マルコ 13:24-37
マルコ福音書は、わたしたちに新たな視点を与えてくれると思う。イエスは、人の子、つまりイエス自身が、雲に乗って来るのを見ると、教えられている。 イエスがこのように話しているのは、旧約聖書の中にダニエル書の中で預言されていたことをイエスは教えているし、またそのことは、パウロが書いたテサロニケの信徒への手紙などに出てきているイメージとも重なる部分があると思う。
人の子が雲に乗ってくると、イエスが話されていたことは、サンテグジュベリの想像力を掻き立て、ほかの星からやってきた、王子様という設定が浮かんできたのではないかと、私は勝手に想像している。 イエスのことを聖書の中でいろいろな呼び方がされるが、平和の君とかThe Prince of Peaceなどとも呼ばれる。 星の王子様の英語のタイトルはThe Little Prince。
イエスがエルサレムに弟子たちと共にやってきて、なにを見てきたか? それは、まずエルサレムの宗教指導者たちに幻滅したともいえる。さらに弟子たちさえも、神殿にあこがれ、神殿の石のひとつひとつに感動したようなところがある。
その目には見えないものをもっとも大切にして、歩むことに、大きな希望があるのではないだろうか? サンテグジュベリは戦争中に自らが操縦する飛行機が墜落して亡くなった。しかし、70年たった今も、「星の王子様」日本語だけでもいろいろな出版社からいろいろな方が訳して、本屋に並んでいる。
新たに、クリスマスを待つ季節が訪れた。新たに再臨を待つ季節が訪れた。今年、何か異なる新しいことが待ち受けているのではないかと思う。新たに、主イエスの慰め、励み、希望を覚えつつ、今年のクリスマス、再臨を待つときを、主イエスの信仰によって心がたかめられ、毎日毎日を歩めますように。 アーメン 安達均
What Does It Mean to “Keep Awake”?
Mark 13:24-37
May the Lord’s Grace and Peace be showered into the hearts of the all people in the sanctuary!
“The Prince From A Star”(Literal Translation from the Japanese title of “The Little Prince”) is a bestselling book written by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, a French aristocrat, a poet, writer, and aviator. The story sold, 80 million copies worldwide and 6 million copies in Japan. It was published in 1943. The next year, Saint- Exupéry died; it became very popular and remains popular many years after his death.
The Japanese translation was published in 1953, but it became very popular in late the70s, early 80s. Now there is a museum, dedicated to “The Prince From a Star” in the town of Hakone. The story remains popular because it is entertaining but also asks philosophical questions.
I believe there is a strong connection between “The Prince From a Star” and the Bible. Saint-Exupéry was educated in Jesuit schools. “What is essential is invisible to the eyes.” is a main theme in the book and can be applied to Gospel teachings.
Today is the first advent; it is already the beginning of a new year in the church calendar. This year, we read the Gospel of Mark on most Sundays. However, today’s theme is still the second coming of Jesus (the eschatology: the end of the world/times), we have been reading the Gospel of Matthew for the last several weeks in our lectionary.
I think St. Mark also gives us new insight about our preparedness for the second coming of Jesus. Jesus teaches the disciples that “the Son of Man is coming in clouds with great power and glory.” The way Jesus spoke is similar to what was prophesized by Daniel in the Old Testament, and a similar description is also written in Second Thessalonians by Paul. You may find similar images discussed in other books both in the Old and New Testaments.
The fact that Jesus told “the Son of Man (Jesus himself) will come in clouds” might have aroused Saint Exupery’s imagination to write the story about the prince coming from a star… Jesus is called many things but one title is “The Prince of Peace.”
I believe what Jesus wanted to teach the disciples was focused on in the last paragraph of today’s gospel. Jesus used the phrase “keep awake” four times, and he ends his teaching with this phrase. (In the Japanese translation… the literal Japanese expression of ‘keeping awake’ is “keeping your eyes open without sleeping.”
What does Jesus mean when he says “Keep Awake”? Does this really mean “keeping your eyes open without sleeping”? Theologians and pastors I know have a common interpretation that this does not mean “do not sleep.”
And I agree with that interpretation, but to further our discussion, I would say Jesus meant the opposite: Rather than not closing your eyes, you should close your eyes and think about what Jesus meant. Since we read only certain brief verses of the Gospel every Sunday, we might not get what Jesus really meant. I believe in order to think about what Jesus really meant in the today’s verses, I think we need to reflect upon a couple of previous chapters.
According to Chapters 11 and 12, Jesus came to Jerusalem with his disciples… What did he see there? I would say, Jesus was disappointed with the religious leaders. Not only he was unhappy with them, but he also was not pleased about the disciples since they were admiring the temple as well as the rocks underneath the temple.
However, I think Jesus is teaching the disciples to think…Are the temple and the rocks truly important to your life and should you ultimately rely on them? Are the heavens and earth which you see things you should truly rely on? Please close your eyes and now please reflect upon what Jesus said, “Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will not pass away”
There will be the end of world, the end of times. There will be the time Jesus comes again. We need to prepare for it. If you have any difficulty thinking about the end of the world or Jesus’ second coming, just think about your departure from this world, the physical death of your body. Then, please think about the period after your passing. I think we need to think about what is most important after your own death. What should you truly rely on the most? Are they food, clothing, or possessions to live? Or is it money you can trust most? Let me go back to “The Little Prince.” I think the book’s central, most impactful theme is “What is essential is invisible to the eyes.”
Saint-Exupéry died in a plane crash during World War II but “The Little Prince” remains extremely popular. As Christians, we can say there is a great hope in trusting the most essential person invisible to our eyes. Even though physical death is unavoidable and even though the heavens and earth may pass away, there is eternal hope and joy in living and relying upon the invisible truth, Jesus Christ. During this new season of Advent, as we prepare for the second coming of Jesus Christ, let’s walk together, with wholehearted belief relying on what we, Christians, cannot see. Amen. Pr. Hitoshi Adachi