June 4th, 2014

2014年6月1日 復活節第七主日聖餐礼拝説教 「永遠の命ってどういうこと?」

牧師説教, by admin1.



「永遠の命」について、どういう理解をしているだろうか?インタネットで検索してみると、日本語のサイトでは、肉体的な永遠の命、不死不老についての話が結構でてきた。もちろん日本語でも聖書から永遠の命について語っているものも多く出ていた。聖書には44回出てきているのでいろいろな考え方も出てくると思う。 英語のサイトでは、不死不老のことより、聖書に基づいた永遠の命についてさまざまな見解が見つかる。 

そして、17章は、「イエスの祈り」と言われたり、「大祭司の祈り」と言われたりする。 大祭司と呼ばれるのは、さきほど読まれた言葉の中には、2節には、「子(イエス自身)にすべての人を支配する権能を与えてくださった。」などという祈りの言葉があるが、それは、私達人間が祈れるような言葉としては考えにくい。 
そして、3節の中では、「永遠の命とは、唯一のまことの神であられるあなたと、あなたのお遣わしになったイエス・キリストを知ることです。」と話される。ここに、「永遠の命とは」と定義のようなことが書かれており、これはとてもありがたい。 この言葉に従えば、私も永遠の命が得られると思ってしまう。
しかし、17章の3節の言葉は、簡単だろうか? 「永遠の命とは神とイエスを知ること。」ということになるが、神とイエスを「知る」というのはどういうことなのだろうか?

とかく「知る」という言葉は、一生懸命勉強することによって、知的に理解するという意味に囚われてしまうかもしれない。 つまり、神とイエスについて、聖書や歴史書などを一生懸命読んで、神とイエスについての知識を増せばよいのかと思われるかもしれない。
ここでイエスの言う「知る」とは知識というより、関係、交わりと考えた方が良い。 イエスはヨハネ10章では、イエスと弟子たちの関係を、羊飼いと羊の関係で話していた。 それは、羊飼いも羊たちを知っており、羊も羊飼いの声を聞きわけて知ることができるという話をしていた。
一方的に弟子がイエスをわかっているわけではなく、イエスも弟子のことをよくわかっているという関係、交わりがそこにはあるのだと思う。 だから、永遠の命とは、図書館などに行って神とイエスを研究して理解するのではなく、神とイエスとの関係を保つなかで、永遠の命が与えられていることになる。

じゃ、この世にあって、どうやって神とイエスとの関係を保つのだろうか? ちなみに、昨日は22年間LCRの日本語部のメンバーだった、松井兄のメモリアルサービスがあったが、彼はこの世の肉体的な命を終え、彼自身は、神とイエスとの関係、交わりを天国で満喫しているのだと確信する。
そして、この世に残された私たちも、実は、松井兄が生前から、神とイエスとの交わりを持ち続けていたように、私たちも神とイエスと交わることができる。 松井兄は、礼拝に来ることができなかった時以外は、礼拝を休むということが一切無かった。 

さて本日はCare Connections Networkの2歳の誕生日。CCNは人生の終盤を迎える年齢になっていくときに、社会の最新情報を提供したり、パーティ等をしてまじわりの機会を持ったり、また人生終盤を迎えた年代にさまざまなサービスを提供する会社をよく調査して信頼できる会社を推薦したりする。そこには、キリストが弟子たちを愛して聖餐の交わりをしたように、CCNも愛をもって人々に接し、交わりの機会を持つようにしている。 それは、LCRという神の体の一部である教会を親として、子CCNが生まれたという関係から実現しているからだと思う。私は、CCNという高齢者向けのケアを提供する存在が、今後新しい非営利団体として社会的に認められ、LCRからは独立するようなことがあったとしてもCCNの母親はLCRで一切変わらないということを申し上げたい。そして、最初の不老不死の話に戻るが、私としては次ぎのように言いたい。「神の愛を知らないまま肉体的な不老不死が続くのだとすれば、それこそ、死より恐ろしい。」ということなのではないか。 

聖書の中に書かれたイエスの言葉には、イエスが弟子たちに洗礼を授けるように、また聖餐式を行なうようにということが明確に著されている。その言葉に従う中で、父なる神、その子イエスとの深い交わりの中に置かれ、神とイエスを知ることになるのだと思う。 みなさん、イエスの招きに応じて、本当によく今日は礼拝に来てくださった。この後、信仰告白、献金の後に、聖餐式に授かりが、イエスとの関係を満喫されるように祈る。 アーメン

“What Does Eternal Life Mean?”
John 17:1-11

May God’s Grace and Peace pour into the hearts of people gathered in this sanctuary!

