August 4th, 2014


牧師説教, by admin1.



アーネストゴードンはスコットランド出身のイギリス軍の司令官だった。第二次世界大戦中、インドネシア、マレーシア、シンガポール、フィリピン等に参戦したが、シンガポールが日本に占領されたのを機に、スリランカに逃げようとした。 しかし、逃げる途中に乗っていた船が日本軍につかまり、捕虜となった。 そして捕虜の一人として、泰面鉄道の建設に仕える労働者として働かされることになる。
この泰緬鉄道は、死の鉄道、Death Railway、とも呼ばれる。日本人による捕虜たちの扱いは、残酷で、アーネストも拷問を受け、栄養失調、熱帯性の潰瘍、そして、盲腸炎も患うことになった。そして死を待つだけの収容所に送られた。死の収容所では、人々はただ死を待つだけの日々であった。 

アーネストゴードンの話は、またメッセージの後半に触れたいが、ここで、今日の福音書の内容に入りたい。 今週与えられている聖書箇所は、「イエスはこれを聞くと」という言葉から始まっている。イエスは何を聞いたのだろう? 今日の箇所の前の段落、マタイ14章の最初に描かれた様子を簡単に説明するとイエスの幼馴染、洗礼者ヨハネが首を切られ、ヘロデ王の誕生会の席上、その頭を持って来られて、見世物になるという悲惨な出来事が起こった。そのことを、イエスは聞かされた。
イエスの悲痛な思いを想像して欲しい。胸を引き裂かれるような思いにかられたのではないだろうか? イエスは、ガリラヤ湖で船に乗り、人里離れたところで一人になり祈る。

弟子たちは、群集を解散させ、勝手に自分たちで食べ物を買いに行くようにしてはどうかとイエスに提案するが、イエスは弟子たちに、「あなたがたが食べ物を与えるように。」という。 弟子たちは「そんなことはできっこない」と思い、「パン五つと魚2匹しかありません」と叫ぶ。 しかし、その直後のイエスの御業を見て、考えが変わったのではないかと思う。
イエスは群集の前で、五つのパンと二匹の魚をとりあげ、賛美し、それを裂き、人々に与えた。 神に賛美することと、みんなで分かちあうことで、空腹だった5000人もの人々を、たった魚2匹とパン5個から、満腹にされる。
5000人という数字は大人だけなので、配偶者や子供もいれれば、おそらく2万人とかの人々が、いたのではないかと思う。 正確な人数が問題ではなく、そこに臨在される神の御名において、主イエスとの分ち合い、さらに、人々との分ち合いの中で、この奇跡は起こった。  

奇跡はアーネストに起こっただけではなく、キリストの愛に基づく二人の行動が、他の捕虜たちの行動がより仲間で助け合うようになった。また、何人かの日本軍将校たちの行動すら変化させていった。 さらに奇跡的ともいってよいことがおこった。彼らは、竹をきって竹やぶに囲まれたスペースを作り、その中に竹で聖壇をつくり、また十字架とランプも作って聖壇の上に置いた。 
主イエスの体である教会は、どんなところにだって出来る、それが、想像もできなかったようなところにも。 キリストの愛があるところには、聖霊も存在しており、キリストの存在もある、なぜなら二人かそれ以上の人数でイエスの御名のもとに集まるところには、キリストがおられる。キリスト教を禁止するような日本軍の管理下にあったにもかかわらず、主の礼拝が実現し、多くの兵士たちに癒しと慰めが与えられ1943年のクリスマスには、約2000人もの人々が礼拝を守った。アーネストは第二次大戦終了まで生き残ったが、POWの経験は、彼の中の信仰心を強め、長老派教会の牧師に導いた。
そして、現代においても、奇跡が起こっているのだと思う。マレーシア航空の事件にしても、イスラエルで起こっていることについても、まるで世の終わりかとも思えるようなことが起こっている。しかし、その中にイエスを分かち合い、信仰を分かち合う人々の間に神のパワーが与えられていることを信じる。 またみなさんの中にも、まるで死の谷を歩いていたような人々がいるかもしれないが、教会につながることが、すなわち神とのわかちあい、また人々とのわかちあいが絶望の中にパワーを与え、慈しみ、愛、希望、喜びが与えられる。そしてキリストの体の一部である復活ルーテル教会につながる中で、私たちも神が意図する偉大な出来事を成す。アーメン

“The Power of Being Connected To Church”3
Matthew 14: 13-20

May the Grace and Peace of Jesus Christ be poured into the hearts of the people gathered in this church!

