October 21st, 2014

2014年10月19日 聖霊降臨後第十九主日聖餐礼拝説教「神に返すものとは?」

牧師説教, by admin1.

マタイ 22:15-22


神さまからいっぱいいただいている恵みに対して、どのように応答したらよいか? それはクリスチャンが少なくとも一回は考えることだと思う。サンデースクールで小さい子供とこんな会話があった。 
でも聖書には、10個もらったら一個、神様にお返しするように、書いてあるという話をして、1個だけ残してあとは子供に返す。そうするとびっくりする。「えっ、神さまに返すのはたった一個だけでいいの? Pastor の言うことはなんか間違っているのじゃないの?」しかし、先生は9個はもってなさいという。 

本日与えられている聖書に書かれている出来事、当時の政治情勢を説明する必要があると思う。イスラエルは、政治的にはローマ帝国に占領されてしまった状態だった。 さらに、イエスキリストという御方が現れ、革新的な教え、また偏狭の状態にある病人や悩める人を奇跡的に救われることがおこった。 
イエスが「税金を皇帝に払うべきではない」と言ってくれれば、ローマ皇帝から白い目でみられて、ローマの軍隊がイエスを死刑にするのではないか。 また、逆に、皇帝への税金を払わないといけないというならば、それは神に背くものという理由で、イエスを追求していけると考えていたのだろう。 

そして、イエスは「皇帝のものは皇帝に」という答えをまず出す。 それは皇帝に税金を払えばよいということはおっしゃる。 しかし、それだけでは終わらない。 さらに「神のものは神に返しなさい。」と言われる。 

この質疑応答の中には、イエスの深い知恵が含まれていて、いろいろなことを教えられると思う。 ひとつは、ユダヤの指導者のたくらみを見事にかわしている。 ローマ皇帝へ税金を納めることの大切さだけを話したわけではなく、それとは別に、ユダヤ教における、献げる大切さを述べられ、ローマの政治をつかさどるものも、宗教リーダも、これではイエスを追求できない。
さらに、この聖書の言葉から、よく問題になる、政教分離の大切さを教えられているという解釈もできるのかもしれない。 しかし、私は、このイエスの最後に言われた、「神のものは神に返しなさい。」というこの一言には、人類の根源的かつ普遍的、また全宇宙をも包括してしまうような大きなメッセージが含まれていると思う。
「神のものは神に返しなさい。」と言われた人類は、「神のものって一体何なの?」という質問を自問自答する必要があるのだろう。 考えてみてほしい。 今日、日曜の朝がみなさんに来た。ここにいる全員にまちがいなくきた。 この朝はだれのものでしょう。
このすばらしい日ようの朝というものは、人間が努力して創りだすことができるものではない。あるいは時間というもの。 私たち人間は何をするにしても、時間の経過とともに、人生を歩んでいるが、この時間というものだって、人間が作りだしているものではない。 「時間をつくって宿題しなさい。」と子供にいうことがあったとしても、それは、与えられた時間の中で、人間は何々をしよう。といって行動しているわけだ。 

いっさいのことが、神との関係なしにはなりたたなかった。。。すべてのものが神に帰属している。イエスは今日新たに、私たちに「神のものは神にお返しするように。」教えられた。  最初の子供たちへの話に戻りたいと思う。 子供の考えは正しいのだと思います。 10個与えられたら、1個どころではなく、もっともっと神様にお返しする。 私たちのいだだく時間でも健康でも、家族のことでも、すべてが神様の思いに従うように、神様に祈り、神のために働き、神に返していくということがとても大切。アーメン

What Should We Give Back to God?
Matt. 22: 15-22

May God let the words spoken in the sanctuary abide with your will, and through the Word may your grace and peace be poured into the hearts of the people gathered in this sanctuary!
What should we give back to God to adequately thank him for abundant grace that he has provided us? This is an important question in our lives. I think teachers or parents should talk to children about this.
The following is an example a pastor discussed with Sunday school children. The pastor placed 10 apples on the altar and gave one to each child. The children were very pleased, but the pastor asked, since there is nothing on the altar, should you give back some apples to God? The kids gave back 5 apples.
Then pastor said, in the Bible, we are taught to tithe, which means to give back one out of ten. Then the pastor gives four apples back to a child and leaves one on the altar. The kid says with wonderful smile, “Are you sure, God wants only one and can I keep nine? Pastor, there’s something wrong. Are the nine apples really mine to keep?” Pastor says, it is OK keep the nine apples.

