November 26th, 2014


牧師説教, by admin1.

 ルカ福音書 17:11-19



今週木曜は感謝祭である。今年で私が南カリフォルニアに来て18年目になる。復活ルーテル教会あるいはKing of Glory ルーテル教会で、感謝祭イブに感謝礼拝が行われなかった年があったかどうか覚えていない。はっきりしているのは、今年は、両教会とも、水曜の夜の礼拝はない。感謝祭当日も礼拝はない。実際問題として、昨年の感謝祭イブの礼拝は、礼拝出席者があまりにも少なかった。まるで、日本語礼拝の時の人数程度しか、礼拝堂には人が集まらなかった。にもかかわらず、私はその時のことを良い方向に向かっているのではないかと、ポジティブにとらえたい。なぜ良い方向なのか?ということは、このメッセージが終わるまでの間に、一人一人が気がつくと思う。
ネイティブアメリカンとイギリスからやってきたピューリタン、ぜんぜん育った環境も違う、言葉も通じ合えない二つの異なる民族が、自然の恵みである食べ物を共有しあい感謝したということなのかもしれない。 しかし、自然の恵み、に感謝したということだけでは終わらなかったのだと思う。アメリカンインディアンも、清教徒たちも、自然の恵みを与えてくれた方、神に感謝したのだと思う。

今日の福音書の話に触れたい。イエスを出迎えつつも、距離を置いてイエスに憐れみを願った10人の思い皮膚びょうの人々、一人はサマリア人、他の9人はユダヤ人だったのだろう。 サマリア人とユダヤ人は、通常健康な人々の間柄であれば、話もしないような関係だった。でも、サマリア人とユダヤ人がともにいっしょにいて、同じ社会から孤立されていた孤独感の故、サマリア人とユダヤ人という違いを超えて、励ましあって生きていたような面があったのかもしれない。
しかし、感謝と賛美の気持ちは、だれかから神に感謝し賛美しなければならないといわれて、感謝の念、賛美の気持ちが本当に湧いてくるのではないように思う。この一人のサマリア人は、なぜ、わざわざ戻ってきて、感謝と賛美をささげる気持ちになったのだろうか? この質問についてよく考える必要があるのだと思う。

与えられて福音書の中で、あなたはどこにいるだろうか? 皮膚病は治ってうれしいけれど、わざわざ、イエスに挨拶に来なくてもよいと判断した9人のユダヤ人の一人か、あるいは、ユダヤ人に混じって、神の御業を実感してイエスに感謝したサマリア人だろうか?
私たち、サマリア人のような体験、あるいはピューリタンの体験と似たような体験を持っているのではないだろうか? 病が治ったとか、食べ物でおなかがいっぱいなる、なにかに成功した、あるいは失敗したけど慰められた。。。自分に起こったことが、神の御業、主イエスキリストの親密な愛情によるものだと気づかされた経験がおありなのだと思う。

さて、今日私たちは、何を神から学んでいるのだろう。 冒頭に述べたように、今週木曜日は感謝祭だが、前の晩も、木曜日も感謝祭の礼拝はない。今週感謝祭が無いということより、もっと大切なことは、神の慈しみ深い愛は、一年に一回の感謝祭だから働いているというわけでなく、毎日、どのような時であろうが、私たちひとりひとりに豊かに働いている。どうか、この感謝祭の時、神の愛を、ご近所の9人の人々と分ち合ってほしい。というのは、カリフォルニアは毎週日曜日に教会に来る人は10%以下というデータがある。 だから、平均的には、一人の周りには、9人以上の礼拝に来られない方々がいることになる。 自分たちに起こっていることが、神の愛の御業であることを分かち合った後は、日曜日には、感謝と賛美のために礼拝に来るように祈ろう。どうかすばらしい感謝祭の期間を過ごされますように。そして毎週日曜には、全員もどってきて、感謝と賛美の礼拝で会おう。 アーメン 安達均

“Overwhelmed with Gratitude”
Luke 17:11-19

May Grace and Peace come to you from our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!

