ヨハネ14:15-21 安達均
信仰とは、個人の問題であり、自分が中心で、神はその対象なのでしょうか? 信仰心とは、自分で抱くかどうかの問題であり、自分で無宗教と決めて、それで、神との関係も教会との関係も、もう無くなったといえるのでしょうか?
さて、今日の聖書箇所は、先週に引き続き、イエスキリストが十字架刑に架かる前日のイエスの講和の中の言葉。 イエスは、最後の晩餐後は、弟子の一人から裏切られ、ユダヤ教の指導者、ローマの権力者たちにより、翌日には十字架刑に処せられることはわかっていた。
しかし、自分が死んだあと、弟子たちがどんなに心細くなってしまうか、また、悔いる気持ちになるかもよくわかっていた。 弟子たちは、10代後半から20代だったのではないかと思うが、それでも、孤児のような気持ちになってしまうことも、イエスは察知していたのだろう。
そのような状況に置かれる弟子たちに対し、イエスは語る。 父にお願いして、弁護者を使わす。 その方が真理の霊である。 つまり聖霊が送られると。 そして、イエスは、「私はあなた方を孤児にはしておかない。」と語る。 それは、聖霊が送られることによって、孤児のような状況にはしておかない約束だった。
私たちは信仰・教会生活で大きな勘違いをすることがある。信仰生活において主人公が私であり、その対象が神であると考えてしまうことがある。 私たちの心が変化して、信仰が無くなってしまったとか、宗教心がなくなったとか、あるいは、キリストの体である教会とは、もう自分は縁が無いかのように感じると、私とはもう関係が無いとまで思ってしまうことすらある。
しかし、事実はそうではない。 信仰・教会生活の主人公は主なる神、イエスだ。そして、神が中心で、その対象が私たちだ。 主なるイエスは私たちをみなしごにはしておられない。 神の方から信仰・イエスの体である教会を与えてくださるからこそ、私たちは神を信ずることができる。 つまり、イエスが生きておられるからこそ、私たちは信仰者として生きることができる。
また、友人宅の集まりで会ったような、もう宗教心は無いという方もいたりする。ちなみに、その方とは、どういう風の吹き回しか、会の後半で、また話すことになった。 いっさい宗教の話をすることなく、また自分が牧師であることも語らないまま、その方が話したい話に相槌をうち、近くに居た。
主イエスの十字架刑を一切防げない、あるいはイエスを知らないと言ってしまう者へも、あなた方を私は孤児にはしないと約束されていた主イエスがいる。今もその約束を守り続けてくださっていることに感謝し、そのような主イエスが中心に生きておられること覚えたい。そして、私たちは、そのイエスキリストの体のいったんを担って生きていることを覚え、新しい1週間を歩みだそう。 アーメン
“He Will Not Leave You Orphaned”
John 14:15-21
May the Lord pour his abundant grace and the Holy Spirit into the hearts of the people in every corner of this sanctuary! Amen.
Is faith only a personal matter? Is the person (of faith) the subject and God the object? Is faith really a personal choice? If you say you are not religious, do you have absolutely no relationship with God and the Church?
Last week, there was a gathering at my friend’s house and about 20 people got together. I met a person whom I have never talked to before. I introduced myself only by name and did not mention that I was a pastor. He enjoyed talking and we chatted for quite a while. He told me that he vacationed in Hawaii for about 4 weeks. He mentioned he is retired and was living comfortably, free from worldly cares. Since he spoke of Hawaii, I also mentioned that I was in Honolulu regrettably only for four days though.
Then, I mentioned that there is a traditional Hawaiian religion that believes there is a creator god who made everything. In a sense, that belief is somewhat similar to Judaism and Christianity. A Christian group in Hawaii has been expressing their confessions and apologies since historically America was an active part of the overthrow of the legitimate Hawaiian monarchy and the disruption of Hawaiian culture and religion.
Then, the person I was talking to suddenly said that he was baptized when he was born but he is not religious any more. He said he was going to get another drink and walked away from me complaining about religion. I regretted, a bit, how our conversation ended since I brought up religious matters.
The Gospel text today is still the words of Jesus one day before he was crucified, which follows last week’s text. He knew that he would be betrayed by a disciple after the last supper and the next day he would be crucified by Jewish leaders and Roman politicians. He also knew that the disciples would leave him. He well understood that they would not protect or save him.
Jesus knew that they would feel abandoned and repent after Jesus was crucified. I believe their ages were probably early 20s or late teens, they had already matured, but Jesus knew that they would feel like orphans.
In that environment, Jesus talked to his disciples: He would ask his Father to send an advocate. And that is the true spirit… the Holy Spirit. He said, “I will not leave you orphaned; I am coming to you.” That was the promise, by sending the Holy Spirit, the disciples would not be orphaned. Then he told that the world would not see me but you would see me because I live, you will live.
This is interesting, the statement “I live” is present tense, but the statement “you will live” is future tense. The fact we live is based on the fact that Jesus is living.
Sometimes we make mistakes about faith. We sometimes think that the subject of our faithful life is ourselves and the object (of worship) is God. Some people think that since their heart is not passionate about God, they declare themselves not religious anymore and seemingly have no relationship with either God or the Church.
However, that is not true. The subject is the Lord, our God, and Jesus. And we are the object. God gave us faith; that is why we may believe in God. Jesus lives among us, so we can live our faith daily.
At the beginning of my message, I mentioned that there is a belief in Hawaii that is somewhat similar to Judaism and Christianity. There are people who still believe that religion; it is the traditional faith of Hawaii.
Also I mentioned that there was a man who does not believe in God at all. During the last half of the gathering, I happened to talk to him again. This time, I never talked about religious matters and only focused on topics he preferred to discuss.
Regardless of the fact that some people are atheist or do not take faith seriously; God unconditionally loves and cares about all people. The depth of God’s love is so great that He even loves those who don’t love Him yet. The Holy Spirit is also living among those people.
Let us remember that Jesus forgave the disciple who said that I do not know him and fled from him. As we start a new week, let us be thankful for the Lord who keeps his promise! Let us acknowledge that the Holy Spirit lives among us and we are part of the body of Christ. We are truly blessed by God’s abundant grace and the power of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Pr. H. Adachi