When discussing the gospel text today, I believe some background information is necessary. In Israel, 2000 years ago, the region of Judah and Israel, was politically controlled by the Roman Empire. In the midst of a politically challenging situation, Jesus Christ appeared and saved many who were sick and otherwise afflicted.
Jesus’ compassionate actions were problematic for Jewish leaders, because they thought that people’s sicknesses or afflictions were outcome of people not observing the law. So Jewish leaders, Pharisees, and teachers of the law thought people deserved the difficulties they suffered and they would be well when they followed the law. Therefore, Jesus was a not welcomed presence for the leaders of Judaism at that time, and they wanted to kill him by arrest and punish him for what he said.
Then a Jewish leader asked Jesus a question, “Is it lawful to pay taxes to the emperor, or not?” Why was he asked this question?
Because, if Jesus answered “you should not pay tax to the emperor,” this would put him in opposition to the Roman Empire and they may kill him. And, if Jesus answered “You should pay taxes,” this is a problematic and inappropriate answer for Judaism and they may pursue arresting Jesus.

Before answering to the question, Jesus said, “Show me the coin used for tax.” And they brought him a denarius. Then he asked them, “Whose head is this, and whose title?” Since there was Emperor’s head and it was carved by the Roman Empire, they answered “It is Emperor’s.”
Then, Jesus answered “Give therefore to the emperor the things that are the emperor’s,” he continued his answer by saying, “Give back to God the things that are God’s.”
There is a tremendous wisdom in Jesus’ reply. We may learn several important things from what Jesus said. Firstly, Jesus tactfully evaded their plot to arrest him. He not only emphasized the importance of paying taxes using the Emperor’s coins, but also highlighted the importance of giving back to God the things that are God’s, both the Roman Empire and Jewish leaders could not pursue the plot based on what Jesus said.
Secondly, people may interpret that Jesus was teaching the importance of the separation between Church and State from what he said, “Give therefore to the emperor the things that are the emperor’s, and to God the things that are God’s.” I believe there is an especially important message, which is a basic and ubiquitous principle that may even apply to the whole universe in the words “Give back to God the things that are God’s” that Jesus taught at the end of Gospel text today.

We, human beings, that are taught this concept, we need to ask a question, “What are the things that are God’s?” Please think to yourself, “What are the things that are God’s?” We are enjoying fellowship and worship on this Sunday. To whom does this Sunday morning belong?
This wonderful morning could not be created by humanity’s efforts or works. Not only the morning, but think about time in general. Whatever we do, as time goes on, we walk through our lives. We are not able to create more time – there are only 24 hours in a day. Of course, parents or teachers may say, “Take more time to finish your homework!” However, we are not really making time, time is a thing God gave us, and within our given time, we try to do something. Again, we cannot create more time, but God created the whole universe, and concepts of time and space.
Let’s, now, think about easier concepts. How about status, income, friends, family, or your stable life? You might say due to your efforts you earned or made your status, income, etc. However your efforts were aided by others, there were your parent’s or parents’ efforts, or your ancestors’ lives that were originally created by God. Your efforts were accomplished because God given/made aspects such as, your healthy body, good genes, positive traits, and a nurturing environment.
Nothing could be made without the one that started the whole universe, and time and space. There is nothing on Earth that has no relationship with God. Even though people may say “I do not have a relationship with God,” or “I do not believe there is God.” People, whether male or female or different races, ethnicities are created by God and they are God’s. Let me go back to the story and discuss what the Sunday school child said to the pastor. The kid asked the wonderful question, “Are the nine apples really mine?” Even though that child kept the nine apples, all of them are still God’s. We are to utilize everything we have for God’s will, and give back everything to God. Amen.
Pr. H. Adachi

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