As a Japanese person, quite honestly, it is difficult for me to talk about this. However, with the help of the Holy Spirit, I would like to talk about Ernest Gordon’s remarkable story. Some of you might have heard about Ernest Gordon’s story from the movie “To End All Wars.”
Ernest Gordon was a Scotsman who was a Commander in the British Army. He served during World War II (WW II) in campaigns including the Malaysian, Indonesian, Singaporean, and Philippine campaigns. After the fall of Singapore, he and other British officers tried to escape to Sri Lanka. However, his fishing boat was captured by a Japanese ship; his group was captured and they became POWs. He was part of a forced-work group that was tasked with constructing the railroad between Thailand and Burma.
The railroad connected Thailand and Burma and was completed in less than two years between 1941 and 1943. Sixty thousands of POWs and 180 thousand workers from Malaysia, Thailand, and Indonesia were forced to work like slaves, and almost 90 thousand local workers and 12 thousand POWs died due to malnutrition, torture and disease. Ernest Gordon, in addition to torture, (at various times) suffered from beriberi, malaria, tropical ulcers, and underwent an appendectomy during his internment.
Because of the high casualty rate, it was called the “Death Railway.” Japanese officers treated POWs terribly and were especially cruel. Ernest was tortured and became gravely ill. He was placed in a “Death Ward” at the internment camp where people were expected to die. People in the ward felt profound hopelessness.

I would like to discuss more about Ernest Gordon later. Now, I would like to talk about the today’s text. The Gospel text starts with the words, “Now when Jesus heard this…” What did Jesus hear?
Let me summarize what was written in the previous paragraph of today’s text. His cousin, partner, and childhood friend John the Baptist was horribly killed and put on display at King Herod Antipas’ party. It’s something that no person should have to endure in life or in death.
Think about what Jesus felt when he heard about this incident. I believe he felt a profound and unceasing anguish in his heart. Jesus was also probably feeling desperate. Then he departed from the seashore by boat and went to a place, away from others, to be alone and pray.
Even though Jesus himself was depressed with the news, he was also concerned about the people and compassionate with those who were sick and tired.
People knew Jesus healed the sick and cured the blind, therefore many people who were hungry or whose family members were sick followed Jesus. The number of people was five thousand, if counting only male adults.

Disciples wondered if they should send the crowds away so that the crowds could go into the villages and buy food for themselves. However, Jesus said, “They need not go away; you give them something to eat.” Well, for the disciples, it was a seemingly impossible order to obey. Saying, to Jesus, we have only five loaves and two fish. However, the disciples ceased doubting after seeing what Jesus did.
Jesus took up the food, praised God, divided them, and gave them to the people. His compassion fed five thousand people, despite having only 5 loaves and two fish.
Since the 5000 people weren’t mentioned in the context of households, if women and children were included, the number of people could be as high as 15,000. The actual number of people is not important, but the point is Jesus blessed the bread and fish, by invoking God’s name, and divided them to share with the hungry masses. It was because of the relationship between God and the people and also the relationship among the people themselves that the miracle happened.

Let’s return to Ernest Gordon’s remarkable story. Even though he was seriously ill, two Christians named Dusty Miller (Methodist) and Dinty Moore (Catholic) cared for him and dressed his wounds. Even as other POWs were fighting among themselves because of the horrific circumstances; the two Christians patiently cared for Ernest. Prior to their tireless care, Ernest was unable to stand. Amazingly though, Ernest eventually recovered enough to walk out of the “Death Ward.”
The Christian love shown by Miller and Moore changed other POWs attitudes and they started helping fellow prisoners. A new atmosphere was born. Even some Japanese officers’ attitudes changed. Then POWs built a church to worship Christ in the jungle. They cut bamboo and made a space surrounded bamboo trees with an opening (but no doors). They made an altar from bamboo trees and put a cross and lamps on it. The Body of Christ (a church) can be anywhere, even in the most unlikely places. Wherever Christ’s love exists, the Holy Spirit also exists. Christ is present when two or more people get together in His name. During the Christmas service in 1943, two thousand people worshipped and praised God.
Prior to the war, Ernest was agnostic but his experiences as a POW led him to accept Jesus Christ as his Savior and Lord. Even after he learned of the tragic deaths of Dusty Miller and Dinty Moore, Ernest’s faith was not shaken. Instead, his faith strengthened and his commitment to God grew. After the war, he became a Presbyterian, moved to America, and eventually became chapel dean of Princeton University.

I learned this story from a Japanese Christian article based on Ernest Gordon’s book, “Miracle on the River Kwai.” This is a miraculous story about a church of hope born in the depths of despair. Like the miracle in today’s text that happened because of God’s love and compassion towards desperate people; a similar powerful miracle happened even in a desperate situation like WW II.
I believe these kinds of miracles happen even today. When we hear the news nowadays, it is truly heartbreaking listening to what’s occurring in Gaza, the Ukraine, and some Southeast Asian countries. However, in the midst of these desperate situations, Jesus Christ’s compassionate and loving relationship with humanity through various churches reveals God’s power which allows us to be gracious, joyful, loving, and hopeful. As part of the Body of Christ, the church we are expected to and can do great things in His name. Amen.
Pr. Hitoshi Adachi

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