September 15th, 2014


牧師説教, by admin1.




自分の状況判断の甘さ、自分のことばかり考えていたこと、恥ずかしさが襲ってきた。ばかなことをした。さて、どうしたらよいのだろう。 彼は、そのことを私に打ち明けた。 私に話したところで、その恥ずかしいことをした事実は、もう永遠に消えることがない。 じゃ、どうしたらいいんだろう。 
本日の福音書、また一番弟子のペトロが話し出す。 兄弟が罪を犯したら、何回許せばよいか?という質問をする。「7回ですか?」 聖書には、7回という数字がよく出てきており、7がひとつの完璧な数字と言われる。  
イエスは7の70倍、つまり490回までも赦しなさいといわれる。訳によっては77回とも訳している場合もある。 それは、491回目は赦さないようにとか、78回目は赦さないようにという意味ではない。無限に赦しなさいといわれているようなもの。
そして、イエスは例によってたとえ話をはじめる。 このたとえ話は3部構成になっている。 第一部は王様の住む宮殿での出来事。その王様は、家来たちに貸した金の決済をしはじめた。 一万タラントン借金している家来が、王の前に連れて来られた。一万タラントンというとおそらく現代の価値にして、何兆円とかの金額かと思う。 

そして、話は第二部に入ってくる。街中で事件が起こる。 例の何兆円もの借金を帳消しにしてもらった家来が街に出て、彼に現代のお金にして百万円程度の借金をしている仲間に出会う。すると捕まえて首を絞め、「借金を返せ」と言った。仲間はひれ伏して、「どうか待ってくれ。返すから」としきりに頼む。しかし、承知せず、その仲間を引っぱって行き、借金を返すまでと牢に入れた。それを見ていた仲間たちは、事の次第を見て非常に心を痛める。
そして第三幕、仲間たちが王様の所に行き、事件を残らず告げた。そこで、主君はその家来を呼びつる。 そして「不届きな家来だ。お前が頼んだから、借金を全部帳消しにしてやったのだ。わたしがお前を憐れんでやったように、お前も自分の仲間を憐れんでやるべきではなかったか。」 そして、王様は怒って、借金をすっかり返済するまでと、家来を牢役人に引き渡す。
そして、イエスは、弟子たちに言う。 「あなたがたの一人一人が、心から兄弟を赦さないなら、わたしの天の父もあなたがたに同じようになさるであろう。」

しかし、最高のグッドニュースが、神から人類に与えられた。 たとえ話の中で、王様が家来に対して借金を帳消しにしてくださったように、神は人類の罪、私たち一人一人の罪を赦してくださる。 どうしてそんなことを言えるのかというと、最高の出来事、神の子、イエスがこの世に来られて、十字架の死と復活を通して教えてくださったから。
赦しは、修行を積んだり、何かの行いによって罪が赦されるわけではなく、イエスを救い主と信じること。 イエスが語られた言葉が聖書に残されて、この御言葉を信じるときに実現する。神の贈り物である洗礼を受け、また、イエスの体と血、聖餐をいただくなかで、罪が赦されるということが実現する。主イエスの信仰によって、負い目は負い目でなくなり、希望と喜びをもって歩めるようになる。

この世の中で、さまざまな程度はあるが、馬鹿なことをした、恥ずかしいことをした、取り返しのつかないことをした。 いろいろある。 あきらかに自分の間違いだったのに、それを友人のせいにして、のうのうと生きようとしてしまうことがある。 そこには、当然、人々の目があり、非難の目を感じる。人々の責める言葉はなかったとしても、自らの心の中には、良心の呵責というか、自分自身で感じる、負い目がある。 
取り返しがつかないという言葉を使ったが、肉親の病や事故に自分がかかわっていて、あのとき、あういう治療をすればよかったとか、あの時、あんなことをしなければよかったという思いがある。911で亡くなった方の中には、家族の用事のために、現場に行き亡くなった方もいて、その家族はたまらない。 自分も赦せないし、もちろん、アルカイダだって、テロ組織だって赦せない。だれによって、赦されるのだろうか?  

今週も、父、子、聖霊なる唯一の神を信じて赦されて、喜びの信仰生活を送ろう。 またその最高の知らせを知らない方々に、いや頭では知っていても体験していない方が、信仰生活に導かれ体験できるようになるという希望を抱いて、日々の生活を送ろう。 アーメン

Even in Our Indebtedness
Matt: 18:21-35

May Grace and Peace of Jesus Christ be poured into the hearts of the people gathered in this sanctuary!

