マタイ 15:21-28
一番の歌詞の終わりは、「あなたにとって私、ただの通りすがり。ちょっと振り向いて見ただけの異邦人」 と歌う。 そして、二番の歌詞の終わりは、「あとは哀しみもて余す異邦人、あとは哀しみもて余す異邦人」とくりかえし、「哀しみだけが残る」という歌詞。
さて、久保田早紀さんの話をしたところで、福音書の内容に入っていきたい。しかし、今日の福音書の前半部分は、福音と言えるのかどうか、考えてしまうような内容。 聖書の箇所、最大のフォーカスはイエスと異邦人との関係。イエスはユダヤ人だった。そして、登場している女性はカナン人。
イエスと弟子たちは、ティルスとシドンに旅をする。 そこはイエスと弟子たちにとっては、あきらかに異邦人の町。そして、登場するカナン人女性もイエスにとっては異邦人である。
そして、イエスとその弟子たちを見つけ、ついて行き、次のように言う。「主よ、娘が悪霊に苦しめられています、この私を憐れんでください。」とお願いする。しかし、イエスは、なにも応えない。 それどころか、弟子たちからは、「この叫びながらついてくる女を早くおいはらってください。」とまでせかされてしまう。
それで、イエスは2回目の返答をする。「子供たちのパンをとりあげて、犬にやってはいけない。」と。。。 何という発言だろうか? 子供たちとは、イスラエルの民のこと。そして、子犬とは異邦人のことを指す。 差別発言とも言えるかもしれない。
しかし、同胞たちへ、「神の国は近づいた。」といって伝道しても、ユダヤの指導者たちや、イエスの子供時代から知る人々への伝道は難しかった。 しかし、優先順位が低いと思っていた、異邦人の中に、イエスの救い主とする信仰を表すものが登場してきた。 今日の福音書にあった、カナン人の女性や、ヨハネ4章にある、サマリア人女性も、イエスを救い主とした。
長い歴史で見るならば、ユダヤ人の数を上回る、とてつもない数の異邦人たちがイエスの信仰者となった。 ユダヤ人からはじまったキリスト教会であるが、異邦人であろうがユダヤ人であろうが絶対なる神、主イエスからの救いを受けられるという信仰が確立し、それがユダヤ民族から始ったキリスト教会を様変わりさせたということが言えるのではないだろうか。
先週の金曜には、第二次世界大戦が終了して69年が過ぎ、70年目にはいった。しかし、異国間、民族間の間で戦争が繰り返されている事実がある。 異国で育った人々と、また異なる民族と、どのように接するか。 自分とは異なる国や文化で生まれた育った人々と、どうつきあうか、また異なる宗教を信じる人々と、どうつきあうかは大きな課題である。今一度、異邦人であろうが、主の救い、憐れみを受けられると確信したカナン人女性の姿に学べるところがあるのだと思う。
最後に最初に紹介した、久保田早紀という女性について、もう一言述べておきたい。日本人の彼女からは、異邦人が大ヒットした後は、これといって、ヒット曲は聞かなかった。しかし、最高のGood News 、3年後には、彼女自身がイエスから見れば異邦人ではないということに気づいた。そしてキリストを救い主として受け入れ、洗礼を受け、クリスチャン歌手としての地道な活動をしているそうだ。
この世の中に、失望してしまうようなニュースがたくさんあるが、しかし、父と子と聖霊なる唯一の神が、国籍、民族、文化にかかわらず、私たちを救いだしてくださる。 主イエスキリストにあって、私たち異邦人は、異邦人だからといって、主の愛が受けられないということは全くない。民族や国籍にかかわらず、イエスの信仰を通して、主の憐れみを受け、喜びの人生を歩むことができる。私たちは決してイエスからみて外国人だから関係が無いとか、キリスト教は外国の宗教だということではない。 日本人にも世界のどこに住むどこの国籍の方々にも、主にある平和をひたすら願い祈りつつ。アーメン
“Despite Being A Foreigner”
Matthew 15: 21-28
May Grace and Peace be poured into the hearts of the people gathered in this sanctuary!
About 35 years ago, in Japan, there was a great hit song called “A Foreigner” by singer songwriter Saki Kubota.
At that time she was a music major in college and was not a Christian, FYI. The story goes that the poem and melody suddenly came to mind and she wrote this song. This is a sad tune and is a song of heartbreak.
