マタイ 13:31-33, 44-51
グーグル社と自動車会社各社は、ロボットカー(英語ではDriverless Car)の開発にしのぎを削っており、すでに試作車が走っている。日本政府も2020年にはロボットカー実用化、つまり認可を目指しているらしい。
人間の運転よりロボットの運転の方が安全かつ効率もよく、交通渋滞は緩和されたり、高速道路などの制限スピードはあげてもよくなり、移動に要する時間は早くなるのかもしれない。 しかし、トラックにしろ、バスにしろ、タクシーにしろ、運転を職業としていた人の職種は激減していくのかもしれない。
さて、今日の聖書は、天の国のたとえ。天の国というと、人間が死んでからの世界と思われるかもしれないが、マタイの語る天の国とは、神の国とも同義であり、神が王となって支配する国をいろいろにたとえている。 今日のメッセージはいろいろと想像力を膨らませながら聞いていただければと思う。
最初は、神の国を、からし種と、パン種(イースト菌とかふくらし粉)にたとえている。もちろん、イエス様誕生の最高のニュースは、イスラエルという小国で起こったが、キリスト教は、世界中に知れ渡るということを示唆している面もある。 また、英語ではGood things come in small packages. という諺があるが、文字通り「高価なものはその包みが小さい。」あるいは少々異なる訳をするなら「小さいものはあなどれず、驚かされる」という意味にもなるかと思う。
しかし、私はからし種から成長した木には鳥が来て巣をつくるという話には、まるで価値が無いものとされてしまうような鳥ですら、ちゃんと神が守り巣を作る場所が与えられるという面が重要だと思う。また、ぱん種の話は神が創造して命をたまわったものに、十分な食べ物が供給されるというイメージを浮かぶ。 つまり神の国には、ホームレスには住む場所が与えられ、食べ物に困る人に、豊かに食べ物が与えられる社会。
神の国は、漁師の網にたとえられる。網にかかる魚は、いろいろ、良い魚も悪い魚もかかる。 これは先週の良い麦と毒麦のたとえに似ているが、ポイントは、その網にはどんな魚も招かれている。 天の国は、良い人間も悪い人間、罪深い人間、神にそむいて生活していた人間も招かれている。
また、良い魚と悪い魚をよりわける天使の存在がある。 そのよりわけは人間の仕事ではない、神が遣わす天使の仕事。これらのことを学んだ弟子たちは、新しいものと古いものの両方が入った蔵から、新しいものも古いものもとりだす主人、つまり主なる神に似た存在になってくるらしい。
新しいものとふるいものというのは、イエスは何を語っているのだろうか? 旧約聖書と後の新約聖書を指しているともいえないだろうか。つまり、両方の御言葉を蔵にしまっておかずに読むように。
今日、新たな日曜があり、新しい1週間がはじまった。 それに伴い、私たちは神の国に近づく。イエスの教えに従って、主を愛し、隣人に仕える中で、社会は変わって行く。今日与えられた神の国のさまざまな認識に感謝し、また私たちがキリストの体の教会の一部であることに感謝したい。イエスが、慈しみ、希望、平安を私たちの心の中に注いでくださっている。そして、私たちはそれぞれ、イエスの望まれるように、喜んで行動できる。アーメン
牧師 安達均
“Is This What The Kingdom of Heaven Like?”
Matt. 13:31-33, 44-51
May Grace and Peace of the Lord, Jesus Christ, be poured into the hearts of the people gathered in this sanctuary!
Google and many auto companies are working very hard to develop driverless cars. I heard that some test cars are already running in some cities in the United States. In Japan, according to a governmental study, it is forecasted that by 2020 driverless cars will be commonplace.
What will the society be like when driverless cars are an everyday means of travel? For example, Blake may not need to call OCTA and he might get his own specially-designed disabled car. He would get into it by himself while seated in his wheelchair and come to church or go grocery shopping without anyone’s help. The possibilities seem endless…
The driving capability of driverless cars might be more accurate and efficient, therefore traffic jams may be reduced and speed limits may increase on designated freeways if most cars are driverless. However, bus, truck, and cab drivers may be unemployed. There might not be the need for certain professional drivers in the future.
Some professions may be phased out and new professions will appear, this has happened throughout history. For example in 19th century, there were no professional car drivers but there were expert horse and wagon drivers. Eighty years ago there were no computer software engineers but now there are millions of software engineers in the world.
