May 14th, 2014

2014年5月11日 復活節第四主日聖餐礼拝説教 「羊飼いは親で羊は子供たち」

牧師説教, by admin1.




しかし、羊というとその目的は羊毛だったり、羊肉として食べられてしまうわけだが、イエスのたとえでは、羊飼いが羊たちの羊毛を売ってしまったり、羊たちを食用に売ってしまうような羊飼いとはちょっと違う。 さきほど拝読した聖書箇所の次の節にはイエスは「私は良い羊飼である。良い羊飼いは羊のために命を捨てる」と自らを表現しているが、いったいどういう羊飼いなのだろうか? 

今日はこどもの祝福式かつ、また母の日でもある。 母の日にちなんで、立教大学のチャプレンの方が紹介していた昔話を紹介したい。

この昔話、息子と彼女は、私たち人間つまりイエスの言われる羊たち、そして母親はすべての人間を創造された神である主イエス、つまり羊たちのために命を捨てる良い羊飼いであることおわかりいただけただろうか? ここまで私たちを愛してくださる主なるイエスに気付き、毎週、その主イエスの御声を聞き、良い羊飼いに養われる羊たちの群れが成長していくようにと祈る。アーメン 安達均

The Good Shepherd is a Parent and his Sheep are His Children

John 10:1-10

May Grace and Peace of our Lord, Jesus Christ, be poured into your and your children’s hearts in this sanctuary! Amen.

In today’s world, we get distracted by so many different things that we forget to listen to God’s voice every Sunday. These distractions include, but are not limited to, work, cars, or jewelry. Your relationships (whether they’re heterosexual or same-sex) can also be a source of distraction. Of course religion could be a distraction as well, if we don’t focus on listening to God’s voice. If you have distractions, in your life, are you obsessed with them or can you still focus on what’s important?

In today’s Gospel, Jesus is talking about the relationship between a shepherd and sheep. Sheep are weak and they cannot live without guidance and protection. Sheep listen to their shepherd and instinctively know his voice. During the daytime they go out together, follow their shepherd’s voice, find pasture, and become nourished. At night, they enter into a sheepfold and are thankful for the shepherd’s protection.
However, Jesus does not talk about the shepherd who sells sheep’s wool or meat. Right after today’s text, Jesus says, “I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep.” What does it mean? How does this good shepherd relate to his sheep? What does he do for them?
According to the magnificent story in the Bible, the Good Shepherd is divine, but since he loves his sheep so dearly, He willingly chose to become like his sheep. Not only does he become a sheep but he was slaughtered to save the lives of his sheep. However, even though he was killed and buried, he is risen and lives among his sheep; he lives among humanity, us. We should still listen to his voice. Jesus treats us like beloved children.

Today, in this sanctuary, Jesus blesses children. Also, today we celebrate Mother’s Day. On this Mother’s Day, I would like to share an old South Indian folktale that I learned from a chaplain at St. Paul University.

There was a mother and her son who lived together very happily; he was a good son to his mother. Neighbors praised him as a good son and envied the mother. The mother loved her son whole-heartedly; he could do no wrong in her eyes. One day, he went to a neighboring village and met a beautiful girl. He, of course, fell in love with her.
After he became acquainted with the girl, he proposed to her and asked her to marry him. She accepted his proposal and they spent time together almost every day. Just a few days before their wedding, she suddenly made a stipulation to getting married. The stipulation was unbelievable. She said, “My dear fiancé, in order to marry me, please bring your mother’s heart to me. Unless you do that, I will not marry you.”
The young man doubted he heard his fiancé correctly and thought, “what I heard is wrong.” However, she insisted on the stipulation. Although he was troubled by the stipulation, his wish to marry her was so strong; he did not stop himself from committing the horrible act. Crying deeply, he cut out his mother’s heart while she slept soundly. Then he ran back to his fiancé, carrying his mother’s heart.
However, as he ran, he stumbled over a small stone and fell down. Of course, he dropped the heart and then he quickly picked it up. As he picked it up, a voice from within the heart said, “Oh my dear son, are you OK? Are you injured? Be careful and go with my blessing.” At that moment, he came to himself. He realized his fiancé’s jealously and his own stupidity. Despite being killed, the man’s mother still loved him and wanted him to be happy.

Don’t you think the man and his fiancé represent the people who killed Jesus on the cross? They represent us when we let our distractions (i.e. our sin) block out God’s voice. Don’t you think the mom represents Jesus, the Good Shepherd, who lays down his life for his sheep? He loves us even though our actions lead to his death. I hope and pray that all the people in this world realize Jesus’ tremendous love for each one of us. We are blessed by the Good Shepherd’s amazing love for his sheep. Despite humanity killing Jesus, God still loves us and wants us to be happy. As Christians, we should avoid distractions and listen to His voice every week and share Jesus’ grace with people. By actively listening to Jesus’ voice, the Christian community will grow and strengthen according to the Good Shepherd’s will. Amen.

Pr. Hitoshi Adachi

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