マタイによる福音書 21:33-46
本日与えられた福音書、イエスのたとえ話は、ある主人がいろいろな工夫をして立派なぶどう園を作った。 そして農場主は農夫たちに貸して旅に出かける。旅の間に農夫たちがぶどうを収穫する時期となった。農場主は当然そのぶどうの一部をもらえるものと思い、農場主の使用人何人かを農夫たちのところへ送った。
豊かな土地の管理を任されたイスラエルの民は、神の思いから離れていき、自分勝手に振舞うようになる。 神はその御子、イエスも送ったが、そのイエスさえも十字架にかけて殺してしまう。本当にひどいできごとだが、神はイエスを復活させて、さらに、イエスは弟子たちや、多くの人々を赦す。彼等はイエスの十字架刑を止めることもできず、むしろ十字架刑に加担したにもかかわらず、赦す。
神は宇宙を創造し、地球も創造、配備し、さらに人類が生まれ存続繁栄するようにとてつもない配慮をしてくださっていた。たいへんな恵みをいただいている。 神はとてつもない自然エネルギーを備えてくださった。 そして私たちは創世記に書かれている通り神からそれらを委託されている。
私たち個人個人は 神に豊かに祝福され、とてつもない才能を託されている。言い換えるなら、一人一人が、何かを委託され、それらを運営するように任されている。今私たちは、ひとりひとり、振り返り、自分に委託されたことは何なのかということをよく思い起こしたい。電気、ガス、水道などの資源、お金、地位、知識や知恵、友人、家族、などなどは神からさずかったものの本の一部に過ぎない。
しかし、私たちは罪深い人間であるが、最高の知らせは、神はそのような私たちでも赦してくださっている。だからといって、わたしたちは、無駄な浪費を続けてよいわけではない。私たちは、一人一人、昨日までの行いとは違う行動をとるように、神に迫られている。どうか一人一人、神の御心がどのようなことなのか、しっかり祈り願い、そして神の望まれることを実行するように、謹んで申し上げたい。アーメン 安達均
Tenants Entrusted to Manage the Vineyard
Matthew 21:33-46
May the Grace and Peace of Jesus Christ be poured into the hearts of the people gathered in this sanctuary! Amen.
There is a famous article in Japan titled “Ichibyo Ga Ichinen wo Kowasu” which means “One Second Destroys One Year” written by Kazuaki Itoh. For the last two decades, this article has been included in a Japanese language textbook for fifth graders. I think a similar idea was originally discussed by scientist Carl Sagan in the late 20th century. Anyway, it is a common understanding that 4.6 billion years have passed since the earth was born. Out of which, human beings have lived only 3 to 4 million years.
Let’s assume that 4.6 billion years equals one year. In other words, let’s assume that the earth was born January 1st at 0:00 a.m. And let’s assume that the current time is December 31st midnight of the same year. When is the time that human beings first appeared on the earth?
The answer is about 5 p.m. on December 31st. So if we assume the history of earth is one year, the history of man is only 7 hours. Human beings became so active using fossil energy like coal then oil in the last 200 years. Which is only 1 second assuming that 3.5 million years equals 7 hours.
This one second might be destroying nature and the environment that was created during the long history of earth in one year. The article is a wakeup call for humans to realize how aggressively we are using natural resources that were created by God.
In the Gospel text today, Jesus talks about an analogy. There was a landowner who prepared a well-equipped vineyard. He entrusted the vineyard to tenants and went to another country.
When the harvest season came, the landowner obviously thought that he should receive a portion of the harvest, therefore he sent his servants to the tenants to retrieve some of the grape harvest. However, the entrusted tenants did not think that they should give a portion of the grape harvest to the owner, and instead, they killed the servant.
Since the first servants did not come back, the landowner sent other servants several times, but the same thing happened. Every time the servant was killed. Therefore, the landowner thought that if he sent his son, he would probably be more respected.
In the end, the landowner sent his son. However, again, when they saw him, they said “This is the heir. Why don’t we kill him and get his inheritance? Then, they seized him, threw him out of the vineyard, and killed him. This is a sad story.
However, this is not just a story, but this is analogy about something that would and did happen. The land owner was God, the servants were the prophets, the son was Jesus, and tenants were Israelites, or I should say the scribes and leaders of Jews. God prepared the wonderful land for Israelites. God brought Abraham and Sarah to the promised land. God made it possible for their offspring to live there.
However, their offspring started taking for granted all the benefits and gift prepared by God, then they began worshipping false gods. Although God sent prophets and tried to redirect the Israelites, they did not listen well to what the Prophet said.
Then Israelites, the tenants, acted more selfishly. Even though God sent his Son, Jesus Christ, they put him on the Cross and killed him. In spite of this terrible incident, God resurrected Jesus and let him forgive the disciples and many other people, even though they helped in Jesus’ death or they did nothing to stop Jesus’ death.
This analogy written in the Bible is a message not only for Israelites, but also for human beings living now in the 21st century. Together with the Word in the Bible, with knowledge gained from archaeology and natural sciences has caused us to rethink how God has been relating to human beings. I think Carl Sagan was a genius to bring the environmental situation to humanity’s attention. Even though Sagan studied the universe, he cared deeply about Earth and its environment.
God created and equipped the whole universe and the earth so that human being could live and prosper. He prepared tremendous rich resources for humans. We are entrusted to manage them by God as written in Genesis.
Here, I would like to come back to the story, “One Second Destroys One Year.” Human beings use resources at an alarmingly fast rate. This has been happening for the last two hundred years and might cause catastrophic effects for future generations.
Each individual is richly blessed by God. God gives tremendous talents and gifts to each individual. In other words, each one of us is entrusted to manage something. It is good to think about what each of us is entrusted with by God. Natural resources, money, status, intellectual properties, friends, and family are a few of the many things we have been entrusted by God.
Are we using or utilizing those entrusted resources appropriately as God really wants us to use them? Are we squandering those resources by using them too rapidly? I do not think there is anyone who can say “I have been using the resources most appropriately”, because all of us contribute to excess energy consumption.
However the good news is we are forgiven through faith in Christ, but it does not mean that we can continue to use our talents and gifts inappropriately. I believe each of us is invited to act differently from how we behaved yesterday. I believe, the Holy Spirit is positively changing each one of us. Please seriously pray about God’s plans for you and I humbly suggest that you follow what God guides you to do. Amen.
Pr. Hitoshi Adachi