Today’s gospel is about the imaginings/notions of the Kingdom of Heaven. You might think the Kingdom of Heaven is the place where you go after you die. However, Matthew wrote about parables where Jesus discusses the Kingdom as a place where the Lord, God, becomes the King. In these parables Jesus’ Father is the King. Since there are many parables, I hope and pray that each one of you expands your imagination with the help of the Holy Spirit while listening to this message.
The first two parables are the mustard seed and yeast. Of course, you can imagine the fact that a small baby being born, 2000 years ago, and growing up to found the Christian Church is indeed remarkable. As the popular idiom says, “Good things come in small packages.”
The first parable about the mustard seed becoming a big tree that birds could perch on and build nests among the branches is an important one. In this story, I think there is an important aspect about the Kingdom of Heaven, even common birds and not just exotic birds may find shelter in trees. The other parable that a small portion of yeast incorporated into flour becomes an airy loaf of bread, points out that Jesus’ ministry started small but grew to be in all parts of the world. In other words, these first two parables say that everyone is welcome and there is abundance in the Kingdom of Heaven.
The next parable in the Gospel is about someone who works in the field, perhaps a farmer (who does not own the land that he farms), finds a very valuable treasure and purchases that land. It is a hopeful story that person could purchase the land. It also shows that the Kingdom of Heaven is of priceless value.
The next parable is about the merchant who seeks a pearl of great value. Upon finding it, he sells everything he earned and purchases that pearl. I am not sure if he is going to sell that pearl and continue to still be a merchant. I do not think so. What does the pearl look like? Is it really physical material? Again this is a parable, and the pearl is not really a physical pearl but it describes the Kingdom of Heaven. I believe this merchant decides to do something more fulfilling than being a merchant. Both the third and fourth parables, describe Heaven as a wondrous place beyond compare. Jesus was a carpenter, who became a proclaimer of the Good News that the Kingdom of Heaven is near. God wants to share the promise of Heaven with everyone.
Then, Jesus talks about the fishermen’s net. In that net, there are many kinds of fish, good fish and bad fish as well. This is something similar to the parable last week about good wheat and bad weeds. The point is all kinds of fish are welcomed in the net, the Kingdom of Heaven. All people, good people, bad people, saints, and sinners, are welcomed into the Kingdom of Heaven.
Then, there is an angel, a non-human representative of God, who separates the evil from the righteous. However when disciples are learning these parables, Jesus talks about his disciples like they are masters of a household. Like a master who must maintain a balance of older and new food, so no food is wasted and his family is well fed, Jesus’ disciples must teach scripture but also continue learning more from God and scripture.
What did Jesus mean when he talked about old and new goods in terms of teaching? In a sense there are people who only read the Old Testament. There were Jews who knew the Old Testament very well but also Gentiles who did not know the Old Testaments well but still knew and listened to what Jesus said. Disciples must balance Old and New Testament teachings for a well-rounded spiritual education.
From the net and the treasure parables, there are both good and bad people, both Jewish and Gentiles, whatever we did in the past, whatever our nationality or cultural background, we are all invited to the Kingdom of God, where we face judgment by the Lord. However I do not think that Jesus warns all the people to fear judgment, because of the fact that he himself offered his life to save the world. Rather, we are put into the fishermen’s net or in that treasure house, it is up to us how we respond to God’s inseparable love. We can choose to whole-heartedly accept it or deny it.
From the six parables today, we may have lots of notions about Heaven. I believe each one of you might have lots of different notions from the parables; some of these notions may be new to you.
I think they are OK as long as they are not blinded by self-interest about what we think we deserve in Heaven and as long as they are connected to the life and teaching of Jesus Christ. God’s Word is as important now as it was 2000 years ago.
Today, a new day was given, to us, and we are starting a new week that God made. We are getting nearer to the Kingdom of God and accordingly, what we do and how we serve are changing in good ways according to the Lord’s intentions. Let us give thanks to the Lord, our God, for giving us wondrous perceptions of the Kingdom of God in our daily lives. We’re also grateful for being part of the Christian Church, which is the Body of Christ, which lets us walk with the Lord every day; Jesus fuels us by pouring Grace, Hope, and Peace into our hearts so we can do his work. Amen.
Pr. Hitoshi Adachi