マタイ10: 24-39
一番恐いと思うことは何だろう? 死に至るような病気や事故になることへの恐れ?そのような恐れがあるために、食事に注意したり、運動をしたり、定期健診を受けたり、安全運転に心がけたりするということがある。恐れは一概に悪いこととは言いない。しかし、恐れてばかりで、何もできなくなってしまってはいけないので、恐れにも程がある。
先週木曜日の夕方は、私はすばらしいCCNの講演会に出席できたと思い、感動している。 エベレスト北壁登頂を72歳という高齢で先月の5月25日に成功したビルバークさんという方がこの復活ルーテル教会に来てくださり、自ら撮影したビデオや、自分の使っていたさまざまな登山具を披露しながら、約1時間半の講演会をしてくれた。
今日の箇所には、恐れという漢字が4回使われている。 26節にある、「恐れるな」、28節に、また、「恐れるな。」 そして、同じく28節には、こんどは「恐れなさい。」 そして、最後の四つ目は、31節にある「恐れることはない。」
聖書全体でも、恐れるなという言葉はあちこちに出ているが、恐れよという言葉が出てくるのは、それは、本当に恐れなければならない。 その対象は、地獄において、地獄での肉体的、霊的な死を、滅ぼすことができる、つまり地獄という最悪の状況から脱することができる、全知全能の神を、もっとも、恐れるように。
すずめ一匹では、貨幣の最小単位である一アサリオンの価値もない。 だから二匹ペアにして、やっと一アサリオンで売られているようなすずめすら、神さまに守られている。あなたがたは、神の目からすずめよりもっと尊いものであり、神の加護がある、だから、その神を恐れ、あとは恐れるな。 これが、31節の「恐れることはない。」の意味だと思う。
今日の福音に書かれた、四つの「恐れ」という言葉から、神への恐れによって、他のものに対する様々な恐怖から解放されるようになるということを学んでいる。 このイエスの言葉は、現代を生きる私たちにも、多いに関係している。
メンタルなトレーニングの話がフィジカルなトレーニングよりも大切と語ったあと、一時間半の講演の中で、わずか1分半くらいだったと思うが、そのあと、さらに重要なことを話した。 それは、スピリチュアルなものが大切。彼自身は、クリスチャンであり、神に全幅の信頼を置いているということ。
メンタルな面で、これ以上歩けない、睡魔が襲ってどうしようもないという恐れから解放される、神への恐れ、イエスキリストの信仰があることを確信する。 私たちの人生の登山においても、さまざまな恐れ、それは健康的な恐れの範囲内なら良いが、それ以上の恐れを抱く必要はまったくない。この聖日の朝、恵み、憐れみ、慈しみ、に満ちた父、子、聖霊に畏れひれ伏すことで、さまざまな恐れから解放されて、今週も主イエスとともに信仰の旅路を歩もう。そこに大きな喜びがある。 アーメン
“Whom to Fear”
Matthew 10:24-39
May Grace and Peace of Jesus Christ pour into the hearts of the people here and those who are not able to join us, even though their thoughts and prayers are surely heard!
What do you fear most? Is it a disease or an accident that will cause your death? To be proactive you could eat healthily, drive safely, exercise regularly, get yearly physicals, and so on. Fear is not always a negative emotion. As long as fear doesn’t stop you from living a full, active life; it can teach you to respect your life.
Just this past Thursday night, at Resurrection, Bill Burke gave an impressive and wonderful lecture/presentation. Mr. Burke is the oldest climber, living in the United States, to ascend Everest’s summit (a record he still holds). He just returned from climbing Mt. Everest’s north face on May 25th of this year. He shared with us HD video, his climbing equipment (and gadgets), candid photographs. Most importantly he told wonderful stories about his climbing expeditions and his unwavering faith in Christ.
Bill Burke is now 72 years old, since 2003, he has climbed all 8 of the world’s tallest mountains. He has climbed Everest 6 times and summited twice. Statistics show, 5% of Everest’s climbers do not return, it is a risky and life threatening challenge. However, Mr. Burke summited Everest twice, once from south face and once from the more difficult north face. According to him, there are certain factors that increase chances for success: Daily physical training, excellent overall health (good genes help), good team members, well-made equipment, mental training, and faith in God.
When you summit Everest, dead bodies are left from past expeditions. Natural conditions, on Everest, make it extremely risky to recover remains. Therefore, not only do climbers face severe environmental conditions but seeing bodies adds to the mental challenges for climbers. During his message, I believe he touched on the most important factor, for success, even more important than mental training. I would like to mention it later in my message.
The Gospel text read today, is the last half of Jesus’ directions when he sent the disciples to other villages. Today’s text is a bit difficult to understand and we also could question why such a thing is written in the Bible. However, the most important point that Jesus referred to was to dealing with fear. The disciples were fearful of the unknown and anxious about meeting people from other villages.
In today’s text either the words “fear” or “afraid” are used four times. In the verse 26, “Have no fear”, in verse 28, “Do not fear” and then in the same verse, “Rather fear him”. And in verse 31, “do not be afraid.”
In the first one, Jesus said, “So have no fear of them…” They are the ones whom disciples would meet in the villages. Jesus warned that they would not understand the good news of the Kingdom of God, even though Jesus, the Lord of Kingdom, sent the disciples. Based on the context of what Jesus said, I believe, that even though they do not understand, the truth of the Kingdom would be revealed through the Holy Spirit. Therefore, Jesus told them not to fear the people who would not understand the disciples when they met them for the first time.
The second one is “ Do not fear those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul;” Jesus said, Literally, “do not fear the ones who kill only the body,” and this sentence is directly related to the next sentence, “rather fear him”.
I believe this is fundamentally important if the word of the Bible says “fear him”. The object of the fear is the Lord, God, Jesus, the Almighty, who can destroy both the body and soul in hell.
When we fear the Lord most and establish the relationship with God, other fears becomes less worrisome for the disciples. Although this will be more clearly understood later by the disciples, God is Love of the Lord, Jesus, who sacrifices his body to save his disciples.
One sparrow is not sold for one penny; therefore, two sparrows together are sold for one penny. However, they do not fall outside his care and God protects the sparrows. Since you disciples are much more important, God protects you, of course, so you do not need to fear. Which is the fourth instance regarding the word fear…literally, it is written, Don’t be afraid in the 31st verse.
We are learning that to fear the Lord most reduces other fears. What Jesus taught the disciples, about fear, is directly related to our modern lives. Jesus’ words are still relevant today.
A few minutes ago, I talked about Mr. Bill Burke who summited Everest in his 70s. He is blessed with good genes, has well-made equipment, good teammates, and an excellent physical and mental training routine.
Near the end of his presentation, he spoke of his mental training and how it was the foundation for all other preparations. He shared that he is a devout Christian and trusts God completely. That healthy level of fear allows him to respect his environment, not take safety precautions for granted and motivates him to return safely to his loving family.
There are occasions where fear causes mistakes that lead mountain climbers’ deaths but the fear of the Lord, our faith, reduces less important fears. In our daily lives, fearing the Lord releases us from excessive anxiety about uncertainty in our lives. Let’s fear the Lord most, Jesus Christ, who is filled with grace, mercy, steadfast love, and joy. Through Him we live abundant lives. Amen.
Pr Hitoshi Adachi