Let’s listen to it: (first 2 minutes only. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xo7bTmN6THw )
Although the girl loved a guy, it was one sided and her love was not returned by him. The last line of this song is “when you told me I am just a foreigner.”
From here, I want to talk about the Gospel today but I am not sure if the first half of the Gospel text is really good news or not. For me, the focus of the story is the relationship between the Gentile woman and Jesus.
Jesus and the disciples were traveling around the regions of Tyre and Sidon. These regions were obviously foreign to Jews. The Canaanite woman, a foreigner to Jesus and the disciples, appeared before them.
Her daughter was possessed and tormented by a demon; as a mother she was desperately concerned about her child. There was no one else whom she could ask for help. Therefore, she thought her daughter could be healed by Jesus, since she heard that many people were saved by Jesus in the regions around Galilee.
She could see Jesus and the disciples and said, “Have mercy on me, Lord, Son of David; my daughter is tormented by a demon.” However, Jesus did not respond, at first, to the foreign woman’s plea. Not only did Jesus remain silent, the disciples urged Jesus, “Tell her to go away. She is bothering us with all her begging.”
Then Jesus started saying a few words to her: “I was sent only to help God’s lost sheep—the people of Israel.” What? Can you imagine Jesus said such a thing?! But she came and worshiped him, pleading again, “Lord, help me!”
So Jesus spoke after the second response. “It isn’t right to take food from the children and throw it to the dogs.” What does this sentence mean? Based on the context, the children are Israelites and the dogs are Gentiles (i.e. foreigners). At first glance, this is an unkind thing to say.
However, for the Gentile woman, talking with Jesus was her only option. Therefore, she still believed Jesus could do something for her daughter. So, she used Jesus’ own words convincing him to help and responded to Jesus, “That’s true, Lord, but even dogs are allowed to eat the scraps that fall beneath their masters’ table.”
She already had firm belief, whether you were Gentile or Jew, you can receive God’s mercy and grace. She showed her unshakable faith to Jesus.
Jesus’ first and second responses were seemingly discouraging. However, Jesus saw her determined conviction and his third response was 180 degrees different from his previous responses. He said, “Your faith is great. Your request is granted.” And her daughter was instantly healed.
What is this story telling us today 2,000 years after Jesus had this conversation with the Canaanite woman? Jesus was a Jew and all his disciples were also Jews. They were colleagues who shared the same culture and spoke the same language. I think it was true that they thought that the Jews would be saved first since the Old Testament taught them that they were the chosen people.
However, even if they proclaimed that the kingdom of heaven is near, the Jewish leaders and people who also knew Jesus since childhood could not and did not believe that Jesus was the messiah. However the reality was Gentiles, like the Samaritan woman or today’s Canaanite woman first believed Jesus was the Lord and Savior.
If you looked at history from a perspective of a span longer than 2000 years, a tremendous number of Gentiles, rather than the Jews, had the conviction first that you are saved through the faith of Jesus Christ. Therefore, although the Christian Church was born in Israel and it was started in the Jewish community, Gentiles greatly changed the demography of Christian Church. Almost 2 billion people (out of 7 billion) now have faith in Jesus Christ. Two billion is a big number but it is still less than 30 percent of the world’s total population. Also, there are always new generations born into this world. Therefore it is critically important to pass on the Christian faith to the next generation.
Just this past Friday, August 15th was the 69th anniversary of the end of World War II. However, we still experience tensions and wars among different nations, races, and religions. It is a huge task learning how to relate with the people from different countries and cultures or who have a different faith than you do. I think we can still learn from the Canaanite woman.
Let me conclude this message by sharing what singer songwriter, Saki Kubota is doing now. After she released the song “A Foreigner,” she never released another similar pop song. However, her story does not end here and there is something exciting to share.
As I said in the beginning of this message, she was not a Christian at that time, but three years later, she realized that she was not just a foreigner to Jesus Christ. She accepted Jesus as her Savior and Lord, was baptized, and became a Christian singer songwriter. She has worked hard, ever since, as a Christian singer sharing the good news and proclaiming His unconditional love to others.
Even though we experience and face tough situations in our daily lives, there is one God, Father and Son and the Holy Spirit, who saves us, regardless of our nationalities, our cultural backgrounds or our race. We receive salvation, grace and joy from Jesus, despite our differences, because we are all God’s beloved children. We are never foreigners to Jesus. Amen.