December 16th, 2014


牧師説教, by admin1.

ヨハネ1: 6-8, 19-28 


この言葉、単に「正しいことを言う人」というより、さらに二段階くらい深い意味がありそうだ。一段階目は、裁判で「証人」という言葉が使われるので、「証人」という言葉を用いて説明すると良いように思う。 そこには目撃した、なにかを実体験したという人が証人となる。

しかし、その「光についての証し」とはどういうものなのだろうか? この質問に答えるには、「さてヨハネの証しはこうである。」という言葉で始まる、ヨハネ1章19節以降を読んでいくことが大切。

そのような状況で洗礼者ヨハネが出現する。 それは、「お先真っ暗」なユダヤに顕われた「期待の星」のような存在だった。マルコ福音書によれば、ユダヤ地方エルサレムの全住民が洗礼者ヨハネの元にやってきて、悔い改めの洗礼を受けたとまで書いてある。
しかし、エルサレムの指導者たちには、疑う者もいた。そして、司祭たちを遣わして、洗礼者ヨハネに質問させる。「いったいあなたはだれなのか? 待望していた救い主なのか、あるいは、過去の預言者エリヤの再臨か、あるいは、一預言者なのか。」これらの質問に対して、どれもNOと言う洗礼者ヨハネであった。
そして、洗礼者ヨハネは、イザヤの言葉を引用して、「私は荒れ野で叫ぶ声である。主の道をまっすぐにせよ」という言葉を述べる。 しかし、司祭たちは何を言われているのかよくわからないので、「いったいあなたはなぜ洗礼を授けるのか?」という質問をしてくる。 
2000年後の今、この荒れ野での「声」と「光」はどういう意味を持っているのだろうか? この待降節にあって、真っ暗闇の状況に生きておられる方々がいる。しかし、人々は光を見る。現実問題、真っ暗なところに行けば行くほど、星が輝いてみえる。
冒頭で「あかしびと」には二段階の深い意味があると思うと言った。その二段階目は、この礼拝堂にいる一人一人が、永遠の命に生きる信仰生活を通して、世の光、平和の君、最高の慰め人、愛の塊のような御方を証しする、「あかしびと」である。 アーメン 安達均

“The Voice and the Light”
John 1: 6-8, 19-28

May the Light of our Lord, Jesus Christ, shine in the midst of our world’s darkness.

The congregation that Satoko and I attended before we came to the US, has been issuing monthly newsletter called “証人” “Witness.” If I explain the characters, the word means: “言” “to say”; “正” is “right”; and “人” is “Person or People”. Therefore, the phrase is “People who say right things.”
However, when we use “Witness” in Christianity, it has much deeper meanings. I believe it has two deeper levels. The first level is: the term “witness” is often used in court cases; most people are familiar with this meaning. A “witness” in a court case is a person who makes a statement in a court about what he or she knows, has seen, or experiences.
When we refer to “witnesses” in Christianity; they are people who experience God’s love and talk about what they experienced. I think the Gospel today gives us another level of deeper meaning of witness, so that we might see shining light of Jesus Christ even more clearly. I read the word “Witness” three times from the gospel of John verses 6 through 8.

I believe the Gospel text today is indicating that all people on earth might see the Light, Jesus, through the witnesses, beginning with the Baptist John, 2000 years ago. However who is the Baptist John? What is his witness or testimony? To know John better, we need to read carefully from verse 19 that starts with the words, “And this is the record of John.” Well, this is like a court document….
But even before that, I think it is better to explain some historical background. 2000 years ago, the pressure from the Roman Empire was becoming stronger and stronger. Jews were politically controlled by Romans. Jews were pressured to not only observe Jewish laws but they were required to follow Roman law, as well. They felt like they were losing their own Jewish identities and could not a see bright future. In other words, they were living in darkness both physically and spiritually.

In the midst of the darkness, the Baptist John revealed testimony. As indicated in the Bible, he was a “star”. According to the Gospel of St. Mark, “And people from the whole Judean countryside and all the people of Jerusalem were going out to him, and were baptized by him in the river Jordan, confessing their sins.”
However, there were people among Jewish leaders that doubted John and had their suspicions. As such, they sent priests from Jerusalem to ask about John’s identity. They wondered if he was the messiah, Elijah, or a prophet. Answering these questions, John was very clear that he was not the messiah, Elijah, or a prophet.
He stated “I am the voice of one crying in the wilderness, Make straight the way of the Lord” quoting from Isaiah. But the priests did not understand what he meant, so they continued asking, “if you were not either of them, why do you baptize so many people?”
Then, John said with a loud and powerful voice, “I baptize with water: but there will be the great one after me.” His voice declared that there will be the light among the darkness in Judea. John’s voice declared the light.

What does the voice and the light mean for those of us living in the twenty first century? During this advent season, we still know there are people who live in the midst of darkness. However people may see the light. The reality is: the darker the place, the light shines brighter.
There may be people who say “I am not in the darkness.” However, no one can guarantee that they will never be in the darkness. There are cases where people experience sudden darkness. Some examples are a sudden layoff, an accident, an unexpected diagnosis, or the sudden death of your loved one. Even in those situations, you will see the light that completely changes your life. That light that impacts your life so deeply and totally changes your life. You recognize that the positivity that happens in your life is due to the light.
Let me get back to the word “witness” the person tells the right story. I believe that the witness is not only telling his or her story but showing God’s impact in one’s life, death and beyond. It’s been 2000 years ago, since John and there have been other tremendous examples of witnesses of Jesus Christ, God, our redeemer.
As a reminder, here is the second deeper meaning of witnesses. Each one of you is a witness who sees the light shine through your Christian life, death, and beyond. We should faithfully declare that Jesus is the light. Amen.
Pr. Hitoshi Adachi

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