How do you understand and think of the concept of ”Eternal Life?” I just Googled this phrase in both English and Japanese and on many Japanese websites, it’s translated as immortality, but of course there are also many websites talk about biblical eternal life. On English websites, I found many different discussions of this phrase from a Biblical perspective.
However, even on an English website and a Japanese website, too, I found an article that expressed an interesting view regarding immortality, it was titled, “5 Reasons Immortality Would Be Worse than Death.” It made me think of a way to apply the gist of the article through a Christian perspective, and as a pastor, using it to think about the aging population (I include myself in that group).

Of course in today’s message, I won’t talk about immortality, but I would like to focus on “eternal life” based on what Jesus said in the scripture discussed today. I will bring up “a reason immortality would be worse than death” regarding CCN which cerebrates its second year anniversary today.
John’s Gospel talks about one day before Jesus’s crucifixion from Chapters 13 through 17. Five chapters out of twenty-one chapters of John are just about what happened on Maundy Thursday. There is Jesus’ long sermon and Chapter 17 also contains his long prayer.
The prayer is commonly called “Jesus’ Prayer” but sometimes it’s called “Jesus’ High Priestly Prayer.” We find the sentence “since you have given him (the Son, Jesus Christ himself) authority over all people” in Chapter 17; it is a daunting one. This prayer is almost impossible for human beings to pray using such a sentence.
In other words, his existence is among us, but at the same time apart from humanity because Jesus is God’s highest priest. It is a position no ordinary human being can attain, but at the same time we, humanity, can have a close, loving relationship with God through acknowledging Jesus as our Lord and Savior.
Jesus continues with the following words, “And this is eternal life, that they may know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom you have sent.” I think Jesus talks about a definition of the “eternal life.” So we might be thankful because at a basic level eternal life is truly knowing God and Jesus Christ. However, getting to know the only true God and Jesus is deceptively simple. What does the word “know” mean?

In daily conversation, when people say they want to “know something”, it often means intellectually understanding something by studying diligently. Therefore, you might think that “eternal life” means studying and increasing the knowledge of God and Jesus by learning from the Bible and various history books.
What Jesus meant when he said to “know” is not really knowledge (in the traditional sense) but more of a “relationship” or even “fellowship” between people. In John chapter 10, Jesus was talking about the relationship between the shepherd and his sheep as an analogy of Jesus and His disciples. In that story, a Shepherd knows his sheep and sheep know their Shepherd by listening to His voice.
In that analogy, not only do his disciples know Jesus, but Jesus also knows his disciples. That is the essence of the close relationship between Jesus and his disciples. Therefore, eternal life is not achieved by going to library and studying the Word of God and Jesus Christ. However, eternal life is achieved by maintaining and nurturing a close relationship with God and Jesus.

Why should we maintain and nurture a relationship with God and Jesus, his Son? Let me give you an example: just yesterday, Japanese Ministry celebrated the life of our brother, Seishi Matsui. His earthly life ended, but I am sure that he is enjoying eternal life or, stated another way, he’s enjoying a close relationship with Jesus in the heaven.
I believe we may enjoy fellowship with Jesus Christ currently, like Seishi Matsui is enjoying. He never skipped Sunday worship until he became physically disabled. We could all learn something from his dependable, humble and faithful life.
What I would like to emphasize here is that once you are baptized and every Sunday you worship by listening to the Word and commune, as one body of Jesus Christ, we and Jesus get to know each better and we deepen our vital relationship.
Earlier in my sermon, I mentioned an article that explains why immortality would be worse than death. I’ll use CCN and its work with the elderly and our community to illustrate my point. CCN provides enrichment opportunities, social interaction, and support information for elderly persons, their families and the community. CCN is celebrating its second anniversary and its continued success, because CCN has a close and nurturing relationship with Jesus. CCN is successful because CCN was born from God’s church, LCR.

My father and my brother often joke about their relationship with my mother. There is a poetic song that says “You are not my ideal spouse, I am sorry but I will change my spouse.” Then my oldest brother followed, “Dad, you might be able to change your spouse but I am not able to change my biological mother.” My point is that CCN is a child of LCR, a part of Christ’s Body, and CCN cannot change its mother church even though it will grow and become a legally different entity from LCR.
CCN shows God’s love by helping the elderly age comfortably and with dignity. Eternal life is not immortality; it is a close, nurturing relationship with God and Jesus Christ. Being immortal and not personally knowing God’s love would indeed be worse than death.

In Jesus’ words as written in the Bible, it is clear that Jesus commanded his disciples to baptize people and share the sacrament of Holy Communion. Through baptism and Holy Communion, we have a deeper relationship with Jesus and we are connected to eternal life even in this world. I am so glad that each one of you attended worship today. Following this message, we’ll confess our faith, offer our gifts, pray, and commune with Jesus and with one another. I pray that today’s Holy Communion (and those in the future) will be a meaningful time to truly understand eternal life with God and Jesus Christ. May God’s Grace and Peace be with us all. Amen.
Pr. Hitoshi Adachi

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