There are people who believe that nature is God. I often feel God through experiencing nature. For example, when I experience the beauty and wonder of the Grand Canyon, Monument Valley, or even locally in Huntington Beach; I feel God’s presence. The notion that “Nature is God” is not the end of the story about God.
There are also people who not only believe that nature is God but they further believe that the entire universe is God. When we visit open spaces at night, away from cities, we marvel at the sight of shooting stars or the moon. It is at times like these, we sense God’s greatness. The notion that “The Entire Universe is God” is not the end of the story about God.
I believe many of us have thought about what is beyond our universe. I believe there is someone who is beyond the entire universe, beyond our concepts of space and time. Even though that existence is so different and difficult to fully comprehend, I still feel that the existence is so personal and close to me. This close, personal existence wants to reach out to everyone on Earth. This is the depth of God’s love and generosity, despite the vast distance between us, humanity, and God; He invites us to be close to him.

This Thursday is Thanksgiving. This year is my eighteenth year in Southern California… I do not remember if there was any year that we did not have Thanksgiving Eve service either at Resurrection or King of Glory. But this year, and this week, we won’t have Thanksgiving Eve or Thanksgiving service at either church. The reality is, that last year, we had very low worship attendance Wednesday night; it was like one of the Japanese language services. Even so, I think this is a positive and not a negative. I hope you will know why by the end of this message.
I heard the story how Thanksgiving started many years ago. Puritans recently arrived on the North American Continent in the early 17th century, could not harvest enough food. So the Native American Indians shared their harvest with the Pilgrim Fathers and celebrated the first Thanksgiving in 1621 in Massachusetts.
Two different ethnic groups, Native Americans and Puritans, they came from very different environments and different cultures but they shared a meal, were thankful for the harvest and celebrated together. They were not only thankful for nature providing a bountiful harvest, but they thanked the one who created all things in nature…God.

Let’s talk about what was written in the Gospel. Out of ten lepers who approached Jesus, there was one Samarian and the other nine were Jews, Samaritans and Jews were two different ethnic groups, separated by culture, and they usually did not talk each other. Because the lepers were isolated from society, the one Samaritan and other nine might have shared the same feeling of desperation and loneliness despite their differences.
The point of the Gospel is not the fact that two different ethnic groups helped each other, but that Jesus healed 10 lepers who were marginalized and desperate. He showed them compassion regardless of whether they were Samaritan or Jew.
Only the Samaritan came back to Jesus to thank and praise him. I believe it is true when Jesus teaches that not only the Samaritan but the other nine should have also come back to thank and praise Him. In this Biblical story, God is teaching us, in this 21st century, to still come thank and praise Him.
However, I do not think we give thanks and praise because someone orders we should. I think it is important to ask ourselves why this Samaritan came back to Jesus to thank and praise him.
I believe not only he was happy because his leprosy was cured, but he was overwhelmed with gratitude. Even though he was not a Jew, he recognized that Jesus loved him. He recognized what happened to him was an act of Jesus, the Lord, God. Therefore he came back to Jesus.

Where are you in this story of Gospel? Are you one of the nine Jews, who were healed by Jesus but did not come back to him? Or are you the Samaritan who thanked and praised God?
I think it is important to walk in the Samaritan’s shoes. If it is difficult for you walk in a Samaritan leper’s shoes, it is important to walk in a Puritan’s shoes who came to North America 400 years ago and received God’s harvest from the Native American Indians. We need to be ever thankful to God for all things.
Please ponder this, each one of us has had experiences like the Samaritan had or the Puritans had. Your sickness was healed, your stomach filled, or success achieved because of the love of God and due to the personal, gracious, and merciful relationship with Christ.
During Holy Communion, when I say “the body and blood given and shed for you,” In my experience many people receive the sacrament saying “For Me” and consume it joyfully. I also notice that very many people are overwhelmed with gratitude.

So what are we learning from God today? I think you already know that there is no Thanksgiving service this Wednesday or Thursday at either Resurrection or King of Glory. However, I think more importantly we should learn that the love of merciful Jesus Christ works within us not only during certain days (like the Thanksgiving holiday), but His unconditional love is within us every day and every moment of our lives. Please proclaim God’s love to your nine neighbors whatever their ethnicities are, and pray that they come to this Sanctuary so they can thank and praise the Lord, as well. Have a Wonderful and Happy Thanksgiving and see you every Sunday! Amen. Pr. Hitoshi Adachi


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