What does it mean if you say, “I owe you” or “I am indebted to someone”? Is it always about owing money? Similarly, there are times that “I did something wrong to you” or “I did something stupid and someone is emotionally hurt and I am emotionally hurt, too.” At those times, you could say “I sinned” but you may not have literally sinned and it’s more like a “Shame on me, I should’ve known better.” situation.
One of my friends told me about his experience. He was involved in a car accident, a four-car pileup. He was driving his nice car and stopped at a traffic light. The third car back from his car hit the second car. The second car hit another car behind him. And lastly, that car hit the bumper of his car. He heard distinct collision sounds three times.
Even though his car’s bumper was slightly hit, he was in no danger and was not injured. Right after the set of collisions, he got out of his car and carefully examined the bumper damage. While he was inspecting his car, he realized the two collisions behind him were much more serious ones. The second from the last one, the lady’s car was hit from behind and she hit the car in front of her, so her car was almost totaled. She could not open the driver’s side door and could not get out. The air bag had activated and it looked like she was injured. Therefore, several people were trying to rescue her and get her safely out of the car.
After the accident, he felt great shamefulness. “Why didn’t he realize sooner that the collisions behind him were much more serious?” “Why didn’t he help rescue her first rather than just seeing if his car was OK?” What he did could not be changed. He made certain choices that embarrassed him. What should he have done?

In today’s Gospel, Peter again started the conversation with, “Lord, how often should I forgive someone who sins against me? Seven times?” The number “7” often appears in the Bible and “7” is commonly thought of as a perfect number.
Responding to Peter’s question, Jesus said, “No, not seven times, but seventy times seven!” which is 490 times… In a different translation, it says “seventy seven.” Both translations strongly suggest that you should forgive the 491st time or 78th time as well. Indicating Jesus meant us to always forgive those who harm us whether it’s ourselves or others.
Then Jesus started a parable. This story has a three part composition. The first part details an incident that happened in a king’s palace. The king decided to bring his accounts up to date by collecting money from servants who had borrowed money from him. In the process, one of his debtors was brought in who owed him the equivalent of several million dollars.
He couldn’t pay, so his master ordered that he be sold—along with his wife, his children, and everything he owned—to pay the debt. But the man fell down before his master and begged him, “Please, be patient with me, and I will repay it all.” Then his master felt pity, released him and forgave his debt.

The second part begins in town. The forgiven servant went downtown and saw a fellow servant who owed him a few thousand dollars. He grabbed him by the throat and demanded instant repayment. His fellow servant fell down before him and begged for a little more time. “Be patient with me, and I will repay it,” he pleaded. But his creditor wouldn’t wait. He had the man arrested and put in prison until the debt could be paid in full. When some of the other servants saw this, they were very upset.
Then the final part begins: They went to the king and told him everything that had happened. Then the king called in the man he had forgiven and said, “You evil servant! I forgave your tremendous debt because you pleaded with me. Shouldn’t you have mercy on your fellow servant, just as I had mercy on you?” Then the angry king sent the man to prison to be tortured until he had repaid his entire debt.
Jesus concluded the story saying “That’s what my heavenly Father will do to you unless you forgive your brother or sister.”

God forgives the tremendous debt, of sin, we all carry, so we should forgive those who harm us. As I said earlier, this story is a parable. The king is God and the servants are human beings. Even though it talks about money, it is talking about sin as well. Especially in the first part, the amount was a large amount that no individual could repay in a lifetime. Human sins cannot be erased by human actions or money paid.
However there is tremendously good news that God gave to humanity. As we noticed in the parable, God showed His compassion to the fellow servants and forgave our sins completely. How can God do such a thing? It’s because God sent his son, Jesus, to this world and taught us through his words and also through his death on the cross and resurrection.
Our sins are not forgiven through our study or whatever human action we may perform. They are forgiven through faith in Jesus Christ, which involves the belief that Jesus is the Savior. When we believe or accept the gift, of Grace, from God, we are forgiven. Through faith means through the Word and the sacraments, the Holy Baptism and the Holy Spirit, we are released from our indebtedness and walk with hope and joy.

In this world, we often encounter our failure, shameful acts, or doing something which cannot be recovered from. When it happens, even though it is his or her fault, the person blames someone else saying “it is not my fault” and goes on with their life. However, there are eyes of others and most importantly there are the eyes of God focused on this world. God knows everything you do and think. You feel that other people are blaming you and you feel that you did something wrong and suffer from your guilty conscious. You feel indebtedness.
I mentioned something which cannot be recovered from. When we encounter the death of a family member or someone beloved due to illness or accident, we often feel guilty because we think if we did something differently he or she would not die. There are still many people who feel that way about 9/11 or 3/11, the Japanese earthquake and tsunami. People feel that they cannot forgive themselves. How can he or she be forgiven? Who will forgive them?

There is one who releases us from our indebtedness, from our guilty conscience, and forgives all our sins.

And once you realize this, in response to this gift of Grace you will forgive others, too, as Jesus teaches us to do. We can never repay God for the gift of His son Jesus Christ, but God releases us from our tremendous indebtedness (i.e. our sins) and still loves us anyway. This week, let us be forgiven through our faith in the Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit, eternal God, and live with Hope and Joy. Let us also proclaim the good news to people who feel the burden of indebtedness, and let’s invite them to church. They will learn to forgive themselves, when they realize God has already and will always forgive them. Amen.
Pr. H. Adachi

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