May 18th, 2014

2014年5月18日 復活節第五主日聖餐礼拝説教 「ナビとイエス」

牧師説教, by admin1.

ヨハネ 14:1-14


カリフォルニアに住んでいると、車での移動が不可欠。今日の礼拝に車に乗る事無しにに来られた方はいるだろうか? また近年は車を運転してあちこち移動する者にとってナビゲーションシステム(ナビ)は不可欠になりつつあるように感じている。  
人生でわたしたちは、さまざまな道を歩むが、人生の終着地点は永遠の命をいただいて天国で過ごしたいと願うのが世の常ではないだろうか。しかし、ナビに天国と入力するとどうなるのだろうか?ちなみに、ナビに天国とかHeaven入れてみたが、クマモト県にある、「天国」という名前の郷土料理屋だったり、ローランドハイツにあるQueen of Heavenというお墓が出てきたりした。それは私の期待していた目的地ではもちろんない。

少々13章の終わりの状況を説明した方が良いと思う。 13章36節には、「わたしの行くところにあなたは今ついて来ることはできない」というイエスの言葉があり、それを聞き動揺してしまった弟子たちに対して、「心を騒がせるな。」といって語りだしているのが、今日の聖書箇所のはじまり。

するとイエスは、「私は道である。」と語る。 それは、トマスがどうやって、イエスの行く所への道を知ることができるかと質問したことに対して、勘違いに気付くように言われているように思う。
いろいろな宗教の立場のことを思って、互いに尊敬しあうがため、天国におられる神のところに、どんな宗教を信じていても、だいじょうぶ、天国の神に会える。と話されることがある。 つまり、神にいたる道はいろいろあっても、行く先は同じであると。 本当にそうなのだろうか? そこに真理はあるのだろうか?

先週は羊飼いが羊になった話しをしたが、むしろ、主なる神ご自身がイエスという人となって、私たちの中に降りてくださって居る。ヨハネ福音書の中で13章から17章は、イエスが十字架に架かる前日にイエスが遺言のような長い説教をしたことが書かれている。 その要点は、イエスがもう見える形ではなくなってしまうが、それでも、何かが代々にわたって残る約束をされたといえる。 
イエスと一体なる父なる神は、今日も聖霊をこの世に送ってくださっている。その三位一体の神、イエス、聖霊を信じて生きていく人生自体が、それはイエスの道、真理、そして永遠の命である。 イエスを信じて生きる信仰の歩みは、過去にどの道を歩もうかと迷ったかもしれないが、すでに天国に直結した歩みとなっている。ナビやGPSを使わなくても、すでにイエスの命を与って生きている。 
イエスを信じて先週も礼拝に出ていたが、過ぎた1週間に何か予期せぬことがあり、迷いが生じて、生きたここちもしなかったような経験もあったしれないが、また礼拝によりあらたに永遠の命を確信することができる。なぜなら、毎週礼拝を守るキリスト教会自体が主イエスキリストの体、主イエス自身であり、道であり、真理であり、永遠の命であるから。 今日から始まった一週間を、私たちはすでに永遠の命の中におかれていることを確信して、喜びつつ、この新たな一週間を歩んで参りたい。 アーメン
安達 均

“GPS and Jesus”
John 14:1-14
Pr. Hitoshi Adachi

May the Lord, the way to eternal life, give us grace and peace during this worship service!

Living in California, owning a car is a necessity. Most people attending this morning’s worship service drove or were driven in a car. Like cars, GPS devices are also becoming a necessity. GPS helps you arrive at a location you’ve never visited before; it is much more convenient than map books.
GPS is a wonderful tool that helps reach a destination by inputting its name or its address. Quite honestly, I do not think I could do my current job without a GPS device.
We travel along various roads while living in this world, but after the end of our earthly life, I believe it is a common hope that we’ll reach heaven and enjoy eternal life. However, we cannot know the way to heaven by simply inputting “heaven” into a GPS device. Actually if I input “Tengoku(天国)” [while in Japan] into my GPS, it shows directions to Japanese restaurant called “Tengoku” in Kumamoto prefecture. Also, if I input “heaven” [in the US] it shows directions to a cemetery called “Queen of Heaven” in Roland Heights.

When we cannot find directions by inputting the place name, what do we do? Do we turn off our GPS? We usually input the address and try again. Heaven is different though; it doesn’t have a physical address. So, how do we know the way to go to heaven?
Today’s gospel is John 14 verses 1 through 14. At the end of chapter 13, Jesus said, “Where I am going, you cannot follow me now.” Listening to Jesus’ words, his disciples were so concerned. Therefore, Jesus continued the sermon saying to his disciples who were upset. “Do not let your hearts be troubled.”
He continues, “In my father’s house, there are many dwelling places…” And you know the way to the place where I am going.” However, Thomas said to him, “Lord, we do not know the name and address of where you are going. How can we know the way?”
Then, Jesus answered at first “I am the way” in other words, Jesus is trying to let Thomas realize his own mistake.
Earlier in John 14, Jesus did not say “since there is a way and you can find it and go that way, so you will see me in the heaven.” Rather, Jesus himself is “the way, the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father (and by extension heaven) except through [Jesus].”
Since there are so many religions in this world and ideally we respect each other, so we often say, there is one God in heaven. But based on whatever religion you believe, there are many different ways to reach heaven and meet God. Despite the different paths, to arrive there, the final destination is the same. Do you think that is true?
After Jesus said “I am the way,” he said, “and I am the truth.” Jesus Christ, who is the way and the truth, and he said “I am the life.” Jesus is the key to eternal life.
What does it mean? What is Jesus talking about? What Jesus is teaching here is that God is not passive just waiting in heaven for new souls to arrive.
Rather God himself became a man, Jesus Christ, and He himself came down to the earth and lived among us. If you look at chapters 13 through 17, Jesus delivered a long sermon one day before he was crucified. In that sermon, the point is that he promises that even if you don’t see Jesus, His presence is among you.

That promise is not only for the future, but that promise is already currently implemented and will be done so eternally. Even in the 21st century, that promise is still being implemented. Therefore, even though we don’t see Jesus, Jesus most assuredly lives among us.
Father, God, His son, Jesus Christ, sends the Holy Spirit into this world even today. The faith of believing the Trinitarian God, Jesus Christ, is the way, the truth, and the life. We, as Christians, are on a journey. We often wonder about the purpose of the journey and we take wrong turns in our lives, but we can find comfort in Jesus Christ because he is the way to heaven.
Even if we attend worship every Sunday, we still make mistakes. Sometimes the pressures of these mistakes can drain us emotionally and spiritually. However, if we actively remind ourselves that Jesus Christ is the way, the truth, and the life – there is no reason not to live each week joyfully praising Him. We may be a broken people, but we are “put back together” by the cross and God’s grace. If we try our best to live God-centered lives every day, we’ll always be going in the right direction. Amen.
Pr. H. Adachi

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