June 29th, 2014


牧師説教, by admin1.

ヨハネ 21: 15-19  


海外から特別なドクターとか取引き先が来社して、海外事業の担当者からは、専門知識を必要とするから技術部門からも顧客対応をして欲しいと頼まれたりすることも多かった。 そのような時、資料を準備し、商品を見せて開発の背景、趣旨、用途を説明するのは、大喜びで対応した仕事のひとつだった。
会議の後に、顧客からも営業担当部署からも、感謝されたとき、「どういたしまして」 “You are welcome” というつきなみな挨拶をしていた。あるいは、つまらない言い方だが、謙虚なつもりだが、「私の仕事としてやるべきことをやっているだけです。」”It is my job… and I am doing what I supposed to do.” というような言葉しか、思い浮かばなかった。 
しかし、何年かするうちに、”It is my pleasure.” という言い方があることがわかり、まさに、これだ。私が言いたかった言葉は、と気づいた。 そして、だんだん、この言葉を自然に使えるようになっていった。 しかし、エンジニアとしてより、事業戦略とか子会社のマネージメントを担当する部署の仕事に変わっていったとき、それは昇進だったのに、心から”It is my pleasure.”という機会は少なくなってしまった。

イエスはペトロとサシで話す。ペテロは一番弟子とは言うものの、イエスが十字架に架かりそうになると、三度もイエスを否定してしまった。しかも、その場からは逃げていってしまった。 それくらい、イエスとの関係を傷つけた弟子なのである。
復活後のイエスは、イエスと面と向かって話す。イエスが3度目にペテロにあらわれても、なかなか気づかなかった弟子に対して、3回、同じような質問をくりかえす。 「私を愛しているか」 という質問を。そして、ペテロは答える。3回「私があなたを愛しているのはあなたがよくご存知です。」 
ペテロはイエスが三回も同じ「私を愛しているのか」という質問したことに、悲しい気持ちになってしまった。しかし、「愛しているか」とイエスが聞き続けることを裏を返していうならば、イエスがペトロを疑っているとかではなく、神がどんなにか深くペトロのことも愛してくださっていて、それゆえに、「私を愛しているか」という質問を繰り返ししていることに後々気づいていったのではないだろうか? たとえば、もし配偶者なり恋人が、あなたに、「私のこと愛している。」と何回も聞くなら、その配偶者や恋人があなたを深く愛しているということだということではないだろうか? 


ペテロのイエスとの関係、さらには、イエスの生涯、ペテロの生涯を通して、神は現代の私たちには何を教えてくださっているのだろうか? 御言葉を全身全霊をこめて読んでいく時、神は敬虔な信仰者だけではなく、いいかげんなキリスト教徒も、非宗教的な世の中で普段、神を忘れてしまって生きている人々も含めて神が人類を愛することを止めてしまうということなどなく、しつこいくらい愛し、恵みを注ぎつづけてくださっているということではないだろうか?

“It’s My Pleasure”
John 21:15-19

May Grace and Peace be with you in the name of Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior! Amen.

About 30 years ago, I was one of the engineers who developed a cardiac catheterization system that helps doctors decide whether or not patients need pacemakers, any kind of cardiac surgery, or any type of internal medicine.
Sometimes our overseas department had guests from foreign countries, such as famous doctors or sales representatives. On those occasions, I often supported presentations by explaining the newly developed systems since it required special knowledge about cardiac catheterization. I truly liked that aspect of my job. I enjoyed describing the products and explaining the reasoning behind including certain special features.
After the meetings, customers and the international sales department were thankful for my insights; I just said “You are welcome.” or sometimes I humbly said, “It is my job… and I just did what I supposed to do.” At first, I did not know how to adequately express my humility and joy on these occasions.
Later on, I learned to say, “It is my pleasure.” I realized that this phrase was exactly what I was looking for. Then, I became accustomed to using this phrase. However, after 10 years of engineering work, I was assigned to the strategic corporate planning and the subsidiaries management teams. These positions offered more responsibilities, were prestigious and definitely a promotion, but quite honestly I used “It is my pleasure.” much less than when I worked as an engineer.

Today’s Gospel text is the scene when the resurrected Jesus was revealed among the disciples for a third time according to John. Even though it was the third occasion, at first, the disciples did not realize it was Jesus. It is very similar to our daily lives now; we forget Jesus is among us and within us. (As a result, humanity often does very stupid things while God is watching.)
Then Jesus met Peter face to face. Although Peter was considered the “first disciple,” when Jesus was crucified, he denied Jesus three times saying “I do not know him.” Then together with the other disciples, he ran away from Jesus and did nothing to stop his crucifixion. Through their actions, the disciples hurt the relationship between Jesus and themselves.
In today’s Gospel Jesus asked Peter the same thing three times, saying “Do you love me?” then Peter answered three times saying, “You know that I love you.”
Peter felt hurt since Jesus repeated, “do you love me?” three times. However, if Jesus continued asking “do you love me,” rather than doubting Peter, it shows that Jesus truly loves Peter. Suppose you were asked by someone “do you love me?” three times, what would you think? I think that person loves you. I believe Peter understood the depth of Jesus Christ’s love after these three experiences.

After the three repeated questions and answers, Jesus basically said the same thing three times again, “feed my sheep” (although phrased differently.) Then, Jesus abruptly said, “Although when you were younger, you used to fasten your own belt and go wherever you wished.”
“But when you grow old, you will stretch out your hands, and someone else will fasten a belt around you and take you where you do not wish to go.”
This conversation happened a few weeks after the resurrection probably around A.D. 34. 30 years later, it is said that Peter died in Rome. He was tortured upside down and martyred on the cross. I believe when he was young he thought he could go wherever he wanted and he would end his earthly life peacefully. I doubt that he wanted to go to Rome where people hated Christians and the Roman authority strongly disapproved of Christianity.
However, when we think about the life of Peter because of the fact God, his Lord and Savior, Jesus, loved him and abundantly poured mercy and grace onto Peter; he was ready to go somewhere he did not want to go and he could endure martyrdom. Even though the way he died was not the way he wanted his earthly life to end; he was convinced that his death was a way of revealing God’s glory. Therefore, I believe that his torture and suffering was transformed into endurance and joy.

When we think about the relationship between Jesus and Peter and when we think about the life of Peter, today, what are we learning? What is God telling us? I believe what is written in the Scripture was not only expressing Jesus’ love of Peter but also his love of all the disciples and the world’s Christians. Even though it is more and more secular today, than compared to the past, in both the United States and Japan; God has not stopped showing his boundless love and grace.
In the midst of His unconditional love, Jesus is showing us His way. As Jesus told Peter and to us today as well, when we were young, we could do what we wanted to do. When we get older, our attitudes tend to change. As we age, at least physically, we are unable to do certain things that we did when we were younger.
As we get older, even though we are placed where we did not want to go, or our job or job titles become very different from what we hoped, or our lifestyle becomes very different from what we hoped, as Christians, we should see God’s intentions and glory.
If we see God’s glory even at difficult times I believe they become moments of great joy and grace. Then we may truly say, “It is my pleasure” to live this life. Amen.
Pr. Adachi

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