キリスト教信者ではない方から、「聖霊ってなんですか?」と質問されることがある。 キリスト教では、三位一体という言葉、「父と子と聖霊」という言葉は繰り返し語られ、キリスト教信者でない方でも、よく耳にする言葉なのだろう。
この話は、三位一体をなんとなく理解しやすくしてくれる。 それにしても、聖霊ってなんなんでしょうか? いったいどういう役に立つのでしょうか? という質問は続いてしまう。
イエスの洗礼にまつわるストーリを語る上で、聖霊が大きなキーワードなのだと思う。イエスの洗礼において、聖霊の働きが、とても大きな役割を演じていることは間違いない。 そして、この説教の中で、一人一人が聖霊について、さらに掘り下げて考える時が与えられるように祈る。
そして実際に、後に来られるすごい方と言われていたイエスがナザレからヨルダン川にやって来てヨハネから洗礼を受ける。そしてイエスが水から上がった途端、とんでもない変革がおこる。 マルコは本日の福音書の10節と11節だけで実に簡単に述べているが、マルコの視点から、起こったできごとを考察してみる。
まず、「天が裂けた」と書かれている。 「天が裂ける」とはどういう意味か? その質問の前に、天の向こう側にはなにがあるかという質問をするのが良いと思う。 この地上の上に天があって、あるいは地球は宇宙に囲まれている、しかし、その天を越えたっところ、宇宙を越えたところに在る、神の存在があるのではないだろうか。
だから、天が裂けるというのは、天が裂けて、神が人間の世界に介入してきていることを表現しているのだと思う。 そして、三位一体の神の一つの位である聖霊が、強風の中で、はとがイエスに舞い降りてくるような様子をイエス自身が目撃される。 それは、人の子イエスに、神が介入して、イエス自身が神の子であることを自覚されたともいえる。
そして、そこにいた人々は、「あなたは私の愛する子、私の心に適う者である。」という言葉を聞き、大勢の人々が、イエスが神の子である証人になった。 そして、その後、イエスに何が起こったかというと、悔い改めよ、神の国が近づいたという言って、最高の知らせ、福音を世の人々に伝え始める伝道・宣教活動がはじまった。
以上、イエスが洗礼を受けた時の様子を振り返り、その後、イエスが宣教をはじめていったときの話をした。いったいその話を聞くことが、私たちにどういう意味があるのだろうか? 地上とか宇宙とか、私たちがイメージできることをはるかに超えた、すべてを司っておられる神の存在は、聖霊を通して、私たち人間の間に介入して来られるということではないだろうか。
この聖霊は、とてつもない力を有しており、人の存在と、目に見えない神の存在を結びつける力を持っている。 目に見えないけど、力があるなんて、そんなものあるわけないじゃないですか? と言われるかもしれない。 でも、そういうものはこの自然界に確実にある。 重力というものは目に見えないけれど、ニュートンの発見以来、目には見えなかったが、もともと物がひっぱりあっている力が存在している。
それは決して、私たちも、一人一人が別々のイエスになるということではなく、キリスト教会全体で、イエスの体をなしており、私たちは、キリスト教会の一部を成すようになる。 キリスト教会全体で推進している、宣教の業の一部を成す身になっている。 おひとりおひとり、聖霊の働きの中で、現代もイエスの宣教を行なっているイエスの体、教会の一部であることを認識して、新しい1週間歩もう!
“What is the Holy Spirit?”
Mark 1: 4-11
May Grace and Peace of Jesus Christ be showered upon the people gathered in this sanctuary!
Sometimes, I am asked by a non-believer, “What is the Holy Spirit?” In Christianity, the words, “Father and Son and the Holy Spirit” is repeatedly spoken; So much so that people, regardless of his or her faith, have heard of it.
In Greek, the word “pneuma” is used to mean spirit in a religious context, and its common meaning is “breath” or “wind.” However, even with an etymological definition, the concept of the Holy Spirit is difficult to grasp.
Some pastors and Sunday school teachers tell a story concerning the metaphorical connection between how water is capable of solidifying into ice or vaporizing into gas, which cannot be seen, and how the existence of God may become the man, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit, which is unseen like gas.
Christian teachers often talk about this metaphor to help others understand the Trinity. However, people are still left wondering what the Holy Spirit actually is, or what the Holy Spirit is useful for.
Today is the Sunday known as the “Baptism of our Lord.” only two weeks ago, we celebrated the birth of Jesus. Immediately following that, we read a story that took place about 30 years later, where he most likely became a carpenter, succeeding his father’s job as his first career. He spent over a decade in that career looking for something different. At that time, the Baptism John appeared in the wilderness along Jordan River, and many people were receiving the Baptism by John. Jesus came to Jordan to also receive the Baptism.
When we speak about Jesus’ Baptism, one of the key words is “the Holy Spirit.” The term undoubtedly has a tremendous impact within the celebration. Therefore, during this message, I hope and pray that God works on each one of us to think deeper about the Holy Spirit.
The Baptist John was six months older than Jesus and he also became a proclaimer earlier than Jesus did. However, we can say the only reason John became the proclaimer was to point out that Jesus would follow.
When Jesus came from Nazareth to Jordan to be baptized by John, John felt it was a bit awkward that he was baptizing the new proclaimer.
John was baptizing people by water, but the story foretold that the following proclaimer would baptize people by the Holy Spirit, which implied a significant change in the meaning of the Baptism.
When Jesus was coming out of water, there was a tremendously powerful thing happen. Even though Mark wrote this happening very simply and quick only in two verses, why do not we examine the incident a little bit.
Although the following passage is only two verses within the writing of Mark, it describes a tremendously powerful shift during the incident of Jesus emerging from the water during his baptism.
At first, it is written: “Jesus saw the heaven torn apart.”
What does this mean? Better yet, what is above heaven? God is above heaven and earth, so if the heaven were to be torn apart, God may come to the human world or intervene the world. The Spirit, a form of the Holy Trinity, was descending like a dove on him. This was witnessed by Jesus, since the subject of the statement was “Jesus saw.” This sentence is expressing that Jesus, a son of human being, realized himself that he was also the son of God. The connection between man and God happened and it was realized by Jesus.
Then, the people heard the words from heaven, “You are my son.” Not only did Jesus experience this, the people there also witnessed the incident that man and God connected by listening to heaven’s word, “Jesus is God’s Son.” Then, after 40 days of temptation that Jesus received in the wilderness, he started the ministry, the good news to the world starting from Galilee.
How does this story apply to our lives? How does it affect each and every single one of us now? Imagine a place beyond the universe, a place too difficult to grasp beyond space itself. Our god, who created everything, is watching over the world by the power of the Holy Spirit.
This Holy Spirit has the tremendous power and ability to connect God and Man. Like gravity, its strength cannot be seen with the human eye. The forces of nature has power over the human condition, yet we cannot witness it.
Much like how the Holy Spirit worked on Jesus right after his baptism, the same invisible Spirit started working on us when we were baptized in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Each one of us was connected to God.
No, this does not mean that each of us have become Jesus, but as the whole church is the body of Jesus Christ, each of us became a part of that body. The whole church, the Body of Christ, is proclaiming the good news and serving the world. In this new week, think about how you are a part of the Body of Christ that is powered by the Holy Spirit.
Pr. H. Adachi