October 30th, 2014

2014年10月26日宗教改革主日聖餐礼拝 説教「真理は悩みを解消する」

牧師説教, by admin1.



子育ては一つの例であり、子供たちのことばかりではなく、自分の将来、あるいは自分の老後を心配していろいろ悩む現実があるのだと思う。「神様、いったい私の将来どうなっちゃうのでしょうか? 私の将来のために、何をすれば良いのでしょうか?」と悩む。 その悩みをやわらげるために、生命保険を検討したり、老後の健康保険はどのような選択肢があるのかとあれやこれやと悩む。ひとつひとつの選択肢を検討することは、たしかに重要な決断になってくることではある。 しかし、あれをしなけらばこれをしなければと考えを巡らしすぎ、疲れ果ててしまうようなことは、本当に将来を保証するのだろうか?

ユダヤ教のリーダたちは、律法を守ることが義とされるとする考え方であったため、イエスが偏狭の中にある人々を奇跡的に癒し、救っていたため、困っていた。 イエスを殺そうとたくらむことすらしていた。そして、毛頭、イエスの言葉にとどまる余裕はない。そもそもイエスの言葉にとどまるという意味も、イエスの言う真理がなんなのかもわかりえない。


このようなイエスとユダヤ教のリーダたちの会話が交わされている。今日、宗教改革記念日曜礼拝に与えられている言葉、宗教改革から500年後に生きている私たちに何を語っているのだろうか?今日ここに集まっている会衆は、すくなくとも、主の御言葉を聞きに来られたすばらしい方々。 しかし、世の中全体をみまわすと、本当にいそがしい方々がたくさんいてカリフォルニアの礼拝参加者はわずか7%ともいわれる。

今週、みなさんにぜひ実行していただきたいと思うことがある。 将来のために、あれもしなければ、これもしなければと思うのは、横におき、休息のときを持とう。 しっかり、神が自分の中にいることを実感するときを持とう。 そして神への語りかけは、「私の将来の命のためにどうしたらいいのすか?」ではなく、「私の中にいてくださるあなたの命のため、私はどうしたらいいのでしょうか?」という問いかけ、祈りの時間を持とう。主なるイエスが、真理が、私たちの人生にどんなにかすばらしい計画を持っておられ、歩むべき道へと導いてくださっているか、祈り、黙想しよう。 あれやこれやと悩み苦しむ人、神から背いてしまい日々を歩んでしまう私たちに、主イエスキリスト、真理が、ささまざまな悩みを解消してくださる。 アーメン

“The Truth Will Set You Free From Your Troubles”
John 8:31-36

May Jesus Christ be present among us and within us, and May the Peace of our Lord be poured into our hearts! Amen.

Do you feel a sense of freedom in your lives? Those of you who are raising children or helping your children to raise your grandchildren may love your family but do not necessarily feel free.
For the future of the children or grandchildren, parents spend and time and money to try and ensure a better life for them, and many parents are tired.
Taking children to soccer, piano lessons, art classes, and taking them to school (in addition, some parents take their children to Japanese school) is time consuming, as such, being a parent can be exhausting.
Parents’ busyness because they’re thinking about their children’s/grandchildren’s future is just an example. People are not only concerned about their children’s future; they’re often concerned about their own futures. People wonder, “Oh God, what I should do for my future?” When people reflect on their lives, they consider life insurance and healthcare options, make dietary changes, and exercise more. Each one of these life decisions are important things to think about. However, does overthinking about these things help guarantee a better life?

The Gospel text today is the conversation between Jewish religious leaders and Jesus. He mentioned to the leaders, “If you continue in my word, you are truly my disciples; and you will know the truth, and the truth will make you free.”
For Jewish leaders, they could not truly believe what Jesus said, because to them following the many religious laws meant that you’re righteous and you deserve being saved. Contrary to the Jewish leaders’ beliefs, Jesus unconditionally healed the sick and saved the marginalized.
Then, the Jewish leaders asked a question which missed Jesus’ point entirely. They said “We are Abraham’s descendants and have never been slaves of anyone. How can you say that we shall be set free?”

In response to this question, Jesus’ reply was something like this: “You are truly the descendants of Abraham and were freed from slavery. And you may be able to make your own decisions. However, the fact that you do not receive my words and do not accept the truth told by the true God’s son is sin.”
Turning away from God and walking your own path is sin. This willfulness causes you trouble which makes you slaves to sin. You are misunderstanding that you become righteous and are freed just by following God’s various laws.
Even though the true God’s son is here in front of you, you are not accepting what I am telling you. The word I am telling you is the truth and the truth will make you truly free from all bondage.”

What do God’s words teach us today 500 years after the Reformation began? All of you are setting a good example, because you’ve made it a priority to come here and listen to the Word in the midst your busy lives. However, there are still so many people who cannot believe that Jesus’ words are the truth.
There are still so many people who misunderstand and do not believe or accept Jesus’s invitation of unconditional love and salvation. They don’t realize, yet, that attending worship makes their lives so meaningful and allows them to connect with God. It is through this connection with God that you realize His plans for you. However, we as Christians, really need to remember God, the Word, the Son of God, Jesus Christ, is the truth. Jesus Christ, who was born 2000 years ago, killed on the cross, and resurrected is God, the Word, and the truth. To say it plainly, Jesus himself is the truth.

St. Paul wrote a few decades after Jesus’ resurrection in Colossians Chapter 3, verse 3, that “your life is hidden with Christ in God” and explained that Jesus is in you. In other words, Jesus Christ is your life. 1500 years ago, Martin Luther explained our lives using a metaphor of a horse and wagon. Luther said, you might think that you are controlling the horse, in other words, you are the driver of the coach, but that’s not really the case. Jesus is controlling the horse; he is the ultimate guide and you are the horse. I would say this was the rediscovery of the Gospel.
God, our Lord, Jesus Christ is your life. He is among us and he is within us. You have probably heard so many times that Jesus loves you. You have also heard so many times that Jesus died on the cross and was resurrected to forgive your sins.
Today, we are learning another important thing; Jesus is the truth and lives within us. Jesus Christ is the truth and your life. Let us remember that Jesus taught the disciples and he is still teaching us now. So here is one thing I want you to do this week. Set aside your busy schedule and your possible anxiousness for a few moments. Take a quiet moment and remember Jesus Christ is in you. Jesus has a wonderful plan for you now and in the future. Pray to God, talk to Jesus and listen to what He suggests when you ask “What should I do with your (Jesus’) life?” and “How do I stay true to what Jesus wants for me?” After you take those quiet, unanxious moments to reflect upon your life I pray that you realize that the truth, Jesus Christ, will set you free from all your current troubles. Amen.
Pr. Hitoshi Adachi


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