and tell the disciples to go to Galilee to see me.”

This Easter morning, what are we hearing from God, Jesus Christ, our Savior? I think there are two key phrases. “Do not be afraid.” and the other one is “Rejoice.”
I do not think that “Do not be afraid” means “remove or forget something that makes you worrisome or fearful. I think, Jesus and the angel are saying stop being fearful about facing life’s difficult challenges because you are not alone; He is always with you.
How can you stop being fearful about health issues, economic challenges or other problems in your life? Even if we’re in the midst of these challenges, it is important to know that Jesus is living amongst us and within us and (as Christians) it is imperative we rejoice in the love of Jesus Christ, since he gave himself for our shame and sins. He reconciled us with God and He died on the cross so humanity doesn’t have to do so as well.
Jesus is the one who conquered the power of death by his death on the cross. Christ the King is walking with us in the midst of all our difficulties. Jesus will walk with us, not only during our time in this world but, also after our physical deaths. His Passion redeems us all. Today’s Easter worship service ends in 20 minutes or so but even after the worship service, and even still when it becomes Monday – remember Jesus spiritually walks with you because He is Risen indeed. May we rejoice and live vigorously without fear not only on Sundays but also during weekdays even though we are facing challenges in our lives. Praise the Lord, we are not alone! Amen.

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