December 29th, 2014

2014年12月28日 降誕後主日 聖餐礼拝説教 「シメオンが見たヴィジョン」

牧師説教, by admin1.

ルカ2: 22-40


考えてみると、彼が信仰深いということはとてもよくわかっていたが、彼が現役時代はどんな仕事をしていたか? 彼がどんなタイトルを持っていたのか、どんな家に住んでいたかなど、なにも知らなかった。

今日与えられた福音書には、シメオンという老人が描かれている。 彼はユダヤ教の司祭だったとは書かれていない。 どんな仕事をしていたか、どんなタイトルがあったかなど、よくわからない。 
老人はイエスを抱き上げ、神を賛美した。そして、さきほど福音書の拝読で読んだ、すばらしい祈りを述べる。 本日の説教タイトルは「シメオンの見たヴィジョン」としたが、シメオンは祈りの中に、こう述べている。「わたしはこの目であなたの救いを見た。」 

しかし、その向こうに、イエスの十字架の死を超えて、復活があった。 さらに死と復活の向こう側にある、主イエスによる、全世界の民の罪の告白と赦し、全世界の民への慰めと救いが、シメオンが見たVisionの中に含まれていた。

さて、今日、クリスマス直後の2014年最後の礼拝で、与えられた福音書を読む中で、私たちは、今日の聖書の言葉の中のどこにいるのだろうか。 とくに今年を振り返るとき、最愛の方を失くし、悲しみに直面し、今も苦しんでいる人々がいる。 最愛の人をなくさないまでも、自分の両親のことで、自分の子供や友人との間で悲しみや苦しみを経験したこともあったと思う。 その中で、ああすればよかったとか、あんなこと言わなければよかったとか、後悔や、罪を告白する場面もあるのだと思う。
それらは、みな2000年前、シメオンがイエスに会ったときに見たビジョンの奥に含まれていたのだと思う。 わたしたちはそのビジョンの中に入っている。 さらに、そのビジョンの中で、主なる神は、主イエスキリストによって、わたしたちのその苦しみ、しがらみから解放し、私たちを復元してくださる力を担っている。 そのために、父なる神が、人間の体をもって、この世に送ってくださった。 

しかし、そのようなことに関係なく、シメオンをはじめとする、私たちの先輩、すでに天に召された多くの信仰者たちがそうであったように、豊かなる聖霊の導きにより、目を覚まして、主を再臨されることを待ち望み続ける信仰生活こそ、この世に生きる最高価値の着物である。主イエスを身にまとって、今年最後の新しい1週間を歩み始めよう。そして、新たに、主に与えられる激励、永遠の命を覚え、感謝して2014年を終え、2015年の新たな時を迎えよう。それは新たなる困難に向かうことになるかもしれないが、シメオンがイエスを介して見たヴィジョンの中に含まれていること、常に主の救いがあることを覚えて立ち向かおう。アーメン 安達均  

“The Vision that Simeon Saw”
Luke 2:22-40

May the Lord’s Grace and Peace be showered into the people’s hearts who’re gathered in Resurrection Lutheran Church’s sanctuary! May the Word be a blessing to all who hear it! Amen.

There was one elderly person at a church. He never skipped Sunday worship, but he was always quiet and sat in any available pew. Even though he did not talk much, his presence was such a blessing to the church. The people who knew him and his family loved him. He and his wife (who passed away almost 20 years before) raised four daughters, who all became faithful Christians. And one of his grandchildren became a pastor a decade after his passing.
Even though he was over 85 years old at the time; his daughters planned a family trip to Israel. He and his daughters had a wonderful trip to the Holy Land and came back to Tokyo in good health. Their dad was happy and it was a memorable trip.
One day after they came back from Israel, the oldest daughter, who lived with him, returned home from work and found that her father went to his eternal home while sitting in his favorite chair, with the Bible open on his knees. When I look back, even though I saw him so often at church, in the sanctuary, I did not know what type of job he had, his social status, where he lived or other personal information about him. The only things I knew about him were his faithfulness and wisdom whenever we had conversations.

In the Gospel given today, there is an elderly man named Simeon. We do not know whether or not he was a priest or what kind of job he had in the past.
Things we know are: his name was Simeon, a common name among Jews; he was faithful and righteous; he was awaiting the savior’s arrival and the Holy Spirit guided him to live until he saw the savior.
Joseph and Mary came to the temple in Jerusalem to present Jesus to the Lord and offer their sacrifices according to Moses’ Law. At the same time, Simeon came to the Temple guided by the Holy Spirit. Therefore, Simeon saw and gave glory to Jesus; his life-long dream came true.
Simeon took Jesus in his arms and praised God using beautiful words. His words are in the prayer, which was read a short time ago in this sanctuary. Today’s message is titled “The Vision that Simeon Saw,” and in the prayer, it is written, “I have seen the Savior.”

To us, it seemed that Simeon was looking at the baby Jesus. However, Simeon was witnessing a miracle and he saw a very different vision from what we would have seen. The Holy Spirit allowed him to truly see baby Jesus.
After he said the eloquent words of the prayer, he told Mary some remarkable things which were not really beautiful but rather worrisome. He said that Jesus would be a stumbling block for some people, and she will be severely hurt. I think he might have seen the cross and the death of Jesus.
And of course he could see the resurrection. Even further, beyond death and resurrection, Simeon could see the salvation and the forgiveness of sins for all people. He could see God’s comfort to all people through the baby Jesus.
Based on what he said at the beginning of the prayer, I believe this was the last opportunity to see Jesus and he must have gone to heaven after he met Jesus. Even though Simeon died, I believe Simeon felt great joy because he could see his vision, which included the salvation of all people.

Today is the last Sunday worship in the year 2014. Where are we in the story of the Gospel we read? Reflecting upon what happened in 2014, there are people that have faced or are even now facing difficult situations. Some of you suffered very much due to your loved one’s death. Some people were anxious due to family, work, or friendship issues. There are also people who said hurtful things to others and are confessing their sins to God.
All of those troubled people were included in Simeon’s vision. Furthermore, in that vision, our Father, God, redeemed or is still redeeming us from all of our suffering, difficult situations and sins through Jesus Christ’s death and resurrection. Our Lord, Jesus Christ freed us from all of our bondage. For that purpose, our Father sent his son, the baby Jesus, to our human world.

Today we should come to the altar with our confession and receive the sacraments, Jesus’ body and blood. Then, we’ll recognize that we are all included in Simeon’s vision; he saw our salvation. In this world, people often care too much about one’s social status, clothes, accessories or personal possessions.
However, regardless of those outward indications of success, there are wonderful brothers and sisters who have gone ahead of us that loved the Lord, our God and were faithfully awaiting the second coming of Jesus Christ. When people are clothed in Jesus, they’re living a righteous life. Spiritual clothes are priceless and being right with God is worth more than any worldly possession. Let’s start the last week of 2014 clothed in Jesus, receiving God’s blessings and eternal life through communion. Let’s also faithfully face 2015’s opportunities and challenges. And remember whatever situation you may face, each one of you is in the miraculous vision Simeon saw through Jesus Christ. Amen. Pr. Hitoshi Adachi

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